What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 271 Twitter attracts fans [300 monthly tickets for additional updates]

It can be said that the reaction of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom officials and media was within Li Shushan's expectations.

Therefore, the identity of "Tony Stade" used by Li Shushan still seemed particularly confident, as if he really regarded himself as the justice messenger of the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

Li Shushan even took this opportunity to directly register on Twitter and perform identity verification. He began to unscrupulously post about his life as an extraordinary person.

The investors and employees of Gaia were of course extremely shocked at first that the founder of their company was "Iron Man". Some people even worried about the future of the entire company because of what he did. He was fired by the officials of Stars and Stripes, so he took the initiative to resign.

Of course, there are also people who really can't accept that their boss is a murderer, so of course they don't want to work with him.

More people feel that this "Gaia Company" definitely has a bright future. For details, we can refer to the Stark Group in the comics, which is a real giant group, and the employees of "Gaia Company" I believe that as long as the company develops smoothly, its scale will definitely be comparable to the Stark Group in the comics.

The attitude of Stars and Stripes officials and media greatly increased the confidence of the employees and investors of "Gaia Company". They suddenly felt that the development of the company was too stable and that it was about to enter a state of rapid development. .

After all, even the evil forces like the DuPont Consortium, which had the idea of ​​"Gaia Company", were directly crushed by "Tony Stade", the founder of "Gaia Company", with force. Are there other forces in the world? , Dare to stop "Gaia Company"?

"Tony Stud" has said in his public declaration that he just wants to start a company quietly. Why doesn't the "DuPont Consortium" let him do this? Therefore, in response to this evil force that prevents him from starting a company, He had no choice but to clean it up completely.

If the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom want to do the same, then "Tony Stud" can only kill all the official officials who want to deal with him toughly, and then see what the attitude of the replaced officials is.

Anyway, the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are familiar with this approach. When they invade other countries, they like to play this trick, which is to directly kill the senior officials of other countries who hate and resist the Star-Spangled Kingdom and replace them with Get close to the top brass of the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

Li Shushan can definitely follow suit. With absolute force, as long as he can find someone who opposes him, he can easily take his life. But in this information age, unless the person is completely disconnected from the Internet, through the magic artificial intelligence Aili When Silk found him, it was as easy as picking something out of a bag.

In fact, avoiding Li Shushan's killing also means that they cannot appear in the public eye. What is the difference between this and death?

Therefore, today's official top officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are still very wise. Since staying tough will cost them their lives, and those who come up will definitely surrender, then why can't they just surrender?

Because of the news that "Tony Studd" is "Iron Man", the stock price of "Gaia Corporation" has experienced another surge. This has made "Tony Studd"'s net worth increase again. Investors It was also very rewarding.

Among these investors, there are actually many from big families and big consortiums. They can obviously influence the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Of course, they also hope that "Gaia Company" can develop higher and higher, so that they can also You will become richer and richer.

Tony Stud is really just like the Tony in the comics. He doesn’t know what being low-key is at all. After he opened Twitter, in addition to sharing his extraordinary life, he also openly and secretly satirized the official Stars and Stripes Kingdom. He seems to be very much looking forward to officials targeting him and, of course, his company.

For example, Tony Studd directly ridiculed the current president of Stars and Stripes, who particularly likes to tweet and is known as "Ruling the country by Twitter", saying that he is simply a real stock god, what about Warren Buffett and this "Ruling the country by Twitter" "Compared to the president, he is simply a younger brother!"

After Tony Studd's Twitter was opened and authenticated, the number of his fans' followers increased too fast. After all, he is the "only transcendent" in the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Then there were rumors that he was unknown. This "Iron Man" will draw a lottery through Twitter, and the fans who draw will give him super powers!

Of course, some people think that following Tony Studd also means a kind of belief, just like chasing a star. If you don’t even follow the celebrity’s Weibo and Twitter, then you are not even a fake fan. Not really!

Precisely because Tony Studd has a very high number of followers, and none of his fans are zombie fans, every time he posts on Weibo, the fans' replies are still very enthusiastic.

Netizens in Stars and Stripes find it very exciting that Tony Studd openly and secretly treats the officials of Stars and Stripes, and even steps on and shits on the head of the president who "rules the country by Twitter"!

They just like the way Tony Stud slaps the Stars and Stripes officials in the face, but the officials are helpless!

Regarding this tweet by Tony Studder teasing the President of Stars and Stripes as a stock god, some netizens who did not understand his connotation immediately asked him what he meant and how did the President of Stars and Stripes become a stock god? How does this work?

Tony Stade replied like this——

The specific operations are as follows:

Step one: Open Twitter.

Step 2: Nonsense.

Nonsense content such as:

"I'm going to impose sanctions soon" - stock market plummets

"I'll wait a little longer" - the stock market recovers

'I don't think we can wait any longer' - stock market plunge

"But waiting will show my mercy" - the stock market recovers

"I made an excuse to tell you that sanctions can't wait any longer" - stock market plummets

"I don't like the last excuse, so I can wait a little longer" - The stock market is recovering.

Tony Stade's reply immediately made the netizens of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom happy. They thought about the consistent operations of the President of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom and found that this was really not a lie!

As a result, some netizens who also like to show off their actions began to post pictures, which was a comparison between the fake stock god Buffett and the real stock god, the President of Stars and Stripes.

For a moment, the Internet in Stars and Stripes was filled with an atmosphere of joy. Netizens suddenly felt that this "Tony Stade" was indeed not as evil as they imagined. Instead, they thought about it and felt that they If he had the other party's strength, he would seem to be more arrogant than him!

Just when Li Shushan was controlling "Tony Stade" to attract fans in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom officials finally couldn't hold back and proposed a more friendly and in-depth discussion with "Tony Stade" comminicate.

The third update today! ! !

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