What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 267 The Official Stars and Stripes Kingdom from the Heart

For Li Shushan, the instigator of this extraordinary incident in the Star-Spangled Kingdom, it can be said that he successfully passed the incident and achieved the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

Through this incident, he attracted the attention of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom officials, allowing them to shift their focus from the prehistoric beast continent of South America directly to the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

At the same time, the force he displayed also shocked the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, making them completely put off the attack. They didn't know how to treat this "Tony Stade".

Even though most of the top officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom have been frightened by the combat power and bottomless killings of "Tony Stade", there are still a handful of iron-blooded hawks who believe that they must not do this to "Tony Stade" The thugs compromised!

No matter which country the hawks are from, their attitude is basically extremely tough. They believe that this "Tony Stade" has slapped the entire Stars and Stripes official and military in the face in front of all the media in the Stars and Stripes. , let the official majesty of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom fall to the ground, this is simply a naked statelessness!

Therefore, it is entirely possible to characterize "Tony Stud" as a terrorist and let him understand the power of the iron fist of capitalism. Only in this way can the official authority of the Star-Spangled Kingdom be truly maintained!

But there is no doubt that the hawks talk lightly, but which senior executive dares to say that they are not afraid of death when facing the near-invincible combat power of "Tony Stade"?

Now that "Tony Stud" has only shown the ability of Iron Man, the military of the Star-Spangled Kingdom does not know how to respond. Even if they use nuclear weapons, even if they can break through the defense, the key is how to hit him accurately. Woolen cloth?

The super maneuverability displayed by extraordinary beings is difficult for an army composed of ordinary people in this world to target, and the various aircraft used by ordinary people, whether they are helicopters or combat effectiveness, are extremely fragile in the air. "Iron Man" only needs to shoot a ray and destroy a wing, which can destroy the aircraft and kill everyone.

The think tanks and military of the Star-Spangled Kingdom simply simulated a battle to use the army to eliminate him based on the "Iron Man" abilities displayed by "Tony Stade". As a result, this deduction showed that the army would encounter huge losses every time. ended with a loss!

This is of course because "Iron Man" does not have to confront the army. As long as he uses guerrilla tactics, he can carry out any decapitation operation. And the most important thing is that the military has not yet figured out how the energy of the opponent's iron suit can be How long does it last? If it uses black energy technology, it can almost be used as a perpetual motion machine. How can such an "Iron Man" defeat him?

Under such a situation, the official hawks of the Star-Spangled Kingdom have undoubtedly become talkative people. They are just showing off their toughness in a meaningless way, and they can't come up with any perfect plan at all.

On the other hand, some senior officials who prefer to use conspiracy said that they could target the relatives of "Iron Man", but they were helpless after discovering that "Tony Stud"'s parents had already died.

Moreover, after analyzing the character of "Tony Stud", he found that the other party's fierce and decisive character made him absolutely unyielding. If he really found out who was using conspiracy and tricks, then this person would People will definitely be doomed.

Therefore, Stars and Stripes officials must admit that the extreme toughness and uncompromising shown by "Tony Stade" by massacring the top executives of the DuPont Consortium made Stars and Stripes officials dare not act rashly.

In the end, the senior officials of the Congxin Sect gained the upper hand. They believed that the Stars and Stripes Kingdom official could reduce the loss of its authority by pretending to be dead this time. Anyway, over time, the people of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom would definitely forget this time. The official can actually be so cowardly.

Then the media in Stars and Stripes must keep up with the propaganda, which is to add insult to injury to the "DuPont Consortium" and directly characterize the "DuPont Consortium" as an evil existence, saying that it is conducting evil research. "Iron Man" uses thunder to The only way to destroy the top leaders of this group is to uphold justice and uphold justice!

There is no doubt that the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom are of course on the side of "Iron Man", but the officials were too careless and woke up a little late. Later, after careful investigation, they discovered that this "Dupont" "Consortium" is so evil!

All in all, the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom and the super-powered "Tony Stade" must be the righteous guardians of the people of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Both of them have made great contributions to protecting the people of the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

Some people may think that the propaganda of this Star-Spangled Country media is nonsense. Can black things be made white?

There is no doubt that what is black can be washed into white, and the media in the Star-Spangled Kingdom are not as uncontrolled as those in Japan. They must obey the power of capital at critical times.

The official purpose of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom in doing this is of course not to reduce the combat effectiveness of "Tony Stade" through the so-called law of "blackening is three times stronger and whitening is three times weaker", but to kill two birds with one stone in this way. .

One of them is to give the officials of Stars and Stripes a way to step down. As the saying goes, what should we do if we suffer a terrorist attack but cannot teach the terrorists a lesson? Then just say that terrorists are not terrorists, but partners of justice...

Since the current situation forces Stars and Stripes officials to tell lies with open eyes, they can only do this. This can also make the sacrifice of the DuPont Consortium have the final value.

The second thing is that the official of Stars and Stripes, through such a gesture, released a very friendly attitude to "Tony Stade", which can obviously be seen by "Tony Stade" Their official sincerity.

As a result, the Star-Spangled Kingdom officials had a basis for cooperation with this temporary "only Star-Spangled Kingdom transcendent".

The research institutions of the Star-Spangled Kingdom have confirmed that the value of Gaia's biotechnology reserves and "Tony Stud's" own superpowers are immeasurable!

If this "Iron Man" can be successfully recruited, the national strength of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom will be greatly increased!

And if "Tony Stud" can really give other people superpowers, then it is not impossible to form an "Avengers" with the other person as the core!

In fact, after this incident, the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom have established a new organization, similar to Japan's "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" and China's "Special Office". Its name was also taken as a matter of course. For—S.H.I.E.L.D.

Second update today! ! !

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