If you want to create mutants in the Star-Spangled Kingdom, you naturally cannot rely solely on magic. According to the settings in the comics, mutants are produced due to genetic mutations.

As the saying goes, "The poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology." Li Shushan can simulate black technology through magic, and he is actually not lacking in genetic research, thanks to Gaia, the "evolutionary planet".

Yes, when it comes to the study of biological genes, Gaia in today's "evolutionary planet" can be said to be unique, because she evolved from the most primitive cells and knows exactly how to stimulate the superpowers of living things.

In addition, in fact, Luna, the ancient elf tree on the earth, also has a lot of research on biotechnology. Even though this kind of research does rely heavily on the system, no matter what, she can bring out so many prehistoric behemoths, and even some When magical creatures appear, you can see her excellence.

Since "magical creatures" can be created, of course "superpower humans" can also be created.

Whether it was the biotechnology developed by Gaia or the creative ideas of the ancient elf tree Luna, Li Shushan was unprepared for all of them. Their ideas were all good, but the next second, it was naturally his, Li Shushan's. .

Li Shushan can now create real superhuman beings, that is, mutants, but what's the point of creating them out of thin air?

This requires an opportunity, just like the Japanese "ghost controllers" who first had ghosts, and then they were slowly born.

Whether human beings can evolve is closely related to the environment. Things like superpowers often appear in doomsday wasteland environments.

At this moment, the content of classic games including the "Resident Evil" series, "Fallout" series, "The Last of Us" and other classic games appeared in Li Shushan's mind. Of course, he did not want to turn the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom into a doomsday wasteland. It's soil, but it's enough for a city to be in that state.

First of all, of course, we need to set up an evil company in the Star-Spangled Kingdom of America. That is also the basic operation. I don’t know how many scenes in the doomsday wasteland are all about some evil company, because of all kinds of research. , which directly led to very serious consequences.

Coincidentally, due to the broad prospects of the "Continent of Prehistoric Behemoths" in Stars and Stripes, many biopharmaceutical companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Obviously, they are all eyeing those poor prehistoric behemoths.

The Stars and Stripes of America has always been like this. While shouting loudly to protect dinosaurs and behemoths, they secretly capture these behemoths and then use them to make huge profits.

No matter how it seems, the Stars and Stripes country is doing this to prevent other countries from getting involved in these behemoths and only allow them to study all of this unscrupulously. They are too skilled at doing one thing in front of others and another behind their backs. Even if it is eventually exposed, there will still be those evil companies and companies that will take the blame.

Under such a situation, Li Shushan first created the identity of a star-striped countryman like he and Olivia had done in Japan, and then of course opened a company in the star-striped country called "Gai". Ya".

Gaia is a company that focuses on the field of biopharmaceuticals, but its research is not on how to treat diseases, but on how to produce genes that can mutate animals and humans.

The development speed of the Gaia company is of course very rapid, because it can always have enough research organisms. It seems that it is extremely easy for this company to capture those creatures that are active on the continent of prehistoric monsters. things.

The connections of Gaia Company cannot be underestimated, because the founder of the company has attracted a group of investors with huge energy through various methods. They are completely attracted by the company's goals, and even feel that as long as the company's goals are achieved, If so, these investors can also live forever!

Yes, the founder of Gaia Company did come up with a bargaining chip that made many investors excited. While they felt that such a plot had a sense of deja vu, they invested without hesitation.

Why do you think such a plot has a sense of déjà vu?

Because in Hollywood disaster movies, such plots have been filmed badly. I don’t know how many companies, like Gaia, may have originally intended to research drugs that make humans immortal. As a result, in the end, humans may indeed gain They gained immortality, but they also lost their minds and turned into zombies.

These zombies have become a kind of "perpetual motion machine". It is said that if they are used as hamsters to generate electricity, humans will never have to worry about energy.

The reason why the Gaia Company in reality can attract so many investors is because it does have two skills in biotechnology, and even attracted the attention of the Stars and Stripes Military in a very short period of time. focus on.

The military of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom first checked the company's founder's background thoroughly. After discovering that he was a white man from the Stars and Stripes Kingdom with a good foundation, they felt that the company was very reliable.

The Gaia Company's "Gene Warrior" program also aroused a strong interest in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom's military. Originally, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom was quite anxious because of the "Ghost Controller" extraordinary beings developed in Japan. The dog wants to break free from the chain more and more.

Then the elite agents sent by the Stars and Stripes Kingdom to Japan are no match for the two extraordinary beings En Moai and Kikyo who are regarded as serious problems by the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. If the Stars and Stripes Kingdom can have a genetic warrior comparable to the extraordinarys If so, wouldn't it mean that you can do whatever you want?

As a result, with the strong support of the military of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, Gaia Company developed faster, which undoubtedly attracted the covetousness of other established companies.

In the Star-Spangled Kingdom, those super consortiums can be said to be the real ruling class. If they choose to take action against newly emerging companies like Gaia Corporation, they will use some very extreme methods, not even limited to force.

However, what surprised these established consortiums was that the Gaia Company seemed completely unafraid of the pressure they exerted, and even went tit-for-tat with these established consortiums in every aspect!

Tony, the founder of Gaia Company, even said cruel words: Anyone who dares to use unfair means to stop the development of Gaia Company should not blame Gaia Company for being ruthless.

The strong confidence shown by the Gaia Company has made the old consortiums in the Stars and Stripes country secretly frightened. They wonder what kind of black technology this Gaia Company has developed...

But how can the established financial groups be frightened by harsh words?

Second update today! ! !

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