What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 245 Victory without victory and defeat without defeat

When it comes to hard power, Shinsuke Abe is certainly no match for Izayoi Kaede, but who has someone behind him?

He is the priest packaged to promote the "Amaterasu Sect". This is Shinsuke Abe's first battle on his debut. There is absolutely no way he will lose!

At this moment, the protagonist on this stage has quietly changed.

Everything Izayoi Kaede has done before seems to be paving the way for the appearance of the "true protagonist" Abe Shinsuke!

There was no way, Izayoi Kaede's arrogant look just now was really too arrogant. His actions of slaughtering many priests in "Ise Shrine" and directly setting fire to "Ise Shrine" can be said to make everyone The Japanese people all hated and feared him.

Even Yamamoto Danzo, the powerful supernatural person from the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", was beaten violently by Izayoi Kaede. Who else can stop this crazy and terrifying guy?

The mood of despair spread throughout Japan because there seemed to be no existence in the world that could punish this person who clamored to make Japan feel pain, until Shinsuke Abe appeared!

Dressed in gorgeous ancient costumes from the Heian period, classic Onmyoji attire, and super good looks, it makes people wonder if he is the reincarnation of Abe Seimei. He successfully stopped the spread of despair and made Japanese people feel hope again!

"Ise Shrine" will be destroyed if it is destroyed. This is not a big deal. After all, "Amaterasu Shrine" is still there. Powerful onmyojis like Abe Shinsuke are all from the "Amaterasu Sect", so what? There is nothing to hesitate about. It is still too late for everyone to change their beliefs.

When Shinsuke Abe successfully matched the "King of Ghouls" Kaede Izayoi 50-50, the real-time comments on the Mowang live broadcast platform can also be said to be very real——

"There are twists and turns, there is a bright future! The Onmyoji has indeed appeared!"

"What is the origin of Shinsuke Abe? Is he an extraordinary person who existed before? Doesn't this mean that there are also reclusive cultivators of immortality in China?"

"What onmyoji? They are obviously priests who obtained magical skills through their belief in the Amaterasu sect. It's just that they are talented and developed their own onmyoji based on divine skills."

"This Shinsuke Abe is a bit handsome. If we let him represent the pig farm's "Onmyoji", wouldn't this outdated mobile game have a second life?"

"This guy is cheating. He even uses the Yata Mirror. This is an unfair battle!"

"Tsk tsk, both Shinsuke Abe and the King of Ghouls are very handsome. Will they love and kill each other in Japan for the rest of their lives?"

"Compared to the stupid katana man who was beaten just now, this Shinsuke Abe is a werewolf. He directly used the divine weapon to ensure his invincibility, and then used the shikigami to besiege him. This feels like it was all part of his calculations. ah!"

"It's really a drama with an ending that no one can guess, but the biggest winner in this incident is obviously Shinsuke Abe. It can be said that he directly stole the revolutionary achievements of the King of Ghouls..."

"Yes, the King of Ghouls has made himself so invincible before, but now he is forced to a 50-50 defeat by Shinsuke Abe. This is very uncomfortable!"

"The world in Japan is too chaotic. Hidden figures appear at every turn. If these extraordinary people go to other countries from Japan, wouldn't they turn other countries upside down?"

"You must be thinking too much. Now it is clear that only Japan has the soil for the emergence of extraordinary beings. If we really go to other countries, it is estimated that those extraordinary beings will become ordinary people overnight..."

Most of the viewers of the Mowang live broadcast platform are of course Chinese. Unlike the Japanese people who are worried, despaired and hope for reincarnation, most of the Chinese viewers are melon-eaters. They completely think that this time happened in Japan. "Tide of Ghosts" is regarded as a special effects blockbuster with excellent visual effects.

Maybe many Chinese viewers originally wanted to watch some big anchors playing "Martial Arts Chicken" on the Mowang live broadcast platform, but suddenly they saw the highly recommended "Tide of Ghosts", so they naturally came in to watch the fun. Well, it’s all about killing time anyway, so why not watch?

Some of the Chinese audiences who watched Japan's "Tide of Ghosts" with a detached mentality were even on the side of the King of Ghouls, because after he turned on the ghoul mode, he was really handsome, like a fallen angel.

Then he pinned Yamamoto Danzo to the ground and beat him violently, which also made him attract a wave of fans. His bloody act of killing the priests without mercy did cause discomfort to many Chinese spectators who were watching the fun. He also set a fire. This kind of murder and arson behavior still makes many Chinese audiences with a moral bottom line very uncomfortable.

However, the Chinese audience heard that not only the "Ise Shrine" suffered a serious disaster, but the "Yasukuni Shrine" that always disgusted the Chinese people also encountered the same thing. It was killed by other ghosts who were at least A-level and took advantage of Tokyo. The defenses in the urban area were empty. After the successful sneak attack, the Chinese audience even felt for a moment that this Japanese ghost was a friendly army, right?

In fact, in addition to the "Yasukuni Shrine", there are indeed other shrines that have been demolished, especially those that like to brag about how efficacious and blessed they are by gods. They are often slapped in the face when real ghosts attack. These shrines are simply defenseless.

The "tide of ghosts" slowly recedes as the night gradually passes and dawn comes. After all, there are many ghosts who just come to join in the fun, fish in troubled waters, and even do not have the strength to meet the rating. These ghosts cannot move during the day.

In the battle between Izayoi Kaede and Abe Shinsuke, there was no winner in the end, but in terms of the result, Abe Shinsuke can be said to have won without defeat, while Izayoi Kaede was defeated without defeat.

The reason is very simple, that is, Abe Shinsuke achieved his goal, which was to save these loyal believers who originally believed in "Ise Shrine" very devoutly, so that they would be captured and kept in captivity by Izayoi Kaede every day. .

Shinsuke Abe also proved that he can hold back Izayoi Kaede head-on, although this requires relying on the "Yatata Mirror", one of Japan's three artifacts.

It can be said that Izayoi Kaede's huge profits from the "Tide of Ghosts" to the small profits now are due to the variable of Shinsuke Abe.

Before Izayoi Kaede left, of course he still said harsh words, that is, he would become even more powerful, and let Shinsuke Abe wash his neck and wait next time.

The "Yatata Mirror" cannot always be held by Shinsuke Abe. This artifact will next be enshrined in the "Amaterasu Shrine".

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Super High School Level Ace Pigeon] for the 100 reward~~~

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