Shinsuke Abe had been watching very calmly.

Whether it was the frontal battlefield being broken through by a wave of ghosts, or the mysterious and confident Yamamoto Danzo being pushed to the ground by Kaede Izayoi and violently beaten, or even the great priest of "Ise Shrine" being tortured and killed by Kaede Izayoi , he had no intention of taking action.

This is certainly not to say that he is very cold-blooded, but that he feels that the time to take action has not yet come.

Shinsuke Abe was not prepared to take action until a fire broke out in the "Ise Shrine".

Because in Shinsuke Abe's mind, only the true "Amaterasu Shrine" is qualified to exist for this time and become the spiritual pillar of all Japanese people.

A building like "Ise Jingu Shrine" that has not been favored by the goddess Amaterasu always deceives the Japanese people in the name of the goddess Amaterasu. Such an existence should of course be completely destroyed!

When the people in "Ise Jingu Shrine" chose to flee in various ways due to the fire, Shinsuke Abe took advantage of the situation and got one of Japan's three artifacts, the "Yata Mirror" in his hands!

Then he once again chose to pray to "Goddess Amaterasu", hoping that the goddess could temporarily grant him the ability to use the "Yatata Mirror", otherwise it would still be a little difficult for him to face Kaede Izayoi next.

No way, Shinsuke Abe has not been on the road to transcendence for a long time. That is because his belief is too devout, which makes the magic he was given more powerful.

But there is still a bit of a gap between him and a real veteran transcendent like Izayoi Kaede.

Especially now that Izayoi Kaede has just trampled on the dignity of "Ise Jingu Shrine", and then directly set fire to this historic "Ise Jingu Shrine" in front of the entire Japan!

Such arrogant behavior undoubtedly gained him a lot of "fear". From now on, the fear of being the "King of Ghouls" will be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Of course, Li Shushan received the prayer from Shinsuke Abe at the first opportunity. He felt that Shinsuke Abe's prayer was quite reasonable. The most important thing is that as long as "Goddess Amaterasu" can grant Shinsuke Abe the use of the "Yatata Mirror", Then Shinsuke Abe’s faith will definitely become more pious!

Just because the "Yata Mirror" was originally an artifact used by God Amaterasu in Japan's history, of course Goddess Amaterasu should be able to use it now.

This is not a big problem for Li Shushan. The "Yata Mirror" can be regarded as a thing containing extremely high magic power. It is extremely simple to use it to activate magic.

When Shinsuke Abe received the response from "Goddess Amaterasu", he looked obviously excited. In this case, he can indeed be said to be invincible!

So, Shinsuke Abe finally appeared at this messy scene when the whole of Japan was in despair. He said loudly to Izayoi Kaede: "Since you have destroyed the false Ise Shrine, stop your atrocities. Let’s let these innocent people go, they will all believe in the true goddess Amaterasu from now on.”

In Abe Shinsuke's view, these poor people who were deceived by "Ise Shrine" should actually be able to develop into believers of "Amaterasu Sect" by him. Before, he could watch Izayoi Kaede destroy " Ise Shrine", but he cannot be allowed to kill these ordinary people who have the potential to become believers of the "Amaterasu Sect".

Only then did Kaede Izayoi notice Shinsuke Abe who had appeared at some point. When he saw the other person's dress, he couldn't help but said with great disdain: "Is this an Onmyoji from the Heian era? Your name is Abe Seimei?" This is really ridiculous, what qualifications do you have to preach to me, these people are my trophies now, I will not kill them, but they will be raised by ghouls like livestock."

As soon as Izayoi Kaede's words of "captive human beings" came out, many Japanese viewers who were still watching the live broadcast felt cold all over. Thinking of Izayoi Kaede's arrogant look just now, they were all very pessimistic about Japan's future. Could it be that from now on, in this land of Japan, humans can only exist as food for ghouls?

Shinsuke Abe was not angry because of Izayoi Kaede's disdain. He just said very calmly: "Abe Seimei is my ancestor. My name is Shinsuke Abe, a priest who devoutly believes in the goddess Amaterasu."

Izayoi Kaede couldn't help but laugh, because the priest who had just died under him was already bleeding like a river. After he laughed, he directly used his wings to shoot out the bombs. They were even more harmful to ordinary people than the most advanced machine guns. Be strong!

However, something happened that made Izayoi Kaede's smile freeze slightly!

I saw Shinsuke Abe draw a barrier at will, and when those flaming beasts flew in front of him, they seemed to be imprisoned all of a sudden!

Then they fell to the ground one after another, but Shinsuke Abe was unscathed!

Just a single use of Yin-Yang Barrier Technique rekindled the hope of those Japanese audiences who were falling into despair!

"Has the extraordinary person who truly inherited the inheritance of Onmyoji finally appeared?"

"This man named Abe Shinsuke is actually a descendant of Abe Seimei!"

"Shinsuke Abe's appearance is so handsome. Based on his appearance, I would call him the strongest!"

"Isn't this the priest of the Amaterasu sect? How can he use Yin Yang magic? It is clearly the magic given by the goddess Amaterasu, right?"

"Is there anyone who has also become a priest and embarked on the path of transcendence to come out and do some popular science?"

"Amaterasu's magical arts have standards, and they can also be created and developed by the priests themselves. It is said that this approach can please the goddess Amaterasu more. This Lord Abe Shinsuke seems to be deeply favored by the goddess Amaterasu. .”

"Nonsense, if I were the goddess Amaterasu, of course I would also favor such a handsome and upright man!"

"Sure enough, what we should really believe in should be Amaterasu Shrine. Now that Ise Shrine has been destroyed, the one who came to the rescue is actually the priest of Amaterasu Shrine!"

"Come on, Shinsuke Abe! You must teach that monster who clamors to trap humans a lesson!"

Kaede Izayoi finally became interested in Shinsuke Abe, because he himself said that he had embarked on a transcendent path through the power of ghosts. When facing a "ghost controller" like Yamamoto Danzo, he could clearly feel the other person. The power is almost the same as his.

But Shinsuke Abe gave him a completely different feeling!

This obviously means that the extraordinary system followed by Shinsuke Abe is fundamentally different from him!

"Then, let me see what ability you have to stop my actions." Izayoi Kaede licked her lips with interest on her face.

The third update today! ! !

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