Under the will of capital, this "prehistoric behemoth continent" that somehow appeared in South America on the earth has become the next growth point of the world economy. Because of this, the South American countries that should have it can be said to be "It's a crime to have a jade".

But now that these South American countries have been conquered, of course this place has officially begun to implement United Nations resolutions.

The scientific research team from China has begun to look for a suitable place to establish a scientific research station on this "prehistoric beast continent" that has been forced to become a "world public territory".

Of course, many Chinese companies have set their sights on this continent, because according to the will of the country, China hopes to build a brand new city on this land, which can obviously also stimulate further economic growth.

In addition to China, other countries that consider themselves to have scientific research capabilities are not willing to lag behind and have sent scientific research teams one after another. Anyway, now this place has become a public territory, so of course you can do whatever you want to research.

Therefore, it is natural that the ancient elf tree Luna, which is more than a thousand meters high, was discovered by many official scientific researchers.

When the researchers discovered such a tall tree, their first reaction was of course extreme shock. Then they took various photos of the giant tree and spread them on the Internet.

Of course, the media will not let go of such hot news and publish reports one after another!

"The tallest tree in the world was born in the continent of prehistoric beasts!" 》

"What are the trees that are more than a thousand meters high?"

"Shock! Prehistoric giant trees appeared again in the continent of prehistoric giant beasts"

"The legendary giant tree of the world appears!" 》

"The Kabbalah Tree of Life May Not Be Fictional"

When netizens saw these news, of course they couldn’t help but express their amazement on various social media——

"I originally thought that the endless emergence of giant beasts in South America was surprising enough, but I didn't expect that even such tall trees would appear!"

"What is the origin of this tree? Looking at the picture, it is so majestic that people can't help but want to worship it."

"This tree has definitely become a spirit. Didn't some people speculate that a spiritual eye appeared somewhere, causing various animals to evolve? Isn't it normal for evolved plants to appear now?"

"If this tree continues to grow, it's very interesting to think about whether people can live in this tree."

"We humans should protect the natural wonders of the world like this. Trees are our friends!"

"The Prehistoric Behemoth Continent is really a magical place. If you don't visit a place like this once in your life, you will definitely regret it."

"After reading the pictures reported in the media, I always feel that this tree looks a bit like the big boss in some doomsday novels. I wonder if you have read a novel called "Global Evolution" where the giant tree boss is... So powerful that it makes humans despair!”

"I want to know what kind of tree this tree belongs to and whether it can be transplanted. I really want to plant one..."

Obviously, the ancient elf tree Luna has become another natural wonder in the world, attracting the attention of people all over the world. Various environmental protection organizations have also jumped out and expressed their determination to protect this unique giant tree.

Many religious organizations have even jumped out and declared it to be the holy tree of their religion. This is why some media call it the "Kabbalah Tree of Life." It is said that as long as you understand the secrets of this giant tree, you can obtain The code of the universe.

Some very powerful organizations have even taken action. They have spontaneously protected this sacred tree and vowed that it will never be harmed by some evil scientists with ulterior motives.

The ancient elf tree Luna herself is a little confused. Because she is sitting at home, beliefs have gathered from all directions. If we put it in the ancient times of ignorance, it is estimated that human beings would worship such a giant tree like it. A "giant tree cult".

After all, even in this scientific age, many people can't help but worship her, even though she hasn't shown any miracles yet.

Her existence is, of course, like a treasure to scientists on Earth, and everyone wants to take a sample from her.

What gives scientists a headache is that such a huge tree is surrounded by various flying creatures, making it impossible for human aircraft to approach. After all, existences such as the Aeolian Pterosaur in the sky are a huge threats.

And now humans are unwilling to massacre any creature in the prehistoric beast continent, and want to ensure its biodiversity. Therefore, humans do not want to use bloody methods.

Since the giant tree surrounded by flying creatures could not be approached from the sky, of course humans had to find a way from the ground, and the result was of course helpless.

Because what humans never expected was that the trunks of giant trees on the ground were actually deep in the fog. It turned out that the foggy forest really existed!

Such a discovery instantly made the female zoologist who had previously claimed that her husband and team members died in the misty forest become popular again.

It's a pity that the news about the misty forest was completely ignored because of the emergence of "resurrection of giant beasts".

Now that the foggy forest has once again become a hot topic, this has naturally aroused the strong curiosity of many people in the scientific community. Some scientists have even made bold speculations, that is, the mystery of the "resurgence of giant beasts" may be hidden in that foggy forest. middle.

And the key to the misty forest must be on this giant tree.

But of course people in the scientific community are not in a hurry. Anyway, the giant tree and the misty forest are there, and there is no way to escape. Is it possible that the giant tree can still stand up and walk?

Therefore, the top priority now is to conduct various surveys and draw maps of the entire prehistoric behemoth continent, so that we can advance towards the misty forest step by step.

However, what the scientists never expected was that Luna, the ancient elf tree with the system, would grow at a rate they could not predict at all.

After all, according to human common sense, it is estimated that such a tall giant tree will no longer be able to grow. Otherwise, how could the Earth Lord be able to bear it?

However, the ancient elf tree cannot be measured by common sense, not to mention that there is a mastermind like Li Shushan standing behind her.

Li Shushan has never relaxed his control over the ancient elf tree Luna, and now she has gradually grown into a trump card in his hand. As long as Luna is given a little more time to allow the elves to multiply, everything will be different.

But in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly, perhaps he should disrupt the country that poses the greatest threat - the Stars and Stripes country in advance.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Mo Jian Mo] and [Book Friends 20180106000618584] for their 10,000 reward, [Ling Ninety-Nine Point Nine] for their 2,000 reward, [Night_Chapter 1] for their 1,000 reward, and [Book Friends 2019081108] for their 100 reward Reward~~~

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