The Japanese island country is really becoming more and more like a different world now, but it has two places where relatively abnormal prosperity has indeed appeared.

One is of course the Tokyo metropolitan area where Enma Ai is based. Many middle- and upper-class people from other big cities have moved here, which naturally makes the Tokyo metropolitan area, which is already the most developed in Japan, even more developed.

The other place is naturally the base camp of the "Amaterasu Sect" and the place sheltered by the Amaterasu Shrine. It was originally just a small rural place with an unknown name, but now it has been called a "Holy Land".

Yes, this place is undoubtedly the religious holy land of the "Amaterasu Sect". With the famous modern onmyoji Abe Shinsuke in Japan, he brought the "Yata Mirror", one of the three Japanese artifacts, to Amaterasu Shrine for worship. Amaterasu Shrine has undoubtedly successfully replaced the Ise Shrine that was destroyed by the "tide of ghosts".

Almost all Japanese beliefs are attributed to Amaterasu Shrine.

On this "holy place", there is no doubt that Amaterasu Shrine has become the de facto ruler. Japanese officials have also turned a blind eye to this. Many powerful people even regard this place as theirs. The only way out is to invest in houses in the "Holy Land".

The "Holy Land" is a long way from the Tokyo metropolitan area, but it maintains very good transportation. Even many extraordinary people in Japan recognize the "Holy Land" more. After all, the extraordinary people in the "Holy Land" have become more and more popular. too much.

It's just that the various supporting buildings and facilities in the "holy land" are far inferior to those in the Tokyo metropolitan area, so the Tokyo metropolitan area is still the first choice for those powerful people who love to enjoy themselves.

Of course, there are many rich people who are completely pessimistic about the future of Japan, so they naturally choose to immigrate. However, the risk of rich people immigrating to other countries is still very high. If they don’t have connections, they are very likely to become victims. fat pig.

Among them, there are of course many wealthy Japanese who immigrated to the Stars and Stripes of America. For this, Japan's official media strongly criticized them and considered them traitors.

Of course, ordinary people in Japan look down upon rich people who abandon their motherland at critical moments. However, after the recent "Iron Man Killing" incident in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, ordinary people in Japan naturally feel comfortable.

What's the use of immigrating to the Stars and Stripes Country? Now that this blackened "Iron Man" has appeared, maybe other super villains will appear one day. By then, the fate of the Stars and Stripes Country will definitely be worse than that of our Japanese island country. good?

Because of this, many Japanese people are looking forward to the best that the Stars and Stripes Kingdom can fight to the death with the blackened "Iron Man", and then they can watch the extraordinary people messing around in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom every day.

However, when they saw the media reports of Stars and Stripes, the Japanese people's desire to complain burst out!

"The media in this country of Stars and Stripes is so outrageous. There are so many reports about kneeling down and licking murderers?"

"Is the Star-Spangled Kingdom now a strong force on the outside? It actually compromised with a transcendent like this. Is that Tony Stade really that powerful?"

"Let me tell you, this operation of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is really good for people to eat. Their ability to talk nonsense is already the style of our Japanese officials!"

"The sun is strong, and everything appears! It turns out that the Star-Spangled Kingdom has also turned into the shape of a licking dog in our Japanese Kingdom."

"Are we in Japan very licking dogs? Who are we licking? Could it be that it's Master Yama Ai? I don't agree with this. Master Yama Ai has never killed ordinary people indiscriminately. Those who died under her sword are all extremely vicious ghosts. And those from the abyss who have lost their minds.”

"The Stars and Stripes Kingdom also wants to cooperate with the Iron Man who kills ordinary people indiscriminately? I feel like the Stars and Stripes Kingdom officials are playing with fire!"

"Don't worry, now that the blackened Iron Man has appeared, can other extraordinary beings be far behind? By then, there will probably be a zombie crisis, an invasion from another world, etc. in the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Anyway, it can't be compared to our supernatural resurrection in Japan. Bad, right?"

"Those rich and unkind people who immigrated to the Stars and Stripes Kingdom must have been dumbfounded. They would never have thought that the Stars and Stripes Country could be so dangerous!"

"If you want to immigrate, you should immigrate to China. I feel that China is a very stable country and it must be a paradise for ordinary people."

"China is now the hope of the entire world. I look forward to them using their mortal bodies to save the world!"

When the Japanese saw those nonsense reports about the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, they could tell at a glance what the Stars and Stripes Kingdom wanted to do. They clearly wanted to use this method to show goodwill to Tony Stade, and then see if they could Cannot cooperate with the other party.

So the Japanese people naturally thought of Yama Ai, who had "super-national treatment" in their country, and some people carefully compared the two.

As a result, the Japanese people proudly believe that their "national hero" Yama Ai, in terms of character and deeds, can outshine Tony Stud!

Many Japanese people feel that it is natural for Yama Ai-sama to be enshrined by Japanese officials in this way, because she is really using her own actions to protect the Japanese people, rather than just eating her corpse.

Every time Yama Ai kills those terrifying ghosts and abyssals, Japanese officials will report it extensively, and then film her fighting process and make a documentary.

This documentary is probably similar to the "Ultraman series special feature film" that was once popular in Japan. It can be said to be suitable for all ages, and it will make those viewers who originally love watching Ultraman fight little monsters fascinated.

Now Yama Ai has almost become the new spiritual pillar of the Japanese people. After having her, the Japanese people feel that safety can at least be guaranteed, and their homes will definitely not be stolen. Then they have to rely on the "Survey Corps" to slowly gain insights. The Mystery of the Ghost, and then regained its lost ground.

Therefore, many Japanese people are very dissatisfied with the comparison between the "Iron Man" of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom and Yama Ai. They think it is not worthy at all!

Even if that "Iron Man" had a reason to kill someone and was just "forced to fight back", this can also show his selfishness and revenge. How can this be compared with the guardian of the Japanese people who has great love and cares about the Japanese people? How about comparing it to Yama Ai-sama?

At the same time, the Japanese people's dark psychology also makes them not want the "Iron Man" to officially cooperate with the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. This will have a great impact on the security of the entire world. If the Stars and Stripes Kingdom possesses the technology of the Iron Suit , and then create an army of Iron Man, wouldn't it mean to sweep the world?

Therefore, it is best for the Star-Spangled Kingdom to have a battle with "Iron Man" and lose both sides... Only in this way can the Japanese people who are suffering from disasters have a psychological balance.

Second update today! ! !

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