What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 234 The birth of a new faction [Updated with 35,000 recommendation votes]

Just as Chinese players are addicted to the new "Battle Royale Mode" in "Martial Arts World", Li Shushan and Olivia in Japan are about to witness once again the increasingly rampant Japanese ghosts. How they were organized by the "Slit Girl" and then went to destroy those famous shrines.

As I said before, the target of "Gap Girl" is "Ise Shrine".

In order for more Japanese people to believe in the "Amaterasu Sect" and visit the real "Amaterasu Shrine", this false "Ise Shrine" will of course be destroyed. One of the three Japanese artifacts enshrined in it The "eight-tatami mirror" should also be returned to its original owner and returned intact to Zhao!

Yes, the Yata Mirror should be enshrined in the real "Amaterasu Shrine" headed by the Kikyo shrine maiden. "Ise Shrine" is a shrine that has no way of getting the favor of the goddess Amaterasu. What can be enshrined in the Yata Mirror?

In addition to the Yata Mirror, the other two artifacts, the Kusanagi Sword and the Eight-foot Magatama, should also be enshrined in the "Amaterasu Shrine" instead of being controlled by the mortal emperor.

In fact, for ordinary people, the "three artifacts" of Japan from ancient times to the present are just cultural relics. But for Li Shushan, the beliefs of the Japanese people from ancient times to the present embodied in these "three artifacts" can be transformed into magic power. Yes!

They are clearly equivalent to the precious "magic stones" in Olivia's plane!

And if you obtain Japan's "Three Artifacts", it naturally means you have three "Magic Power Banks". After all, the Japanese people's belief in the "Three Artifacts" is deeply rooted!

I don’t know how many Japanese comics and novels have mentioned the "Three Artifacts", which shows their status in the minds of Japanese people.

Therefore, planning to obtain Japan's "Three Divine Weapons" is also a task handed down by Li Shushan. It is not an important task, but there is no doubt that the three high-level familiars of Slit Kou Nu, Enma Ai, and Kikyo , will do their best to complete this task.

This time, the Rift Girl organized a wave of ghosts to attack the "Ise Shrine". The momentum will be extremely huge, and the ghosts participating in this operation even include the "King of Ghouls"-Sixteen Ye Feng!

Izayoi Kaede has been dormant for a long time. In fact, in a strict sense, he is not a ghost, but the earliest ghost controller.

It was after communicating with ghosts through the "Universal Translator" app that he figured out how to combine with ghosts, and then turned himself into a "ghoul".

Now that the "Universal Translator" app has been removed from the shelves, the impact on Izayoi Kaede is still relatively large. It's not that he can no longer communicate with the "man-eating little shougui" who merged with him, but that communication is no longer so convenient. .

In addition, he cannot use this app to continue to conquer other ghosts.

Therefore, the removal of the "Universal Translator" app has simply driven ghost masters like Kaede Izayoi crazy, and it has even blinded those who want to embark on the extraordinary path of "ghost masters", because they don't Now I know how to communicate with ghosts...

If the "Universal Translator" app is crowdfunded, it is estimated that in Japan, a land of "supernatural recovery", there will be countless ghost masters willing to donate money for it!

It’s really upsetting to see such a useful tool disappear just as soon as it’s gone!

This has even affected many Japanese researchers. They have already used this method of communication to get a lot of ghosts that can communicate. Let them cooperate with the researchers to do research to see if they can crack the mystery of the ghosts. .

And although nothing more in-depth has been researched yet, it can be said that Japanese officials have become more and more sophisticated in their grasp of the extraordinary system of "Ghost Controller".

The official selected some Japanese people who still have the spirit of Bushido and let them embark on the path of transcendence and become "ghost controllers". These people undoubtedly make the Japanese official more reassured. After all, they are originally loyal to the Japanese official and chaebol. They are loyal.

Moreover, these specially trained "ghost controllers" also have very strong willpower, which can greatly reduce the possibility of them degenerating into "abyssal ones". There are even some ruthless people among them who swear that if they degenerate, they will be killed. Commit seppuku as soon as possible to prevent yourself from becoming an abyssal and causing more serious consequences.

It must be admitted that the Japanese Bushido spirit is still very terrifying. Dare to resolutely commit seppuku and commit suicide, that is the standard configuration of the Bushido spirit!

And those who have the spirit of Bushido and embark on the road to transcendence are obviously more powerful than ordinary people who become extraordinary by chance!

And it is the results of these relatively in-depth studies that have increasingly expanded the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room".

Although the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" still enshrines "Yama Ai" as a "weapon of decisive battle", another faction of "extraordinary beings" has appeared, and they are determined to clear out the ghosts in Japan and restore a piece of the country. Bright world!

The leader of this "extraordinary" faction is none other than "Ghost Controller" Danzo Yamamoto, who has reached the "S-Class" rating!

Yamamoto Danzo was born in the Showa era in Japan. He was a true Showa man with the spirit of Bushido. This was not something that any later Heisei shogunate could compare with.

Yamamoto Danzo is not a soldier, but during Japan's national crisis, he resolutely chose to become a volunteer willing to accept any "ghost experiment"!

After undergoing an inexplicably painful living experiment, he successfully merged with a Class A ghost. It is said that this ghost appeared from Japan's "Yasukuni Shrine" and was a war criminal ghost!

Maybe it’s because Yamamoto Danzo is also a descendant of a war criminal, and he also has a bloodthirsty factor in his bones, so he and the A-level war criminal Riuki can be said to be a perfect match!

Then once Yamamoto Danzo became a "ghost controller", his combat effectiveness far exceeded those ghost controllers who were transformed from ordinary people and ghosts!

With the help of researchers, Yamamoto Danzo killed some thorn-headed "ghost hunters". These "ghost hunters" were artificially stimulated into "abyssal ones", and then became Yamamoto Danzo's prey, stimulating Yamamoto Danzo. growing up.

Hard work paid off, and the moment Yamamoto Danzo was promoted to S-class "Ghost Controller", the Japanese officials who supported Yamamoto Danzo's faction seemed to have a trump card!

The most unhappy person is probably Miyazaki Kazuhiko, the powerful leader of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". This elite bureaucrat who always likes to use the momentum of the decisive weapon "Enma Ai" to wave his baton suddenly found out that in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" In the "Countermeasure Room", there seems to be some bloated guy who can no longer direct.

Miyazaki Kazuhiko now always likes to wear rimless glasses, fold his hands, and look thoughtful, as if he is cosplaying a certain commander.

The third update today! ! !

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