Li Shushan has already changed the name of his vest to "Tony Stud". Although his name is a little different from that of the very popular Iron Man in the comics, he can completely restore Iron Man's abilities, as long as But instead of using black technology, we use magic.

Iron Man flies through his steel suit, but in reality it is basically impossible to build such a mecha. Firstly, because the technology has not yet been fully reached, and secondly, of course, because the mecha can be said to be flashy.

According to the analysis of some hard-core military fans, the practicality of weapons mounted on mechas and mounted on other vehicles can completely destroy mechas. Therefore, no matter what, major powers will not invest funds in them. In the pit of developing mechas.

However, even if this analysis is correct, it still represents rationality and boredom. You must know that mecha is a man's romance. As the saying goes, whether you are strong or not is a temporary matter, but whether you are handsome or not is a lifelong matter!

Since Li Shushan has named his vest after this, if he doesn't get a steel suit for himself, then he doesn't deserve to be called "Tony Stade"!

But of course Li Shushan cannot have the black technology of the Iron Man in the comics. The technology tycoon Tan Keying, whom he has high hopes for, is still growing up, but has recently become famous in the field of mathematics. She believes that mathematics is all science. As the saying goes, science changes the world, and mathematics changes science.

One day, Li Shushan can make a real steel suit like the one in the comics, but now, he can only play a wave of cos. He used the method of enchanting the "steel suit" to make it have flying function. Of course, it As it flies, it pretends to eject something, making it look like it's using jets to fly.

In fact, it relies on an advanced version of "flying", which can also be said to be "gravity control". Since Olivia has made her magic more and more sophisticated by learning knowledge from the earth, along with it, Li Shushan also benefited a lot. After all, he and Olivia were now inseparable, and he could use whatever magic he wanted.

All in all, Tony Stud has a copycat version of the Iron Suit. However, this copycat is really a bit too much. After all, it has nothing to do with technology and is purely magic equipment.

This is just like the previous "universal translation app". It can be said to be unscientific to the extreme, but why can humans accept it calmly? Because it does make people completely give up on studying its essence after they can't figure out the principle.

The same is certainly true for this magical equipment, the Iron Suit. When many people see it, they will probably preconceptionally think that it is the equipment of Iron Man in the Marvel series of movies, but they do not know that it is very different from the equipment of Iron Man. Far away, they are essentially not the same thing.

But who would think of this seemingly technological steel suit in the direction of magic?

They will only say with surprise and joy that Iron Man appears in reality!

Li Shushan's current strength, or Olivia's strength, no longer requires him to keep a low profile, especially since his current purpose is to cause trouble in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

As long as no one messes with him, he will definitely not make any violent response. He will only use Gaia Company, a very useful tool, to make the wealthy people in the Star-Spangled Kingdom commit suicide step by step. , looking at countless Hollywood disaster movies, we can find that many disasters are caused by evil capital itself.

It is a pity that the old consortium of the Star-Spangled Kingdom is really too greedy. They are indeed very unhappy with the entire Gaia Company and the company's founder Tony Stade!

Therefore, the evil capital headed by the DuPont Consortium has decided to use assassination to completely eliminate Tony Stade.

The organization responsible for this assassination operation is a killer organization that is famous throughout the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Its code name is "Shadow"!

The leader of the shadow organization is named Hader Tohuti. When he received this big order from the DuPont Consortium through the dark network, it can be said that he was very surprised because the reward given by the other party was so generous!

However, Hader was still very cautious before accepting the order. He first investigated the background of the target Tony Studd in detail. If the other party also had a strong background, then such an order would definitely not be accepted.

Although the killer organization "Shadow" is quite famous among the underground forces of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, it claims that as long as you give enough money, they can kill even the president of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

But there is no doubt that the "Shadow" organization is still very timid when facing a powerful and established consortium like the Stars and Stripes. Generally speaking, they will never attack a person with such a deep background. A single move affects the whole body.

After carefully investigating Tony Stud's background, Hader was of course extremely happy to accept this big order, just because he found that this was simply giving money to their organization!

This Tony Stud is actually just a guy with a very ordinary background. However, he doesn’t seem to like bringing bodyguards at all. I don’t know where he got the confidence to dare to go to Stars and Stripes, a land where shootings occur frequently. Wandering around like this, aren't you afraid of encountering a very accidental shooting and dying in such an accident?

However, Hader is the kind of person who is very thoughtful. In order to ensure that he can assassinate the target successfully in one go, it can be said that he sent out the elite of the entire organization. He also used this method to show his goodwill to the old consortium, hoping that there will be more in the future. If it's such a good thing, we must organize it with them.

Hader himself also went to the scene, preparing to see how Tony Stud, the poor guy who was targeted by the old consortium, died suddenly.

On this day, Tony Stud was driving to Gaia Company in his business car. When passing by a downtown area, he only heard a gunshot!

The "Shadow" organization actually acted so brazenly!

"Success, well done!" Hader clearly saw through the telescope that Tony Stud had been shot!

However, in order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Hader still ordered the detonation of the bomb that had been installed on the commercial vehicle. He wanted to disguise this operation as a terrorist attack. This was normal in the Star-Spangled Kingdom anyway.

As a result, when the commercial vehicle was detonated, a figure wrapped in a steel suit actually flew out of the explosion and went straight to the sniper of the "Shadow" organization!

At this moment, other onlookers in the downtown area were shocked!

And Hader, who organized this assassination, was also confused...

Could it be that the target of their assassination was Iron Man?

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Unruly] for the 500 reward~~~

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