What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 235 Let the whole of Japan feel the pain!

Kaede Izayoi, the "King of Ghouls", is undoubtedly more powerful than when he first became a ghoul.

Moreover, Izayoi Kaede has also expanded his group a lot. In a sense, those who choose to become ghouls have also embarked on the path to transcendence.

But this also means that they are completely on the opposite side of humans. After all, if ghouls want to survive, they must rely on human flesh and blood.

And there are many people who choose to become ghouls, but in fact they end up being completely irrational beings. Such ghouls will only become the prey of "ghost hunters".

Izayoi Kaede not only feeds on humans, but ghosts are also his prey. He also likes to spread his reputation so that he can gain more "fear".

However, Izayoi Kaede is not so arrogant as to go to the human base camp to deal damage, nor does he choose to go to the territory of "Amaterasu Shrine" to cause trouble. This has kept him living a very nourishing life, and his strength has of course steadily improved. His combat power has already reached S level, and now he has a faint tendency to break through to S level.

As long as he breaks through the S-level and reaches the super-S level, he will undoubtedly become one of the strongest supernatural beings in this island country!

Therefore, he could not refuse the invitation of the "Slit Girl". He was very looking forward to things like killing people and setting fire to the "Ise Shrine". It would be best to destroy the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people.

And as long as he does such a big thing, how much "fear" will he gain? At that time, ordinary people will definitely feel a sense of fear when they hear him as the "King of Ghouls"!

Izayoi Kaede thinks that he has grown up for long enough and can finally go out and do something earth-shattering. The ghoul organization he has now created is also very strong. Except for him, who is about to break through the S-level In addition to the "King of Ghouls", there are eleven other ghouls who are at least A-level.

It was such a huge force of extraordinary beings that made Izayoi Kaede swell up. He just felt that even if the powerful "Enma Ai" appeared, he and his organization would not be able to defeat the other party, but at least they would escape intact. There is no problem.

Now that he can escape unscathed, what should he worry about? Even if he can't defeat him, he can still return to his old nest and continue to develop. He believes that one day, he will be able to truly dominate everyone.

As for the fact that Izayoi Kaede is about to join up with other ghosts and jointly attack the "Ise Shrine", some members in his organization still have different opinions.

Some people feel that although such a big operation can indeed reap great benefits if it succeeds, and the reputation of the "King of Ghouls" will shock the entire Japan, the risks of this operation are also very huge!

The status of "Ise Jingu Shrine" in the hearts of Japanese people is indeed very high, so the spiritual pillar of the entire Japanese people will definitely be heavily guarded!

In such a situation, if you choose to launch an attack on it, you may lose a lot of the organization's vitality in vain...

Some members still have human reason and feel that they are Japanese, so they are somewhat resistant to destroying the "Ise Shrine". They always feel that such an act is too rebellious.

Izayoi Kaede, of course, sneered at the opinions of these members. He mobilized before the war like this: "Please note! Everyone here is already a superhuman! In our eyes, lower creatures like humans should It’s all chicken, duck and fish!”

"So, those guys who still think they are Japanese are idiots. For superhumans like us, nationality does not exist at all! Even if you think you are Japanese, then you show up in ghoul state Look in front of ordinary people, how would those ordinary people treat you?"

"You don't think that they will worship your extraordinary power and offer their own flesh and blood, right? This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

"The country of Japan is originally a completely decadent country. The people at the bottom are just cattle and sheep in the eyes of the powerful class. They can be exploited as much as they want. But after we become ghouls, we will never have to worry about being exploited by the powerful class. We And eat those powerful people as food!”

"This country needs some changes. We ghouls should be above all humans, keep all humans in captivity, and let them become our food and do research for us. Compared with those greedy ruling classes, we are At least it can make Japanese people more equal!"

"We are the real liberators, not just human-eating monsters. Those human-eating monsters are just trash who don't have the courage to become superhuman!"

"Our first step is to completely destroy the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people - Ise Shrine! Who is in favor of it and who is against it?"

Izayoi Kaede's pre-war mobilization was still very courageous and contagious. He did not regard himself as a man-eating monster, but a superhuman who should truly be superior to humans!

At the same time, he also packaged himself as a "liberator" and he wanted to bring changes to the entire Japan!

This idea comes from his growth experience. He has been bullied and bullied since he was a child, but he has no strength to resist anything. He also cannot understand why Japan has such a bad culture.

Now, he has mastered extraordinary power and accumulated such powerful power. It's time for the entire Japan to feel his pain. How many floors can a bag of rice resist?

Izayoi Kaede's powerful words certainly successfully unified the organization's thoughts, but it is obvious that the reason why he can truly make it impossible for people to refute him is that he is powerful enough. One person is stronger than the other eleven ghouls. Together they are stronger!

However, this big operation against "Ise Shrine" will definitely not be hidden from the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". It depends on how courageous the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" can come up with to face this unprecedented ghost. The tide is up.

Just because not only "Ise Jingu", but the other two major shrines "Heian Jingu" and "Meiji Jingu" will also be attacked by a wave of ghosts. Maybe "Meiji Jingu" is better because it is in Within the Tokyo metropolitan area.

In addition, famous shrines such as "Yasukuni Shrine" cannot avoid the fate of being destroyed. After all, the greater the reputation, the more "fear" a ghost will gain if it destroys them!

These false shrines without the protection of supernatural power will all be destroyed!

The only thing that can remain standing is Amaterasu Shrine!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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