What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 256 The Troublemaking Duo [Additional update with 200 monthly tickets]

The founder of Gaia Company, whose full name is Tony Stud, is a white man with a red neck and a red neck from the Stars and Stripes. He looks to be in his thirties. He inherited a large amount of inheritance after his parents died. .

After the biological research craze in the Star-Spangled Kingdom due to the "Resurgence of the Behemoth", Tony invested the huge inheritance he inherited from his parents into this field. With his outstanding personal charm, he recruited a group of scientific research capabilities Very strong research team.

Among them, the chief scientist of Gaia Company is a female scientist who has just emerged in the biological world-Windsor Pozzi.

But what is a little strange is that Windsor Potts, who became the chief scientist of Gaia Corporation at a young age, had a relatively ordinary resume when he was a student, but after joining Gaia Corporation, he showed amazing scientific research talents. And, of course, her ability to lead a scientific research team.

Originally, many researchers were dissatisfied with this young female scientist, but Windsor used her strong research ability and keen research intuition to conquer the research members who later joined Gaia Company, making them sincerely He surrendered to her side and tried his best to help her.

This is obviously very unbelievable to outsiders, and they even wonder whether the researchers who joined Gaia Company have been tricked. Otherwise, why would they be so convinced by someone who has not produced any convincing academic achievements in the scientific community? What about female scientists?

But no matter what, with the joint efforts of founders Tony Stade and Windsor Potts, Gaia Company has embarked on a road of rapid development!

The true identities of Tony Stade and Windsor Potts, the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom certainly thought that they were really outstanding young entrepreneurs and scientists. In fact, the former was naturally Li Shushan's vest, and the latter was, of course, Olivia's vest is off.

The two had already turned Japan into a "demonstruck mess" before, and now they came to the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. First, they used the perfect hacking technology of the magical artificial intelligence Alice to give both parties an impeccable identity. At the same time, they also changed the source of Li Shushan's wealth. It has to be completely legal.

Under such circumstances, Li Shushan first founded Gaia Company, focusing of course on the field of biotechnology, and then "recruited" Olivia, and then of course other employees.

As for why those arrogant researchers are convinced by Olivia, it is of course the power of magic.

Olivia is not so much the chief scientist as the chief mage. She really doesn't have much research in the biological field, and she doesn't have much interest. She is most interested in mathematics and physics.

But because of the technical reserves of Gaia, the "evolving planet", and the various ideas of Luna, the ancient elf tree on Earth, even laymen like Li Shushan can easily use their scientific research results, not to mention the Austrian elf. Livia.

Olivia's purpose at Gaia Company is of course not to research anything, but to package these technologies in a reasonable way.

Then of course Li Shushan could use these technologies to attract investment in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and even gained the attention and appreciation of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom military in the end!

The military investment of the Star-Spangled Kingdom is not large, but the hidden benefits it brings to Gaia Company can be said to be very amazing. After all, if a company is endorsed by the military, its competitors will naturally be more wary. .

Gaia Company used this advantage to survive the initial development stage, and then relied on various biological and genetic technologies that were coveted by the established consortiums in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, allowing its strength to expand very rapidly. Many Famous investors in the Star-Spangled Kingdom were waving various kinds of banknotes to invest in the Gaia Company.

As for founder Tony Stade, he certainly doesn't refuse anyone who comes. He doesn't seem to be the kind of arbitrary founder, and he doesn't seem to be that strict about controlling the company.

This makes those investors both satisfied and confused. After all, according to the investment experience of many investors over the years, the founders of general companies will appear to be particularly stubborn and self-willed, fearing that investors will affect his control of the entire company. and influence the future development of the company.

And this Tony Stade is really confusing. Many investors simply can't see through this founder who is clearly not keen on fully controlling the company, but at the same time is very tough on the outside.

But even if they can’t see through it, these investors are still very satisfied with Tony, because he never refuses some investors’ very desperate suggestions, such as researching “immortality potions” and using those terrifying giants. Beast genes are used to create biological weapons that humans can control, such as the "Lickers" in "Resident Evil".

Some of them may be the wild ideas of some relatively average investors, and they may have proposed them as a joke. However, the founder of Gaia Company refused to accept anyone who came to him, and the more he sounded more desperate, The founder seemed to relish the idea that it might lead to a doomsday crisis...

I don’t know if this is some kind of blame-shifting behavior. If it does cause serious consequences, he can innocently say that this is the investor’s request, and he does not have absolute control of the company, so what can be done? ?

But no matter what, Tony Stade's approach makes many investors of Gaia Company very satisfied. Their existence is also the reason for Gaia Company's rapid development. After all, some of the investors' reputations are indeed very high.

When some established consortiums wanted to sanction Gaia, they would engage in various mediations. However, this did not actually resolve the conflict, but only delayed the outbreak of the conflict.

The consortium that hates Gaia the most is the DuPont Consortium, which is extremely famous in the Star-Spangled Kingdom. This consortium was once famous for manufacturing explosives. When facing its competitors, its methods have always been cruel and ruthless. They even dare to directly Send your own mercenaries to humanely destroy your competitors!

This time, the DuPont consortium also chose the biological research and pharmaceutical industries, which have been booming due to the "resurgence of giant beasts", but they lacked various advanced and unique biotechnologies that are very critical.

However, Gaia, a rapidly rising company, can actually possess so many coveted biotechnologies. Given time, this small company can definitely develop into a giant company in the future!

The DuPont consortium is absolutely unwilling to see such a thing happen. They have already set their sights on Tony Stade, the founder of Gaia Company!

The third update today! ! !

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