What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 236 False propaganda kills people

Ordinary people in Japan are very pitiful because they have no idea that they are about to face an extremely terrifying ghost attack!

Due to the growing influence of Japan's "supernatural resurgence", Japan's Shinto beliefs can be said to have become more popular. Many ordinary people simply believe that no matter how rampant ghosts are, they cannot attack those gods who are blessed by the gods. Palaces and shrines.

Especially for those famous shrines and shrines, the areas around them are definitely very safe, let alone within the shrines and shrines. How can a being with the blessing of gods be trampled on by ghosts?

The huge popularity of "Amaterasu Shrine" on the Japanese Internet made it become an Internet celebrity shrine, but it also caused misunderstandings among many Japanese people.

That is, even that small shrine in a rural area can easily control ghosts and protect the lives of ordinary people. Then those big shrines and shrines that are more famous than Amaterasu Shrine must be It can also protect mortals!

Of course, these Japanese people will have misunderstandings because some shameless shrines and shrines have taken advantage of the limelight of "Amaterasu Shrine" to promote themselves. Some even launched their own shrine maidens, saying that their own shrine maidens , also has profound attainments in exorcism and defense.

Therefore, everyone must rest assured that our shrines and shrines can definitely protect you. As long as you make more offerings on weekdays and come to the shrines and shrines to worship devoutly, you can definitely guarantee that you will not be attacked by ghosts. Invasion.

There are also some shrines that simply copy the gourd and learn directly from the "Amaterasu Shrine", selling those so-called ornaments that have been blessed by the priests, saying that their existence can bless the people who wear them.

The ornaments sold by these shrines are of course very cheap. Many Japanese people who think that the prices sold by Amaterasu Shrine are too expensive naturally choose bargains. They probably have a kind of luck mentality, thinking that the prices sold by other shrines are Judging from the appearance and workmanship of the accessories, they seem to be no worse than those at Amaterasu Shrine, and I guess their effects won’t be much worse...

The most shameless shrine among them is of course the "Yasukuni Shrine". This shrine has certainly grown in size because of the S-class "Ghost Controller" Yamamoto Danzo in the "Super Disaster Countermeasure Room" who has established his own faction.

Not only does it claim to be the first shrine among Japan's three major shrines, it also promotes itself as being "invulnerable to all evil" because the shrines enshrine all war criminals, and they have too many lives in their hands. We are not afraid of attacks from any ghosts at all. Ghosts should be afraid of "Yasukuni Shrine"!

This kind of momentum obviously has the power of Japan's powerful class behind it, just like there are people behind the rise of Yamamoto Danzo in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". Otherwise, even if Yamamoto Danzo is a powerful extraordinary Or, don’t even think about establishing your own faction in such a short period of time.

Perhaps the "Yasukuni Shrine" is building momentum like this and hopes that its country's top leaders can continue to visit and worship. However, this is all in vain. Don't the real high-level people know how powerful these shrines are?

If there is a shrine that can produce extraordinary beings such as "Onmyoji" and "Priest", then Japanese officials will definitely strongly support its development.

In order to prevent the entire Japanese country's faith from being taken away by the "Amaterasu Shrine" that appeared out of nowhere, this shrine that appeared in a rural area is really beyond the reach of Japanese officials.

So much so that the place protected by "Amaterasu Shrine" is about to become Japan's "country within a country", but Japanese officials can only watch helplessly without taking any countermeasures.

The name of "Amaterasu Shrine" is "Goddess Amaterasu". It seems that it has really received the favor of the goddess. Devout believers can be given magical powers and embark on the path of extraordinaryness. Such a unique divine favor, How can it be compared with those shrines and shrines that can only pretend to be gods and ghosts?

Therefore, Japanese officials really have no choice. They really don’t want to see Amaterasu Shrine, which is not under their control, expand their influence, so they can only acquiesce to the three major shrines, and of course, many other shrines including the "Yasukuni Shrine". Shrines use various false means to attract Japanese people to believe in them.

But what the Japanese officials did not expect was that such behavior of turning a blind eye would one day lead to such serious consequences!

This day is obviously only the seventh day after the Japanese New Year, but many Japanese people still seem to be immersed in the atmosphere of the New Year, even though this year's New Year is no longer as festive as in the past.

On this night, more and more ghosts who appeared from nowhere began to gather and march towards the most important "Ise Shrine" among the three major shrines. The main target of the ghost tide is undoubtedly "Ise Jingu Shrine"!

In addition, there are some secondary goals, of course, famous shrines such as "Yasukuni Shrine".

Such a scene is like the real-time strategy game "Billions of Zombies". This game allows players to farm and build troops to resist the invasion of billions of zombies. Once the resistance is not successful, they will naturally be eaten by billions of zombies.

Now the number of ghosts in Japan is already very impressive. Not to mention "billions of ghosts", there must be at least tens of thousands. When these ghosts are organized and the target is "Ise Shrine", their momentum can definitely be Let ordinary people be scared out of their wits!

In fact, the Super Disaster Countermeasures Room has already received news of the tide of ghosts, but the key to the problem is that "Ise Shrine" is not within the Tokyo metropolitan area. If the Super Disaster Countermeasures Room also lets extraordinary people come out to fight against If those ghosts target "Ise Shrine", wouldn't the entire Tokyo metropolitan area also face great danger?

By then, if all of your base camp is stolen, the consequences will definitely be something that Japanese officials cannot bear!

Under such circumstances, the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" has held an emergency meeting. The meeting will of course discuss how to save the Japanese people's spiritual pillar "Ise Shrine" from the tide of ghosts, and at the same time ensure that Absolutely safe in the Tokyo metropolitan area!

And there is another most critical issue, that is, around "Ise Jingu", there are still tens of thousands of ordinary people who blindly believe that "Ise Jingu" can protect them. Some people even expect "Ise Jingu" to protect them. "The priest who is promoted as "not inferior to Platycodon" can take action and directly suppress the tide of ghosts!

"You are playing the piano randomly, how dare you promote 'Ise Jingu Shrine' like this!" Kazuhiko Miyazaki rarely slapped the table and cursed angrily.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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