What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 251 The tallest tree in the world

In the tropical rain forests of South America, a natural wonder has now appeared.

This wonder, of course, is that with the help of the "Elven Ancient Tree Growth System", it has transformed from the growth stage of the Tree of Life into the complete Elf Ancient Tree Luna!

The complete Tree of Life can be said to truly stand out in the entire Amazon rainforest!

She has become the tallest tree in the world!

Originally, the tallest tree in the world was supposed to be the Australian Almond Eucalyptus, with a maximum height of 156 meters. When humans stand under this tree and look up at it, they can feel their own insignificance.

But humans are the masters of the earth after all. They can rely on their wisdom to build skyscrapers that are several times taller than the tallest trees in the world.

The tallest building in the world is the 828-meter-high Burj Khalifa. Of course, the Kingdom Tower that will be built by a wealthy country in the future can reach a height of about 1,600 meters.

In front of these skyscrapers, the tallest tree in the world certainly doesn't look impressive.

However, when the complete Tree of Life appeared on the earth, with its height of more than 1,000 meters and its shade that covered the sky and the sun, of course the whole world was shocked again!

Because almost overnight, after Luna entered the full body from the growth stage, the life form of the entire tree changed drastically. Then her height, which was originally less than 100 meters, increased crazily and completely became A unique and perfect tree of life!

What's more embarrassing is that the "mist" that Luna used to hide her true body and do things behind the scenes can't hide such a majestic figure.

She is now completely exposed to the eyes of mankind all over the world!

It's just that her majestic figure also makes her "blood volume" very terrifying. Even if humans bombard her with nuclear weapons now, it will not cause any indelible damage to her.

But then again, humans are basically not hostile to plants, let alone rare plants like the ancient elf tree Luna.

There is no doubt that the height of more than 1,000 meters is far from the limit of the ancient elf tree Luna, and she can continue to grow.

Although there is no more "mist" to hide Luna behind the scenes, Luna still feels good now. She has the feeling of "seeing all the small mountains at a glance". Those mountains that were originally hundreds of meters high are hundreds of years or even taller. The thousand-year-old tree is like a little brother to her!

And the huge beasts that used to be there are now like little bugs in her eyes. As for humans, they are really just ants...

In Luna's eyes, those big human planes are like dragonflies in human eyes. She can even use her tree branches that cover the sky to directly hit human planes with a "death entanglement". No plane can escape her. This move.

It's just that Luna will not deliberately go against humans. She even discovered through the "Elven Ancient Tree Growth System" that human beliefs can actually be used as nutrients for her growth...

Doesn't this imply that she can turn some uncivilized natives in South America into her believers? For a majestic sacred tree like her, there should indeed be various lives that believe in her.

Although Luna thought this way, she has not yet put it into practice because she has more important things to do.

Of course, this matter is to create her dependents - the elves.

Now she can breed elves, and the elves can be used to make various elven buildings.

The buildings of the elves are basically all kinds of trees, and the fruits they bear are the elves.

That's right, Luna discovered at this time that her descendants, the "elves", did not reproduce through the union of men and women like humans at all, but grew directly from trees!

Because of this, all members of the elves are female, and there are no male elves!

Such a discovery obviously surprised Luna a little. It seemed that it did not conform to the settings in some fantasy novels. After all, in some fantasy novels, there are still many characters with the "elf prince" template. They are born with Good at archery.

But Luna's elves don't have any male elves at all. They are all female elves with super good looks, as if they were born to be genetic adjusters!

The first elf born by Luna, the first elf building built, was the "Heroic Ancient Tree"!

The function of the "Hero Ancient Tree", as its name suggests, is to produce heroes of the elves. They will of course be more powerful and unique than ordinary elves.

Then there are other elves. Luna has not used them to build other elven buildings for the time being, but uses them to collect resources. After all, elven buildings cannot be built out of thin air.

At some point, Luna always felt that she was playing an elven real-time strategy game. The map of the game was, of course, the entire earth. As for the opponents in the game, it could be said that there were some, or there were not.

Rather than wandering around in this one-third of the earth, she really hopes to go outside the earth and have a look. She doesn't know how she can appreciate the world when her altitude breaks through the entire earth's atmosphere and grows into space. What about the beautiful scenery?

Just when Luna, the ancient elf tree, was using the "Ancient Hero Tree" to produce the first hero of the elves, the Elf Queen, Li Shushan, who planted Luna, couldn't help but use the "elf" he gave Luna. "Ancient Tree Growth System", let's see how she can grow so fast.

If the ancient elf tree was not possessed by Luna, it would have taken at least hundreds of years for it to grow into the complete Tree of Life!

It turns out that Luna is really awesome. It has only been so long, and she has already evolved into a complete body. If she is given a little more time, won't she really want to go to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

What Li Shushan didn't know was that Luna did have such an idea. When she discovered that her height in the future could even break through the earth's atmosphere...

Li Shushan looked at the system records and realized why Luna could grow so fast!

It turns out that she took "predatory growth" to the extreme!

The tropical rainforests around her have now basically become nutrients for her growth. At the same time, she also allows various creatures she created to hunt for her, and of course those creatures that have surrendered to her, They will sacrifice other creatures to please her...

What kind of ancient elf tree is this? Is this simply an evil tree spirit? Li Shushan couldn't help but complain in his heart.

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