What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 266 Discussions among Chinese Netizens

The killing of extraordinary people in the Star-Spangled Kingdom soon spread to other countries. It can be said that the reputation of "Tony Stade" spread throughout the world at once.

This is of course because the Star-Spangled Kingdom itself attracts too much attention in the world. After all, it is the most powerful country on earth, the so-called beacon of freedom.

However, this time what happened in this lighthouse country, people from other countries looked at this incident with a gloating and happy attitude.

For example, Chinese netizens are known to be unique in the world in their ridicule and slanderous remarks. They already learned about the news on the Internet about two or three days after the incident occurred.

However, China's official media still did not express any opinions on this incident. It may be because the Chinese officials were relatively confused and even doubted the authenticity of this incident. After all, superheroes in comics appeared in reality. , it’s really unbelievable.

However, considering the "supernatural resurgence" that occurred in Japan and the "behemoth resurgence" that occurred in South America, with such mysterious events that have been stone hammers as examples, everything that happened in the Star-Spangled Kingdom seems to be very real. …

However, China's official media has always been relatively conservative, and they also care more about the views of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. Now the Stars and Stripes Kingdom officials have not made any characterization of this incident, neither saying that it is a terrorist incident and that it is wanted." Iron Man" did not declare "Iron Man" to be righteous. He sanctioned the evil capital consortium.

Under such a situation, China's official media can only remain silent once again. They have shown a very conservative attitude towards any extraordinary events. This may be related to China's tradition. To use an ancient saying, Said, it means that the child is speechless, has strange power and confuses the gods.

As for Chinese netizens, of course they express their opinions unscrupulously on the Internet. Even if they cannot express their opinions on the Great China LAN, they can still express their opinions on the Magic Net.

"Now it's finally the turn of the Star-Spangled Kingdom? Even the unique superheroes of the Star-Spangled Kingdom have appeared!"

"The copycat version of Iron Man in the video is a bit embarrassing. It seems that he doesn't give any face to the Stars and Stripes officials at all. Isn't he afraid of the Stars and Stripes officials' revenge?"

"Lao Mi is just a man. If I had the steel suit, I would definitely not be so high-profile. I always feel like I am seeking death..."

"That Tony Studd doesn't just have a steel suit. Didn't you hear him say that he has the ability to make his fantasies come true? He is invincible just thinking about it!"

"There is a saying. If there is no limit to the ability to make this fantasy come true, then this Tony Studd may be able to rule the earth."

"This is absolutely impossible. It is estimated that his ability can only be effective in the Stars and Stripes Country, just like those extraordinary people in Japan cannot leave the island country at all."

"That's right. Looking at the superhero blockbusters of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, we haven't seen any superheroes or super villains dare to appear in China. This means that our country, China, is a forbidden zone."

"Isn't it common sense that China does not exist in superhero movies? Even if it does exist, it is mostly used to smear China. We have already seen through the cultural industry of the Star-Spangled Kingdom."

"Superheroes have appeared in the Star-Spangled Kingdom. When did immortal cultivators appear in our country? The extraordinary powers of other countries have returned one after another, but our country of China still does not have its own extraordinary power. This always makes people feel very empty. ah!"

"Who said that our country of China does not have extraordinary powers? Have you forgotten the Future Technology Studio? Our country of China has future people. With future technology, no one in China has to be afraid!"

"I always feel that the style of painting for people with extraordinary power like ours in China is totally wrong. The immortal cultivators who wield swords and fly should be the corresponding superheroes from the Star-Spangled Kingdom!"

"Actually, there have been extraordinary beings in China for a long time. Have you forgotten the hot-searched video of the Sword Immortal fighting an angel? This shows that our country of China is indeed being silently guarded by Sword Immortals."

"Yes, there must be extraordinary beings in our country of China, but they will never interfere with reality like extraordinary beings from other countries do. They may not appear until extraordinary beings from other countries invade our country!"

Chinese netizens were originally talking about the extraordinary heroes of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, but later they began to argue about whether extraordinary people existed in China, and what kind of ideology and power system they had.

Chinese netizens still firmly believe that their country, as an ancient civilization, must have extraordinary people. However, the extraordinary people of China are definitely not the kind who like to be high-profile and use extraordinary power to kill ordinary people wantonly. Maybe there are extraordinary people in China. There are special requirements for xinxing...

Chinese netizens unanimously believe that the quality of extraordinary beings in China is definitely higher than that of extraordinary beings from other countries, and they do not want extraordinary beings like "Tony Stade" who can't agree with each other and kill the whole family if they say so. After all, no matter which country's officials encounter such a transcendent person, they will have a huge headache.

Therefore, Chinese netizens tend to believe that China’s extraordinary beings must silently guard their country. They will only appear when non-secular forces appear in China. The evidence for this argument is the one that many people saw at the beginning. A video of a sword fairy fighting an angel high in the sky.

That's right, originally this video no longer attracted attention due to the passage of time. In addition, some experts swore that it was just a climatic phenomenon, which resulted in no one paying attention to it anymore.

In today's era, the emergence of Zhuanjia is no longer to do research, but to guide public opinion and fool the people.

Even if many people know that those experts are talking nonsense, what can they do? They themselves can't come up with a better explanation, and in the end they can only let it go.

As a result, the previous video of the extraordinary battle that took place in China was dug up by Chinese netizens, and then became a hot search again. Those experts who had previously vowed to express what kind of climate phenomenon this was were naturally embarrassed.

At that time, no one would believe that there were extraordinary beings in this world, but now, the fact that extraordinary beings exist in this world has gradually become more and more popular.

Even if we continue to publicize that there are no extraordinary people in China, the Chinese people themselves will be anxious. If the superheroes from the Stars and Stripes Kingdom come to kill them, then they must let the sword immortals from China go up. Only extraordinary people can fight against extraordinary people!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Lonely Chopped Wind] for the 1,000 reward, and [Dangerous Hands Destroying Flowers Huang Ban Xian'er] for the 500 reward~~~

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