Of course, the media in Stars and Stripes took action immediately.

Of course, these media did not expect at all that the "superhero" who obviously only existed in comics would one day appear in reality, and judging from his appearance, he was clearly the popular Iron Man among superheroes. !

Some media even interviewed Marvel as soon as possible, wanting to know what they thought of the superheroes in their comics appearing in reality.

Of course, those big media still hope to interview "Iron Man" himself and see the other person's true face under the iron suit. According to the settings of the comics, Iron Man should not hide his identity. It is best to show his identity in front of everyone. In front of the media, let me say this - I am Iron Man!

The various research institutions, violence agencies, and intelligence agencies of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are also eyeing this "Iron Man". After all, no matter how you look at it, the steel suit on the opponent has very huge value. If this can be mass-produced, If they grow steel suits, wouldn't their Star-Spangled Kingdom be completely invincible?

But they would never have imagined that the steel suit worn by this copycat Iron Man was not a technological product at all. It was purely a deception. It was black technology packaged by magic.

But what also worries the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom is that the opponent's combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. If they must use force, they will probably pay a huge price!

You know, the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom can be said to be far more domineering than the Chinese officials. The scientists of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom seem to be very interested in various slice studies, so many entertainments in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom In cultural products, there will always be plots in which the protagonist with superpowers is tricked by the Stars and Stripes Kingdom in various ways, and he especially likes to play conspiracy theories.

This is undoubtedly a portrayal of reality. The iron fist of capitalism is no worse than that of socialism. As long as it is the ruling class, it will definitely hope to have the most powerful power in its own hands. It depends on what means they use to do so. Got this powerful power.

Like Japan's ruling class, they use gentle methods. Anyway, kneeling down and licking them is all. They lick the dog until the end, and they have everything they want. They also rely on their extraordinary hands to make the Stars and Stripes Kingdom suffer a secret loss.

The ruling class of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is obviously not as spineless as the Japanese Kingdom. Maybe they are used to being the boss of the world. They always feel that they are invincible. No matter how awesome the extraordinary person is, he is just one person. Is it still possible? Can it turn the world upside down?

Just like DuPont Rogers, the controller of the DuPont Consortium at this time, he also got the news of the appearance of "Iron Man" as soon as possible, but he did not report this "Iron Man" to Tony Smith, the founder of Gaia Company. Tad thought it was an accident.

As we all know, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is a force composed of various super consortiums disguised as a country. Although the DuPont Consortium is not the most powerful consortium in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, it is firmly among the top ten in the country.

Therefore, Dupont Rogers' status in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is undoubtedly among the top ones, and he is also the kind of person who hides behind the scenes. It can be said that old money like him enjoys it the most. No matter what you do, it will not attract the attention of the media. It can be said that you can do whatever you want.

Dupont Rogers is of course very aware of the "supernatural resurgence" that occurred in Japan and the "behemoth resurgence" that occurred in South America. Now there is another extraordinary resurgence of "superheroes coming to reality" in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. He even They all feel normal.

The world has deviated from its original path for some time. More and more phenomena that are incredible and completely unexplainable by science are appearing, leaving many people at a loss as to what to do.

But this does not include the real people in power like Dupont Rogers. They even hope that more and more extraordinary revivals will be good. This is obviously to give them the opportunity to become extraordinary. He does not pursue any invincible power. As long as his lifespan can be several times longer after becoming a transcendent, this will be enough to satisfy him.

Dupont Rogers did not take "Iron Man" seriously. He was still leisurely paying attention to the media's reports on "Iron Man" in the office of the skyscraper built by his consortium.

Then he summoned all the senior executives of the consortium to his luxurious office, and said to all the senior executives: "Perhaps various extraordinary beings will appear in our Stars and Stripes Kingdom soon. What do you think our consortium can use?" A place?"

Most of the top executives of the DuPont consortium are ruthless people. They will do anything for the benefit of the consortium or themselves. Those small companies without any background that are unwilling to bow to the DuPont consortium are basically used by them in various ways. Various means were used to erode it.

These small companies are not useless and no one cares about them, but they all have their own unique advantages, just like the Gaia Company. Its research on prehistoric giant beasts can be said to be extremely outstanding, and it has also registered various patents. , the DuPont consortium took a fancy to this piece of fat, and originally they hoped to acquire Gaia.

It's a pity that their acquisition is not sincere, it is clearly robbery. Of course, Gaia Company will not accept such a robbery-style acquisition, showing an extremely tough side.

When facing such a small company, the DuPont consortium's methods can be said to be very dark and bloody. It can be said that it is their consistent style to directly kill those who dare to resist them.

After hearing DuPont Rogers' question, a senior executive of the consortium named Josh Wolf said with a shrewd smile on his face: "If superheroes really appear one after another, then we can completely eliminate them. Create an industry, package them like stars, and let them make their own movies. Such superhero movies will definitely be more interesting! Only superheroes who obey the orders of our capital have the value of being packaged, otherwise They don’t want to be famous.”

"Why are superheroes willing to cooperate with us?" another senior executive asked.

"Everyone has desires. Superheroes in comics seem to be pretty good, but that's not necessarily the case in reality. Some superheroes may not be just at all. This requires us to package them and create characters for them. , and when their evil deeds are discovered, we also need to wipe their butts. In short, even superheroes should become slaves of our capital!" Josh said decisively.

After Dupont Rogers listened to what Josh said, he smiled with satisfaction.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Baiji Bacteria] for the 500 reward~~~

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