Dupont Rogers is indeed very satisfied with Josh’s idea. It sounds very cool to let superheroes work for capital, not to mention that as long as it is done well, it can completely benefit both people and money!

As long as they have superheroes, it means that their consortium will have high-end combat power. At the same time, if these superheroes are packaged as superstars, they can become famous instantly!

Ordinary people's yearning for superheroes has long been clearly reflected in the box office of the Marvel series of movies, especially the "Avengers" series. The box office explosion was really amazing.

Those are just fake superheroes that only exist in comics. As long as they are real in reality, they will enter the entertainment industry through various hypes, and the speed at which they can make money is exciting to think about.

But at this time, Dupont Rogers saw the news report on TV. The reporter from the major TV station said this: "According to the description of witnesses at the scene, the appearance of 'Iron Man' is related to a terrorist attack." Or maybe it's related to the assassination. Originally, 'Iron Man' was in a commercial vehicle, and then it was attacked by anti-material weapons. Then the commercial vehicle exploded, and then 'Iron Man' transformed..."

When DuPont Rogers heard such reports, he couldn't help but panic, because he didn't know what happened, but he actually thought of the fact that the DuPont Consortium directly paid money for the "Shadow" killer organization to kill the founder of Gaia Company.

Logically speaking, this should be just a trivial matter, because the DuPont consortium is indeed very accustomed to doing this kind of thing. As long as it is handled cleanly, is it possible that the Stars and Stripes officials would dare to sanction an established consortium like them?

Besides, the one who attacked was the "Shadow" killer organization. What does it have to do with their DuPont consortium?

If the opponent is determined, he can use the same method to retaliate!

It is a pity that this kind of assassination method is generally only dared to be used by such established consortiums, because they did it a hundred years ago. Even after completing the bloody accumulation of original capital, they still maintained their original bloody nature. This is why the DuPont consortium remains standing in the Stars and Stripes.

Everyone knows that the DuPont consortium is not easy to mess with, just like a mad dog. This is what makes other established consortiums and emerging capital very afraid of them.

The more Dupont Rogers thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. He quickly ordered his assistant to ask the guy who was responsible for communicating with the "Shadow" organization to contact the leader of the "Shadow" organization to find out what was going on.

At this time, the senior leaders of the DuPont consortium began brainstorming and discussed various ways to tame superheroes into slaves of capital.

If one day ordinary people can also develop superpowers through training, they will definitely set up a special superhero training institution to train them from trainees. Generally, only superhero trainees who have practiced for three years can make their debut. They must not only be proficient in To use supernatural powers, you also need to learn to sing, dance, and act...

The more they brainstormed, the senior executives of the DuPont consortium seemed to become more excited. They believed that the superhero industry had great potential. They also despised Japan. There were already so many extraordinary beings, but they didn't know how to develop them. In terms of commercial value, if those extraordinary people were in the hands of consortium capital, they would have already made huge profits.

While the senior elites of the DuPont consortium were discussing various matters excitedly, DuPont Rogers finally received a response from his assistant, and his face turned gloomy.

The reason is, of course, that Hader, the leader of the "Shadow" killer organization, has been unable to contact him. Although it is not completely certain that the other party's assassination operation has completely failed, Dupont Rogers' keen intuition told him that there is an 80% chance of this. Possibility, the "Shadow" organization has encountered a problem!

Regardless of whether this tough guy is the founder of Gaia Company, Tony Studd, he can no longer underestimate him. It is obvious that Gaia Company is not only unique in biotechnology, but also in other fields. It’s definitely not simple!

However, just as he was thinking this, a scene appeared that shocked him and all the senior officials present!

I saw a black dot slowly appear from the sky, and then with a "boom", it directly broke through the huge floor-to-ceiling window of this luxurious office in the skyscraper!

Who is this if not "Iron Man"?

Not long after "Iron Man" appeared in this office, several helicopters appeared outside the skyscraper. There were people shouting "Iron Man" among them, and there were actually very professional negotiators.

At this time, the senior executives of the DuPont consortium were a little dumbfounded, and at the same time they felt inexplicably guilty, because they had been discussing how to make money from the superhero industry!

Josh Wolf, a very shrewd and flexible executive, had no idea that this "Iron Man" was the target of assassination by their DuPont consortium. At this time, he took the initiative and said: "Wow, Mr. Iron Man, you are really So handsome, but you accidentally flew to the wrong place, haha."

Josh thought he was very good at socializing and could ease the atmosphere. He really thought that this "Iron Man" came here by accident.

As a result, "Iron Man" snorted coldly and said in a mocking tone: "If you didn't kill the wrong person, I didn't fly to the wrong place. Today is the day when your DuPont Consortium will be completely destroyed."

As soon as "Iron Man" said this, the atmosphere of the entire scene dropped to freezing point.

If someone had dared to tell the senior management of an established consortium that they wanted to destroy the entire consortium before, it would have been considered a complete joke. How could such a thing be possible?

You must know that the power of an established consortium can be said to be complex, and it also has various marriages, cross-shareholdings, etc. with other consortiums. It is almost impossible to destroy a consortium using commercial means.

As for resorting to force, it is even more unrealistic. The Star-Spangled Kingdom is a country governed by the rule of law, and the Star-Spangled Kingdom’s army is completely on the side of the consortium. This is the most powerful army in the world, and any country has They don’t even dare to come to the mainland of Stars and Stripes to run wild!

Therefore, the senior executives of these established consortiums have never worried about their own safety. Even if a business opponent hires a killer to assassinate him, the success rate will not be high in the first place. Even if it succeeds, the employer will face the most terrifying revenge from the established consortia!

But who would have thought that the DuPont Consortium would usher in the revenge of a superhero!

Second update today! ! !

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