Kaede Izayoi had no habit of holding back.

For him, this night is his battle to become a god!

Before Shinsuke Abe showed up, everything was in line with Izayoi Kaede's plan. He even considered the last truly powerful transcendent, "Enma Ai", to take action to suppress him, the king of ghouls with "monstrous flames" .

This is actually something Kaede Izayoi is looking forward to in his heart, because he really longs to fight Yama Ai at his peak moment.

It's a pity that Yama Ai didn't appear as he imagined, and he doesn't know if this means that she doesn't take him to heart at all, even if he has done something like this to make the whole of Japan feel it. Painful things.

Although Enma Ai did not appear, the appearance of Shinsuke Abe undoubtedly inspired Izayoi Kaede's ferocity!

You overconfident guy, why do you stop me? !

Izayoi Kaede directly chose to get close, wanting to beat "Yamamoto Danzo" just like he just did, and use his powerful and skillful operation to crush Shinsuke Abe!

Shinsuke Abe felt a little chilled in his heart when he saw Izayoi Kaede's posture of fighting a lion and fighting a rabbit with all his strength. Only the extraordinary person who truly faces this king of ghouls can truly feel his terror!

At this moment, Shinsuke Abe finally understood why Yamamoto Danzo was defeated so without any suspense, because the opponent was obviously not only S-level, but may have been infinitely close to super S-level!

This means that Izayoi Kaede has indeed stood at the top of the entire Japanese world!

Perhaps the only ones who can punish him are natural extraordinary beings like Yama Ai and Kikyo. Other extraordinary beings transformed from ordinary people are no match for him...

Many viewers who are still watching the live broadcast can't help but feel great worry about the extremely good-looking Shinsuke Abe. Many viewers once naively believed that justice can definitely defeat evil, and "Ise Shrine" will not be damaged in any way. .

But now, it has turned into a raging fire and become a cruel background, exaggerating another extraordinary battle between Izayoi Kaede and Abe Shinsuke.

Shinsuke Abe is not as stubborn as Danzo Yamamoto. He knows that his foundation is insufficient and his hard power is far different from Kaede Izayoi, but he still chooses to draw his sword, but it turns out to be a real breakthrough!

In front of everyone, Shinsuke Abe took out the "Yatata Mirror" enshrined in the "Ise Shrine", then directly activated the "Yatata Mirror" and shouted: "Absolute defense!"

What I have to admit is that shouting out the name of a trick in Japanese is not stupid or shameful at all. On the contrary, it makes people feel cool inexplicably. But if you do such a thing in Mandarin, it would be really embarrassing...

Maybe it’s because Japanese people have really engraved the soul of Chuuji into their bones. Now many Japanese viewers in front of the TV can’t help clenching their fists, staring at Shinsuke Abe and praying for him. Of course, some people are very shocked by him, because this guy can actually use the Yata Mirror, one of the three Japanese artifacts!

Shinsuke Abe successfully used a technique called "Absolute Defense" through the "Yatata Mirror", and then a mirror between reality and reality seemed to appear in front of him, directly blocking Izayoi Kaede!

Kaede Izayoi was of course extremely shocked that Shinsuke Abe could use the "Yatata Mirror". After all, such a legendary artifact could only be used by the goddess Amaterasu. Could it be said that Shinsuke Abe was a true descendant of the gods? By?

Such a discovery made Izayoi Kaede no longer dare to underestimate Shinsuke Abe, but he did not stop his attack. He wanted to see if this "absolute defense" could stop his attack. .

Izayoi Kaede is undoubtedly very confident in the hardness of his children. He believes in their power, allowing them to destroy anything that dares to stand in their way!

Then when Izayoi Kaede's sword attacked the "absolute defense" released by the "Yata Mirror", he was shocked to find that his sword didn't seem to cause any damage to this "absolute defense barrier" at all, but instead seemed to It's like the attack has been transferred to another space!

This kind of "absolute defense" was undoubtedly beyond Izayoi Kaede's imagination. He originally thought that this "absolute defense" could also be used to fight head-on, but little did he know that it actually involved the use of space laws!

Shinsuke Abe, who used this technique through the "Yata Mirror", is undoubtedly invincible, because he seems to be wearing a layer of space armor made of multiple spaces, which can make everything point at him. All attacks are transferred to other spaces, which means that any attack that does not have the field of space laws is invalid against him!

Especially physical attacks, no matter how powerful the physical power is, there is no way to deal with Shinsuke Abe's body wrapped in space armor. This is very frustrating...

Izayoi Kaede is obviously stronger in physical strength. He likes to use his penis to make bold and vicious moves, but other extraordinary beings simply cannot withstand his attacks.

But now, Shinsuke Abe has "resisted" it!

Even if this method of resistance seems very tricky, it does make Shinsuke Abe invincible.

However, there is also a problem, that is, Abe Shinsuke cannot take the initiative to attack Izayoi Kaede. If he does so, his body will be exposed, and then it will naturally become a breakthrough for Izayoi Kaede. !

Fortunately, Shinsuke Abe was not an extraordinary person who used his physical strength as a means of attack. He was a priest. At the same time, he also relied on his super talent to develop many "onmyojitsu", even though their essence is actually divine magic. , or a more essential magic...

Shinsuke Abe just took out a stack of talisman papers from his sleeves and threw them outward in a very chic way. After passing through the "Absolute Defense Barrier", they all turned into his shikigami!

These shikigami are naturally the means used by Shinsuke Abe to attack Izayoi Kaede. Being in "absolute defense", he uses his own mental power to micromanage these shikigami and let them surround and kill Izayoi Kaede. .

Suddenly, Abe Shinsuke and Izayoi Kaede were locked in a protracted tug-of-war!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shinsuke Abe, who possesses the artifact "Yatata Mirror", is already in an invincible position...

Many people who were originally afraid of the King of Ghouls suddenly felt that there was nothing to fear from the King of Ghouls.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Ye's_Chapter 1] for the 1000 reward, [Jiaoyou Oh], [jojodqmmx], [Huiyu Linxi] for the 500 reward, [Jing Lengnan], [Twin Moon Eagle], [Selling the Moon] ], [Book friend 120315234454227]’s 100 reward~~~

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