In fact, if the Iron Demon had just faced the shouts of the senior leaders of the Dupont Consortium and the outside military, and had chosen to give up, and did not respond with this kind of massacre like turning the table, it is estimated that the senior officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom would not have given up. So powerful.

As we all know, the top leaders of Stars and Stripes have always been arrogant. They always like to pretend that they are the most powerful country in the world. They are obviously on the decline and are about to be overtaken by China, but they still refuse to accept it. There's always something going on.

When facing such a star-striped country, if you want to face it through compromise, it will make it more arrogant, giving it the confidence to push on its nose and face.

Just now, the top management of Stars and Stripes Kingdom had clearly planned to use this method to gain maximum benefits from this "Iron Man".

First of all, the technology of this "Iron Suit" must be handed over. No matter what method is used, whether tough or gentle, to make Tony Stade surrender step by step, it is best to break his spine. Let him become the lackey of the top management of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

After all, although this guy made the right choice at the critical moment, his behavior of directly coming to the door and threatening the senior management of the consortium was too sensitive. This was clearly treason!

It's a pity that no one expected that Tony Studd could be so tough. Even when faced with the truly powerful dignitaries of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, rulers with huge social influence and high-level connections, he would kill at will. Kill them all!

This suddenly disrupted the plans of the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom's top brass, or overturned all actions against him!

At this time, the top leaders of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom truly realized that in the face of absolute force, all conspiracies and tricks are false!

If you seek peace through struggle, you will survive peacefully; if you seek peace through compromise, you will perish peacefully. When facing an official like the Star-Spangled Kingdom, you must have this kind of awareness!

It's useless to be timid, just do it and you'll be done!

However, Li Shushan actually didn't think so much. He just used the topic to play on it. Originally, he wanted to do good business through Gaia Company. It was best to use those desperate research to create various products that would have serious consequences. , in such a way to attract the official attention of the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Who made the old consortium of the Stars and Stripes Country so domineering? He admitted that he also had the idea of ​​using Gaia Company to fish for law enforcement, and the DuPont consortium took the bait, which can be said to be exactly what he wanted!

Li Shushan was short of a reason to let himself go. This DuPont consortium was so interesting that he brought it to his doorstep. Since people had hired murderers to kill him, and wanted to deal with him once and for all and directly take possession of the Gaia company, couldn't he carry out the most cruel Revenge?

Just because they are the ruling class of the Star-Spangled Kingdom can they be so disrespectful? There is no such truth in the world!

Rather than killing innocent people indiscriminately, Li Shushan felt that it would be very satisfying to massacre the senior officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. These people may not be willing to part with their huge wealth before they die. They can obviously live a life of enjoyment, but it is a pity that The greed of capital brought them such a tragic ending.

At this time, Li Shushan suddenly walked towards the entrance where he had just broken in through the floor-to-ceiling window. He knew that at this time, the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom media was paying attention to his every move. He could not miss this opportunity to collect beliefs. Of course, it could also be said that A chance to shine.

Facing the media's camera, his back was a mess, with corpses of senior executives of the DuPont consortium scattered all over it. He directly revealed the handsome white face of "Tony Stud", with a calm air on his face. With a light smile, it seemed that killing the top executives of the Star-Spangled Kingdom was just a trivial matter.

He blessed a kind of amplification magic and said: "Hello everyone in the Star-Spangled Kingdom! First of all, let me introduce myself to everyone. My name is Tony Stade, and I am-Iron Man! Okay, I just made a little joke with everyone, playing with Marvel jokes. In fact, I am not Iron Man at all. I also have no justice and noble heart like the one in the comics. I am just a person who has revenge and grudges. Distinctly ordinary people.”

"You may be very confused as to why I want to kill this DuPont consortium and continue to die. The reason is very simple. That is, about a few hours ago, I was assassinated by the DuPont consortium. They had coveted my company before. It is said that our Star-Spangled Kingdom is very strict in protecting private property, but everyone knows that the old consortiums are so abominable, and they will always use all means to snatch what they covet..."

"Therefore, this act of revenge of mine can be said to be a forced counter-killing! Dear viewers in front of the TV, don't worry that I will kill innocent people indiscriminately. Although I am not a righteous superhero, I am not a super villain either. I am just I just want to run a good company and do business! If anyone dares to use extraordinary means to deal with me in the future, don’t blame me for using the revenge methods I used today!"

"Finally, everyone may be curious about where the steel suit on me came from! Of course I will not hide its origin. I will tell everyone openly that I am the Chosen One! I am the protagonist of this world, so I can easily obtain this steel suit, all of this is what I have worked hard to imagine, and making the fantasy come true is my super power!"

"So, I would like to advise those who dare to deal with me that Iron Man is just a small role-playing role I played. Maybe next time I will be Superman! Of course, I can also play Thanos and snap my fingers to make half of the people in the Star-Spangled Country disappear. It’s all okay!”

"Let me tell you another secret. For those who believe in me, maybe I can give you superpowers with a snap of my fingers. What are you waiting for?"

Li Shushan is nakedly threatening the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom!

At the same time, they are also nakedly harvesting faith!

However, the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom has absolutely nothing to do with him!

His announcement of his superpower of "making fantasies come true" also made all the senior officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom feel melancholy. If this was not his bluff, then how the hell should he target this Tony Stade?

If he was caught successfully, wouldn't it be too foul if he imagined that he could successfully escape from prison?

Of course, the think tank analysis members of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom immediately conducted various analyses, and then comforted the top management of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, saying that there is definitely no absolutely invincible superpower in this world...

Second update today! ! !

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