Even Iron Man, when he was not wearing the Iron Suit, should have lost his combat effectiveness after being hit by that powerful anti-equipment weapon, right? Hader couldn't help but think of this.

But then again, looking at the superheroes in the Marvel series, most of them don't seem to take long-range damage. No matter how strong they are, in the end they still have to rely on hand-to-hand combat!

For example, the captain of the Star-Spangled Kingdom who claims to be "50/50" against anyone he fights, seems to be attracted to his shield by anyone who fights him, and then fights him hand-to-hand, staring at his shield's output for a while, and then the two of them fight again The fight was inextricable, with back and forth...

At this time, there were many citizens in this downtown area. They heard sudden gunshots and the explosion of a commercial vehicle on the spot. They were looking for bunkers, thinking that they had encountered another terrorist attack. , but fortunately, the explosion did not seem to cause any casualties to innocent citizens, because the road was relatively narrow, and there were no other vehicles next to the commercial vehicle, and the vehicle behind it chose to brake after the gunshot, so that it collided with the There is still a certain distance between commercial vehicles.

As a result, the vehicle behind the commercial vehicle that exploded also managed to escape. Its driver also had a very strong desire to survive. After the explosion, he got out of the car instantly and then looked for cover very skillfully, as if he was already familiar with this kind of thing. Terrorist attacks are commonplace…

But what all the citizens in the downtown area never expected was that after the commercial vehicle exploded, someone actually survived the explosion, and then he put on a steel suit that was very familiar to many citizens!

The most unbelievable thing is that this steel suit seems to be a real steel suit. It is definitely not a cosplay or something, because it allows the person wearing it to fly in the sky and even hangs there. On the suit Cool things were sprayed from his thrusters, making the citizens of the Star-Spangled Kingdom who saw this scene convinced that he was Iron Man!

What Iron Man did next also shocked the onlookers. He stretched out a hand at random and fired a ray of astonishing destructive power. The target was of course Iron Man's appearance. The sniper and his observer stood there blankly.

The two of them were originally on the top floor of a building, but after being hit by Iron Man's ray, both of them were instantly separated from each other and fell apart! The rays continued to penetrate, and even cut off a corner of the building horribly!

The most important thing is that it didn't make any noise, it just quietly disintegrated everything it hit!

Its essence is undoubtedly one of Olivia's special magics - the Great Disintegration Technique!

But now it has been packaged into a powerful ray, and the effect is particularly cool. Anyway, the onlookers have been completely shocked. They will not associate this ray with magic at all, they only think that it is powerful. The weapons that come with the steel suit!

It is estimated that only Marvel fans who have really read the original comics in depth will find it strange, because it seems that the Iron Suit does not have this extremely powerful ray...

But no matter what, the appearance of Iron Man completely made him the center of the world!

The media from all walks of life in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom have been alerted to the news. Of course, there are also the Stars and Stripes Kingdom police who arrived belatedly, as well as various agents who have been alerted.

Of course, the citizens were excitedly discussing this scene, and they didn't even seem to care about the terrorist attack that they had just feared.

"I never thought there really was an Iron Man in this world!"

"Suddenly I really want to know what he looks like under the steel suit. Could he be Robert Downey Jr.?"

"Besides Iron Man, are there other superheroes, or are mutants about to appear?"

"It is indeed our turn for the Star-Spangled Kingdom to begin its extraordinary recovery. If you can become a superhero, that would be such a cool thing!"

"Are the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom planning to assassinate Iron Man? They definitely don't want to see the emergence of a superhero!"

"The officials are completely untrustworthy. I just want to know if SHIELD has been established. I feel that SHIELD is much more reliable than the official Stars and Stripes."

"Why do you think it is the official work of the Star-Spangled Kingdom? I think it must be those super villain organizations. Since Iron Man has appeared, there is no reason why those super villains can't show up..."

"Is Thanos going to snap his fingers too? Half the people will disappear when he snaps his fingers, tsk tsk."

"Iron Man is so handsome. This is Iron Man in real life. He stretched out his palm at will, shot a ray, and cut off a corner of a building. This seems to be more powerful than him in the movie. ah!"

"You said it's not good to mess with anyone, but you actually messed with superheroes. You really think superheroes care about the lives of every ordinary person. I can only say that some people are just too naive!"

"It's cool, cool, cool, I've captured Iron Man's appearance to his attack, all captured with my phone, I'm going to go viral!"

Iron Man's next actions also made many onlookers excited, because this guy was so decisive in killing, and he didn't know why. He seemed to be very familiar with those who organized the assassination, and he didn't know who it was. Not positioned through some high technology.

In fact, a "malicious detection" magic is used in this. Anyway, no one from this shadow organization that dares to assassinate "Tony Stade" can escape this time!

Li Shushan's "Tony Stade" body is not a mortal body, but a familiar body similar to that of Yama Ai and Platycodon, but it is controlled by Li Shushan himself.

Since the Stars and Stripes Kingdom prides itself on being an extremely free country, Li Shushan completely let himself go when he got here. He really regarded himself as Iron Man and started to become wild. Even if he went against the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom official in the end, I don't think it matters, but I think it's very exciting.

Now that someone is assassinating him, he can say that he is not surprised but happy. He directly massacres this organization in one go. He is also planning to use this organization to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, and then of course he will kill everyone and turn everything upside down!

I am the only Iron Man in the world, so what a fright!

Therefore, the only person Li Shushan did not kill was Hader, the leader of the "Shadow" organization.

He directly grabbed Hader's neck, flew into the air again, and then interrogated: "Tell me the person behind this assassination. If you don't tell me, I will throw you down."

Hader was still in a state of confusion at this time, and even wondered why the Iron Man flying in the air did not seem to be maintained in the air through thrusters, but as if he could fly...

Second update today! ! !

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