Li Shushan originally didn't want to start the Star-Spangled Kingdom so soon. After all, Europe's "magic recovery" had not really started yet.

However, who makes the Stars and Stripes Kingdom so restless? As far as Li Shushan knows, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom has had great interest since the "supernatural resurgence" in Japan and now the "behemoth resurgence" in South America. It can be said that A lot of manpower and material resources have been invested in exploring the mystery behind all this.

The Stars and Stripes Kingdom also sent agents to harass Enma Ai and Kikyo, two born extraordinary beings in the eyes of the world, and even wanted to bring them back to Area 51 of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom for research...

The Stars and Stripes Kingdom doesn't care about Japan's private protests at all, just because in the eyes of the senior officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, the entire country of Japan is the dog of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

It is a pity that whether it is Enma Ai or the shrine maiden Kikyo, their personal fighting power can be said to be invincible in the world. The elite agents of the Star Spangled Kingdom cannot even handle the Ghost Controller, a specialty of Japan, let alone Yama Ai and Kikyo.

Of course, Yama Ai and Kikyo were merciless when facing the agents of the Star-Spangled Kingdom who coveted them. They quietly let them evaporate in this world every time. The Star-Spangled Kingdom couldn't even grasp a handle and ate them. A lot of dark losses.

Of course, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom also wants to force Yama Ai, who is closely related to Japan's top brass, to submit by putting pressure on Japan's top brass. Unfortunately, this is all in vain, not to mention that Japan's top brass are also very resistant to the Stars and Stripes Kingdom on this matter. After all, in the minds of those high-level officials, Yama Ai is their life-saving straw.

And even if the Japanese high-level officials really can't withstand the pressure from the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, Yan Moai doesn't really take orders from the Japanese high-level officials, so relying on her strong personal force, she doesn't have to worry about her own safety at all, and she doesn't care at all. The life and death of Japanese high-level officials.

After all, Yama Ai is the dominant one in the cooperative relationship with the Japanese senior management. She can completely break away from the Japanese senior management and become independent directly. However, now the Japanese senior management cannot do without her. It always feels like she is not in charge in the Japanese metropolitan area. , there is no sense of security at all.

After all, people like Yamamoto Danzo and his "roots" have proven that their fighting power is unreliable at all. They cannot even defeat a Ghoul King, let alone other powerful ghosts hidden deeper.

Yama Ai has been enshrined by Japanese officials a long time ago. The longer the time goes by, the more Japanese senior officials naturally trust her.

Yama Ai gives the impression of Japanese high-level officials that she is very Buddhist. Basically, she will not refuse if she is asked to deal with any powerful ghosts. Anyway, she seems to be very enthusiastic about exorcising ghosts.

At the same time, she has no interest in worldly power, and what she cares more about is undoubtedly the illusory belief. At the same time, Yama Ai will not refuse material enjoyment.

This kind of Yama Ai has undoubtedly completely paralyzed the top management of Japan. They feel that they have understood what Yama Ai needs, so that the cooperation between the two parties can naturally be deepened.

That's the sentence, I'm not afraid that you have needs, but I'm afraid that you have no desires and demands. This will make the Japanese officials anxious. After all, if they can't kneel and lick Yama Ai comfortably, doesn't it mean that they are not interested in Yama Ai? Say it's worthless?

Of course, this is what the Japanese officials do not want to see, so when the elite agents of the Star Stripe Kingdom put their target on Yama Ai, they privately conveyed the message to Yama Ai. This was almost an explicit message to Yama Ai, so that She let it go to clean up those Stars and Stripes agents who dared to take advantage of her.

Yama Ai's ability to quietly make the agents of the Stars and Stripes disappear made the top executives of the Japanese country couldn't help shouting in their hearts that it was well done, which allowed the top brass of the Japanese country to pretend to be confused.

Even because of Yama Ai's presence, the top leaders of the Japanese Kingdom felt inexplicably emboldened when facing the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. They always felt that Yama Ai, a "decision weapon", could not only be used to deal with ghosts.

It is a pity that Yama Ai, apart from making those who target her disappear, has no interest in actively killing people. After all, killing ordinary people cannot harvest magic power at all. If it is a ghost controller, maybe She is still a little interested, but she usually waits until the Ghost Controller degenerates into the Abyssal One before taking action.

In fact, this cannot be regarded as killing, but as extermination of demons, because the Abyssal One has completely lost his mind.

Later, with the outbreak of the "resurgence of the behemoths", the Stars and Stripes Kingdom's original interest in the "supernatural recovery" that occurred in Japan was slightly reduced, and it shifted its attention to its back garden, South America.

But then again, the personal strength of Enma Ai and the shrine maiden Kikyo really left the Stars and Stripes at a loss. Although the Stars and Stripes treat Japan like a dog, they really can’t go too far, and after analyzing the combat effectiveness of the two, , they cannot be successfully captured by using a large number of troops. Even the current A-level ghost controllers can already give an army of ordinary people a headache.

Of course, Li Shushan knew about the actions taken by the Star Spread Kingdom against Yama Ai and the witch Kikyo. He loved his daughter so much, and of course he would not let the Star Spread Kingdom off casually. It was just that he had not yet freed up his hands at that time.

Now for him, the Star-Spangled Kingdom is simply a combination of new hatred and old hatred. If the actions taken by the Star-Spangled Kingdom in Japan are still restrained, its actions in South America are already full force.

In such a situation, even though Li Shushan has great trust in the strength of the ancient elf tree Luna, he still feels that the development time of the ancient elf tree Luna is too little and has not even been created by the elves. She must not be star-rated now. This "curious baby" Tiao Guo bothers me.

Li Shushan felt that since the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is so curious about the mysterious test, it would be better to let more mysterious events happen in your homeland. Wouldn't it be possible to directly let the Stars and Stripes Kingdom have a "superpower recovery" to satisfy the "Stars and Stripes Kingdom"? Curious baby’s curiosity?

He has even arranged the "plot", which can be directly based on the popular Hollywood blockbusters of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Of course, the Star-Spangled Kingdom comics that are popular all over the world, those famous superheroes, and superheroes are also indispensable. Villains can completely appear in reality, and popular superheroes can even gain faith all over the world, such as those superheroes in the Avengers, and of course mutants...

Although Li Shushan is not a Marvel fan, he has watched many popular movies in the Marvel series. He thinks it would be interesting to turn the Star-Spangled Kingdom into the Star-Spangled Kingdom in the Marvel universe. .

I just don’t know what the real-life Stars and Stripes official’s reaction would be if they found out that their country suddenly became what the comics set it to be?

But what is certain is that as long as such an incident occurs in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, they will definitely have no more energy to explore the misty forest.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [One Hundred and Ninety Seven You] for the 100 reward~~~

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