What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 259 Mr. Ye loves dragons [Update after 2400 orders]

After being stunned, Hader came back to his senses, and of course he was completely wrapped in fear, because as soon as Iron Man lets go, he will become meat after falling!

At this time, he also knew that all the members of the organization who participated in the assassination of Iron Man were ruthlessly slaughtered by the other party in an instant, which had completely frightened Hader.

Therefore, if superheroes appear in reality, ordinary people without extraordinary powers will be like ants when facing these superheroes, and will be trampled to death by them at will.

He didn't know how much he regretted it at this time. He had known earlier that the person he organized for the assassination was actually Iron Man, or to be more precise, it should be a guy with the black technology of the Iron Suit. Then how could he have taken it out of his mind? This is a completely impossible task?

If the other party was the real Iron Man, maybe the members of his organization would still have a way to survive, but when they met this guy who killed ordinary people without blinking an eye, he could only blame himself for his bad luck.

At the same time, he also hated the old consortiums that hired the "Shadow" organization. He felt that he was completely fooled!

Originally, he thought this mission was all about giving away money, but he didn't know that the water inside was so deep!

Hader can only break the pot. Logically speaking, the killer organization should not provide detailed information about the employer, because this is a very violation of professional ethics. After such an incident, the credibility of the entire organization may be destroyed. Completely defeated.

But when he thought about how almost all the key members of his organization were slaughtered by this guy who made him unable to resist, he felt that there was no professional ethics at all. The "Shadow" Killer Organization On this day, total delisting will definitely happen!

Hader happily confessed who was behind the attack on Tony Stade: "It is the senior executive of the DuPont consortium. This old consortium covets Gaia Company very much and wants to kill the founder of Gaia Company once and for all through assassination, and then Completely dominate this company!"

When Li Shushan heard the killer leader's confession, a lot of information about the senior executives of the DuPont consortium suddenly appeared in his mind. After all, his familiar body is always connected to the magic network. The magical artificial intelligence Alice is just like the one in the movie Iron Man. It is as useful as Jarvis, the artificial intelligence butler.

At the same time, he also knew all the information about Hader, the leader of the "Shadow" killer organization. The so-called dark web, for Alice, a magical artificial intelligence, there is no dark place at all. She can browse her own Just like the back garden, come and visit this darknet.

Li Shushan took a look at all the information on this killer organization, and it can be said that the opponent has a lot of crimes on his hands!

As the leader of a killer organization, Hader lives a very comfortable life on weekdays, but as a black glove for those rich people, killing people can be said to be only the most basic evil deeds. In addition, the "Shadow" organization actually also There is a business of abducting and selling young girls, which contributes to the legendary "Loli Island"!

This made Li Shushan feel angry. He snorted and let go of Hader!

Hader, who was a hundred meters high in the air, couldn't help but scream, how could he have thought of meeting such a decisive "Iron Man"!

No, that guy is not worthy of being called "Iron Man" at all, because he has already directly confessed all the masterminds behind the employment of the "Shadow" organization in accordance with the other party's request. Why is the other party still unwilling to let him live?

Hader never thought that it was all his evil deeds that led to his current fate!

Maybe in his mind, even if he is caught, he has to go through legal procedures to punish him. He can also hire the best lawyer to defend him. As long as he is not sentenced to death, that is enough. He can do it step by step Use money to reduce sentences...

Yes, the Star-Spangled Country is such a country where money is paramount. Its laws can be said to be too suitable for the rich to do whatever they want, because the poor cannot afford good lawyers, and if the rich commit any crime, they can definitely get it through For example, people suffering from various mental illnesses to escape legal sanctions, even killing people, can be said to be "passionate killings". Anyway, it is definitely not intentional killing, so of course there is no need to sacrifice one's life for one's life.

Unfortunately, what Hader miscalculated is that this "Iron Man" is not from the Stars and Stripes Country at all. In his eyes, the laws of the Stars and Stripes Country are all bullshit!

He just saw that the leader of the killer organization, Hader, was unhappy, so he just threw him from a height of more than 100 meters. What happened?

Sinners like this deserve to die!

Without any suspense, Hader fell from a high altitude and was reduced to a pulp in front of many people from the Star-Spangled Nation!

At this moment, an indescribable fear arose in their hearts!

The main reason is that they don't know who Hader is. In fact, even if they knew, it would not prevent them from feeling sad.

After all, Hader is just an ordinary person, and his life is too fragile in front of a superhero like "Iron Man", or should I say a transcendent!

Many others feel that even if Hader is a guilty man, if he is to be executed, he should go through legal procedures.

Only procedural justice is true justice, which can prevent those who abuse their power and force from directly harming them.

At this moment, there is a word that can be said to very appropriately describe the subtle psychology of these Stars and Stripes people. This word is - Mr. Ye loves dragons.

Before extraordinary beings like "Iron Man" appeared, people who watched many Marvel series of movies could not help but yearn for it. It would be great if there really were superheroes in this world. Such a world would be more interesting. Well!

But when these extraordinary beings appeared and they watched helplessly as these extraordinary beings could arbitrarily dominate ordinary people and didn't care about the lives of ordinary people at all, they would naturally find that the appearance of extraordinary beings was not what they imagined. So interesting, because people really can die!

At this time, Li Shushan felt the faith of many people in the Stars and Stripes Country, and they converged on him. It seemed that he was going to become famous throughout the Stars and Stripes Country!

He flew directly to the company building of the DuPont consortium, preparing to wipe out the top executives of an established consortium in ashes in front of all the media!

The third update today! ! !

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