Of course there is no absolutely invincible superpower in this world, because what Li Shushan possesses is not a superpower at all. He is simply using magic to act like a ghost!

After Li Shushan completed this declaration calling on all Stars and Stripes people to believe in him through the media of the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom, he left directly. It seemed that he did not pay attention to the official thoughts of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom at all. He obviously just wanted to start a company quietly. That’s all!

But there is no doubt that after he admitted in front of the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom media that he had superpowers and could even be given superpowers, he paid attention to the "Iron Man Murder Incident" that shocked the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom. The audience was excited instantly!

In fact, the audience never expected that this "Iron Man" was not the kind of person who hides his head and tail at all, but exposed his cheeks in front of all the media. This kind of behavior has to be said to be really awesome!

In this short period of time, Tony Stade has become a person known to everyone in the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom!

Of course, some viewers who watched the live broadcast also left messages——

"You still say you're not Iron Man? What's the difference between this pushy character and the real Tony Stark?"

"Tony Stade? Is this your real name? It feels like it's just a made-up name!"

"I guess I'll use this name when I play Iron Man. Next time I want to play other roles, I'll use another name..."

"The super power of making fantasies come true? Is this true or false? If any fantasy can come true, wouldn't it mean that if he destroys the world, he will destroy the world?"

"This is too unbelievable, but he just slaughtered the senior executives of the DuPont consortium at will, but he has to admit his great strength."

"Why is the military of Stars and Stripes so cowardly? Is there any legal restriction on letting a murderer go like this?"

"This madman is trampling on the dignity of the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and he still wants the people of the Stars and Stripes to believe in him. Is he God? Whoever wants to believe can believe in it. I absolutely do not believe in it!"

"However, when the person who believes in him really gains superpowers, you may choose to actively believe in him at that time. This is the law of true fragrance summed up by a philosopher named Wang from China!"

"It's finally our turn for the Star-Spangled Kingdom of America to begin its extraordinary recovery. I have been preparing for a long time. Now I have begun to believe in this Lord Tony Stud. I want to gain the power of clairvoyance, hehe... "

"I hope the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom will quickly punish this lunatic who relies on his superpowers to do whatever he wants. Our freedom in the Star-Spangled Kingdom must not be destroyed by this guy!"

"The officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom should really do something. Extraordinary people like this who don't understand that with great power come great responsibilities, they should be imprisoned in SHIELD's prison!"

Internet public opinion in the Star-Spangled Kingdom has indeed exploded at this moment. There is no other way but to say that the appearance of Tony Stud, a "superpower", is really shocking.

The fearlessness shown by the other party also disgusted many citizens of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. It was just the people at the bottom. Instead, they wanted to rely on Tony Stade to evolve super powers. After all, "poor people rely on mutation."

But the rich people in the Star-Spangled Kingdom can be said to be very uneasy. Originally, the class in the Star-Spangled Kingdom can be said to be very stable. The "Star-Spangled Kingdom Dream" deceives the people at the bottom to be good. In fact, most of the poor will always be He is just a poor man, so he will be harvested as a leek, and his children will also be harvested as a leek.


Because education in Stars and Stripes fundamentally limits class mobility, children from poor families are only worthy of the public schools that implement "quality education" and "happy education" in Stars and Stripes, while children from rich families are , attended a strict aristocratic private school since childhood and received the best education...

In this way, when the offspring of the two grow up, the rich will of course still be rich, and the poor will not be able to change their own destiny through education. Because the family is poor, they cannot invest more money to change the destiny of their children. .

As the cost of education becomes higher and higher, the class structure of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom has become more and more solidified. At this time, the people of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom have long been accustomed to this situation, and they can be willing to be leeks. .

Of course, the wealthy people in the Star-Spangled Kingdom are also very satisfied with this status quo. As a result, the emergence of this superpower "Tony Stade" simply adds chaos to the stable class status quo of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

Just imagine, if a poor man from the Star-Spangled Country, who was originally worthless, gained superpowers because of his belief in "Tony Stade", then he would definitely use his superpowers to change his destiny, right?

Of course, it is also very possible that the person who obtained superpowers is a person who has been successfully brainwashed. Maybe he truly believes in the saying "with great power comes great responsibility", and such superpowers are easier to control.

I'm afraid of guys like "Tony Stud" who directly use their superpowers to serve themselves. This kind of person is definitely not willing to let go of the rabbit. There is no way to restrain him by things like national interests and national justice. , on the contrary, he will kill anyone who dares to scheme against him, but you can't do anything to him!

What is more troublesome than superpowers like "Tony Stud" are of course chaotic evil guys, or existences like the Japanese country that have degenerated into "abyssal ones". Such existences cannot even communicate. , is a pure monster and can only be destroyed.

In any case, the rich people in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom are now in a state of mourning because of the death of the senior executives of the DuPont Consortium. After all, the rich have become accustomed to relying on the laws of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom to take advantage of loopholes. Suddenly, a person who does not respect the law suddenly appears. , directly relying on violence to punish your transcendent, this feeling of being stepped on like garbage, is really uncomfortable!

After the top elites of the DuPont consortium were slaughtered, the stock prices of the listed companies under this consortium fell crazily, and their market value evaporated in a short period of time. It was already in a state of complete chaos!

Of course, it is impossible for the DuPont Consortium to collapse so soon, but the senior executives of other consortiums are already planning to acquire the high-quality properties of the DuPont Consortium while grieving the death of rabbits and foxes. After all, business is business, and this is definitely a huge cake!

For the "Tony Stade" who made this cake, the senior executives of other consortiums were afraid, but they also felt that his action this time was really awesome. Without him, how could they have sold DuPont so easily? What about the consortium?

The third update today! ! !

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