The audience in front of the TV, after being shocked, started talking wildly!

"This is not the Iron Man superhero, he is clearly an executioner who slaughters ordinary people wantonly!"

"This guy is crazy! He slaughtered the top executives of the consortium in front of the military. He is finished!"

"Is he going to fight the entire country with one person? Oh my God, this is unbelievable!"

"Holy shit! This is the craziest behavior I have ever seen in my life. I thought he would definitely succumb to official authority..."

"That's too arrogant. Even if he has the power of Iron Man, he can't do this. He will definitely become a wanted criminal in our Star-Spangled Kingdom!"

"The officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom will never give in! We are the most powerful country in the world, and even extraordinary beings cannot insult the dignity of our country!"

Most of the audience obviously do not like the Iron Demon, who directly slaps the official face of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, and think that he will be finished next. Only a small number of people who are afraid of chaos in the world feel that the Iron Demon has launched an armed resistance against the evil capitalism of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. The first shot!

Faced with such a powerful and arrogant "Iron Man" or Iron Demon, the military flying a helicopter outside the office of the DuPont Consortium could be said to be in a state of bewilderment for a moment!

How dare he!

Both the official and military leaders of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are of course paying attention to this extremely serious incident. Their first thought now is, why does this guy dare to do whatever he wants? He clearly doesn't care about Star-Spangled Country at all. The country's powerful class takes it seriously!

Although the personnel of the DuPont Consortium in the top circles of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are not very good, no matter what, it can be regarded as a member of the ruling class of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. And what is the identity of this Iron Demon? He has not yet entered the top circles of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

This can be seen as a slap in the face of the entire top circle of the Star-Spangled Kingdom by a person who was not originally part of the ruling class of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

The identity of the Iron Demon has basically been grasped by the Star-Spangled Kingdom officials for the first time. He is Tony Stade, the founder of Gaia Company.

Originally, many people were watching Tony Stade's good show. In the Star-Spangled Kingdom, there are many things that can be said about "the common man is not guilty but the one who possesses the treasure is guilty", especially the kind of big capital that is targeting Those things that make them covet will definitely make guys with no background like Tony Stade understand what the iron fist of capitalism is.

In the end, no one expected that Tony Studd would use such a method beyond everyone's imagination to complete such cruel revenge on the DuPont consortium that coveted his company!

This is also a naked slap in the face to the ruling class of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

Those dignitaries of the Star-Spangled Kingdom who were watching the good show, after thinking "how dare he", of course became angry and angry, and even in the next moment, they wanted to ask the military to take action to complete the suppression of this steel demon!

When the ruling class faces non-ruling classes who dare to resist them, of course they will directly use the most brutal violent means to suppress them immediately. Only in this way can they show the determination of the ruling class and serve as a warning to the monkeys. Otherwise, those who want to If those who subvert the ruling class follow the example of the rebels, won't there be very serious consequences?

The officials of any country attach great importance to their own authority and credibility. If they lose these, it will definitely shake the foundation of their rule. This is a phenomenon that those in power are absolutely unwilling to see.

It's just that when the superiors are individuals, they may be impulsive, and when angry, they will give very irrational orders, but when the superiors act as a group, they will weigh the pros and cons more carefully.

The military of the Star-Spangled Kingdom finally received the order to exercise restraint against the Iron Demon instead of directly suppressing it with violence!

From "how dare he" to "getting angry" to "maintaining restraint", God knows what kind of psychological process the senior officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom have gone through!

What is certain is that this feeling of being scared for a second is really frustrating, but when they carefully replayed the slaughter process of the Iron Demon, those senior officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom who clamored that the Iron Demon must be eliminated were silent. After falling down, who can withstand the fighting power displayed by this steel demon?

The main reason is that this steel demon can carry out beheading operations. He does not confront the powerful army of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom at all, but directly stares at the high-ranking officials and consortium elites of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom to kill. This makes it impossible to guard against it!

The intimidating power of the extraordinary is reflected here!

A transcendent person may not be able to play the role of an army on his own, but when it comes to assassination operations, no one can stop him unless the top brass of the Star-Spangled Kingdom can find a transcendent person to fight against this steel demon.

The senior officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom have confirmed that this Iron Demon has extraordinary positioning ability. Otherwise, how could he find the location of the controller of the DuPont Consortium? Since he has such a powerful beheading ability, it naturally means that he can do it if he wants. Directly slaughter all the top leaders of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

Thinking of such serious consequences, how could the senior officials of the Stars and Stripes country not be afraid? At this time, they were very envious of the Japanese high-level officials, because they at least had the ability to protect themselves, even if this self-protection ability came from " "Yama Ai" is a transcendent being that they cannot fully control.

The top management of the Star-Spangled Kingdom were originally the kind of guys who wanted to completely control everything here. Now they have realized a truth, that is, when they encounter an extraordinary person like the Iron Demon who flips the table whenever they disagree, when they face him, It seems that I can only be helpless and furious, and then I have to maintain restraint and hope to negotiate with him peacefully!

In any case, the Iron Demon is also a native of the Stars and Stripes with a well-established background. He is just an irritable old man. If the DuPont Consortium had not used such despicable assassination methods, he would not have used such a violent method to fight back. …

The think tank of the Star-Spangled Kingdom began to take the initiative to defend the Iron Demon, and even built a model of Tony Stade's character to analyze how the Star-Spangled Kingdom officials could coexist peacefully with him. There was no way, the force shown by the other party was deterrence and exposure. The power of the table is really frightening!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [SSakura] for the 500 reward~~~

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