The person who presided over the emergency meeting of the "Super Disaster Response Room" was of course the powerful leader Miyazaki Kazuhiko.

Although there have been other voices in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" recently, that is, the faction leader Yamamoto Danzo who also participated in this meeting, but in any case, Miyazaki Kazuhiko, who single-handedly made the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" develop to this extent, It still occupies a dominant position in the entire organization.

Moreover, Miyazaki Kazuhiko has more people to win over than Yamamoto Danzo. Judging from their appearance, Miyazaki Kazuhiko is more reliable.

Kazuhiko Miyazaki always wears a suit and ties, wears a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose, exudes the temperament of an elite bureaucrat, and has good management and organizational skills. He is an outstanding graduate of Tokyo University.

Danzo Yamamoto's dress, like many guys who become extraordinary people, is very average. He wears a kimono and wears a katana at his waist. It is said that this sword was also inherited from the ghost that merged with him. War criminals samurai swords. Countless souls died under this samurai sword because war criminals used it to engage in a killing contest with another war criminal.

Yamamoto Danzo also wore a headband on his forehead, with a big red dot on it, symbolizing the Japanese flag, like a dog-skin plaster.

He always shows his courage as a "Showa boy", but in the eyes of some people, he is not a "Showa boy", he is obviously a guy with a very bad mind.

But just because Yamamoto Danzo is powerful enough and is an S-class "ghost controller", he can indeed gather a group of extraordinary people who worship him around him, and there are big figures standing behind him. This is how he can become The real reason for the faction leader.

There is no way, the current "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" is no longer the small department that was just established, but a very powerful department. It has independent financial power, and it also controls the most powerful government in Japan. The extraordinary power!

If the power of these extraordinary beings goes out of control, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces' combat effectiveness will definitely not be able to clean up the situation.

When such a department becomes increasingly powerful, some big shots certainly don't want to see this department become monolithic. And the most important thing is that Miyazaki Kazuhiko is just a civilian-born bureaucrat, which really makes people unable to completely rest assured...

If Miyazaki Kazuhiko hadn't really had a good relationship with the "Enma Ai"-sama, his achievements in this department would have been plucked long ago.

In addition, since the popularity of "Amaterasu Shrine" has become higher and higher, and the shrine maiden Kikyo has also become known to the public, Miyazaki Kazuhiko also heard the saying "50/50 in a fight" from Enma Ai, and he began to express his interest in " Amaterasu Shrine" began to adopt a gentle policy.

Just like when he successfully knelt and licked Enma Ai, he also wanted to kneel and lick "Amaterasu Shrine" well, not to mention becoming a subordinate organization of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", at least to be able to obey the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" in name "This will undoubtedly further increase the influence of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", and at the same time allow him to make another great contribution.

Kazuhiko Miyazaki can be said to be very skilled in the process of kneeling and licking. He even promised to use the influence of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" to develop followers for the "Amaterasu Shrine" and the "Amaterasu Goddess Sect".

He has also read the doctrines and charter of the "Amaterasu Sect" and thinks that this sect is still very positive. It has the feeling of a Catholic religion wearing the skin of "Amaterasu". It is definitely not Japanese anyway. It’s the traditional Shinto religion.

But Miyazaki Kazuhiko doesn't believe in Shintoism. He doesn't think there is any use in believing in such things. If there must be something in this world that requires belief, then he would rather believe in himself!

Because Miyazaki Kazuhiko has relied on his own efforts since he was a child to become the big man he is now. Before he was admitted to Tokyo University, he vowed to get ahead.

However, what makes Miyazaki Kazuhiko very regretful is that as long as he follows his rhythm, "Amaterasu Shrine" will sooner or later be pulled into the chariot of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". Who knows that he is really good at kneeling and licking... …

The appearance of Yamamoto Danzo undoubtedly interrupted Miyazaki Kazuhiko's rhythm, because Yamamoto Danzo believed that "Amaterasu Shrine" was not orthodox and was definitely not the traditional Shinto religion of Japan. If this "Amaterasu Goddess Sect" was allowed "If it replaces Shintoism, it will obviously destroy the Japanese tradition!"

And Yamamoto Danzo was also very confident, believing that the combat power of the miko Kikyo in "Amaterasu Shrine" was not as high as imagined, so there was no need to spend any energy on her. Such a magic stick, There's something wrong with the brain.

Yamamoto Danzo not only came here alone, but also brought dozens of "A-level bosses" to form the so-called "roots", which instantly expanded the top-level combat power of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". few.

And this is also the capital that allows Yamamoto Danzo to establish his own faction. Many extraordinary people have chosen to join Yamamoto Danzo's faction, because his actions are indeed very passionate and radical, which makes the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", which was originally reasonable, "Now it has become a very arrogant organization, which is particularly strong whether it is facing ghosts or the people.

Miyazaki Kazuhiko, who is flexible and gentle, still feels uncomfortable when he meets a tough, iron-blooded and inflexible guy like Yamamoto Danzo. Miyazaki is used to everything in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" developing according to his own wishes Saki Kazuhiko now only feels that he has been severely constrained.

However, Miyazaki Kazuhiko still focused on the overall situation. Although the "roots" created by Yamamoto Danzo were completely beyond his control, in any case, those extraordinary beings were high-end combatants in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" You can indeed fight for the organization at critical times.

Of course, Miyazaki Kazuhiko actually still trusts what he considers to be the real trump card - Enma Ai. At the same time, he also has the contact information of the miko Kikyo. He believes that at the critical moment, if he shamelessly asks the miko Kikyo for help, the other party will definitely not Will ignore it.

At this time, Kazuhiko Miyazaki, who was slapping the table, was very angry. He said: "We must arrange manpower to organize the people to evacuate safely. Of course, this requires my extraordinary beings to stop the tide of ghosts and buy time for evacuation. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Yamamoto Danzo had a different opinion: "People do not need to evacuate! If they evacuate, wouldn't it destroy the majesty of 'Ise Shrine'? This is the spiritual pillar of our Japanese people! In addition, extraordinary No one should be put in danger because of ordinary people."

As soon as Yamamoto Danzo said this, the entire meeting fell silent.

The third update today! ! !

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