Shinsuke Abe very successfully brought the "Yata Mirror", one of Japan's three sacred artifacts, back to "Amaterasu Shrine", which obviously means that from now on, "Amaterasu Shrine" has completely replaced "Ise Shrine".

Shinsuke Abe, who successfully completed the "Amaterasu Oracle", has of course received the favor of more goddesses. At the same time, his reputation in Japan has also reached the sky.

This is of course because, since this "Tide of Ghosts" and "Supernatural War", the Japanese media have reported frantically on this and promoted the reputation of Shinsuke Abe. This is obviously to make the people feel more at ease.

The media wants to tell the public that the king of ghouls, Izayoi Kaede, is indeed so powerful that people are extremely frightened, but everyone does not need to be afraid. The appearance of Onmyoji Abe Shinsuke means that there are completely people in this world who are as powerful as Izayoi Kaede. extraordinary person, and Abe Shinsuke is definitely on the side of mankind.

That's right, when the media promotes Abe Shinsuke, they basically don't mention the "Amaterasu Sect", but focus on promoting his "Onmyoji" identity.

This is obviously very meaningful, and people can't help but think about it - since there is an onmyoji named Shinsuke Abe in this world, does it also mean that there are other onmyojis?

It's just that these onmyojis are hermit masters and will not leave the mountain easily. Only when Japan encounters a real crisis will they choose to join the world...

Just thinking about it this way, many Japanese people seem to feel at ease, and this is the effect the media wants to achieve.

In addition to the Japanese media, the media from other countries also reported on this major event, and some countries were of course gloating about it.

For example, in Korea, after they learned that the "Yasukuni Shrine" had also been destroyed, many people were as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year. This also means that in the future, their country does not need to carry out various activities every time Japanese leaders visit the Yasukuni Shrine. Such a condemnation...

At the same time, many countries have also announced that they prohibit their people from traveling to Japan because this is really life-threatening!

Although there are many extraordinary people in Japan who can exorcise ghosts, ordinary people are really powerless when facing ghosts. It's okay to encounter such low-level ghosts. At most, they will be frightened by some hallucinations and let the other party absorb a little fear. , but if you encounter a high-level ghost, your life will be really worrying.

After all, most ghosts can ignore physical attacks. Even if you carry a gun, you can't hurt the opponent at all.

This is also one of the reasons why the Japanese Self-Defense Forces did not appear in this "Supernatural War". Of course, the bigger reason is that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are too cowardly and do not dare to confront the "Tide of Ghosts". .

The tourism industry in Japan has been completely finished since then. Now Japan feels like a blocked island, or even a different world where demons dance. Of course, it is also a place where many people watch the show. The stage, after all, the various light and shadow effects of the extraordinary battle are really awesome.

The melon-eating people in China enjoyed watching the show, and there were even people who gambled and compiled information on the extraordinary people in Japan.

Except for Enma Ai and Miko Kikyo, two born extraordinary beings who seemed to appear out of thin air from the second dimension, the current ranking of ordinary people turned extraordinary beings in terms of combat effectiveness, the King of Ghouls Izayoi Kaede and the Onmyoji Abe Shinsuke can be said to be firmly in the top two.

Among them, the king of ghouls, Izayoi Kaede, is of course still considered to be at the top of the list by Chinese netizens. After all, through video analysis of the battle between the two, Abe Shinsuke was able to win because he held one of Japan's three artifacts, the "Yata Mirror". I did it 50-50 with Kaede Izayoi.

If Shinsuke Abe didn't have the blessing of a divine weapon, he would probably only be slightly stronger than Danzo Yamamoto. Faced with this man who had been developing in a low profile for a long time, and who did the big thing of destroying "Ise Shrine" as soon as he came out of the mountain. The king of ghouls, Izayoi Kaede, will definitely still be suppressed.

According to "currently publicly available information" released by an authoritative organization in Japan, Izayoi Kaede can be considered the first transcendent in Japan, or a transcendent who has adopted the "Ghost Controller" system.

It’s just that no one noticed this at first and thought he was a wild ghost. Many of his ghoul relatives came to him because they longed to become extraordinary, hoping that Izayoi Kaede could help. They transform people.

Some of them succeeded, and naturally became high-level, rational ghouls. Those who failed, became zombie-like existences, which are the same nature as "Abyssal Ones", but with less destructive power. The "Abyss Ones" are much smaller.

No matter how high the attention is, it will slowly fade away as time goes by.

Li Shushan, who can be regarded as the mastermind behind all this, or the guy who owns the vest of "Amaterasu", is currently in the "Amaterasu Shrine", playing with the "Yatata Mirror", one of the three Japanese artifacts. .

In fact, this artifact "Yatata Mirror" has no function of triggering "absolute defense" at all. It is not the weapon of Uchiha Itachi in "Naruto".

It is a very ordinary thing, but because it contains the beliefs of the Japanese people since ancient times, it has become a belief storage item, and Li Shushan can extract the beliefs from it and transform it into his magic reserve .

The "absolute defense" used by Shinsuke Abe is obviously a kind of magic, or magic, given to him by Li Shushan, and of course it is space magic.

Why can't Kaede Izayoi cause harm to Shinsuke Abe?

This is obviously because Izayoi Kaede's attacks are directly transferred to other spaces by this magic similar to "space armor". Unless Izayoi Kaede can understand the laws of space, otherwise with brute force, it will indeed be impossible. Ways to break defenses.

This extraordinary battle that happened in Japan was really a joy to see for Li Shushan. He could feel that since the "Amaterasu Shrine" was completely renamed, the beliefs of many Japanese people have come to him. collection.

This greatly eases the pressure on the mana reserves consumed by allowing five thousand players to travel through the Infinite online game.

In a sense, these Japanese people whose faith has been harvested can be regarded as supporters who support these players to fight for "Infinite".

Just when Li Shushan was overjoyed with the smooth development of the "Amaterasu Sect" in Japan, another good news came from the "Prehistoric Beast Continent" in South America!

It turns out that the ancient elf tree Luna has finally grown into a complete body, and she can make elves!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [454 Undead] for the 5000 reward, and [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 100 reward~~~

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