Li Shushan did not want to have any friendly cooperation with the officials of the Stars and Stripes Country at all, because it was not in his interests and was not his stated goal at all.

His stated goal is, of course, to mess up the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom of America and make it completely flawless in taking care of the prehistoric beast continent in South America. This will naturally allow the ancient elf tree Luna to successfully farm and develop.

But considering what he was going to do next, he suddenly felt that official cooperation with the Stars and Stripes of America could be a good thing.

Because of the official existence of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, he can definitely take the blame. Anyway, in the Star-Spangled Kingdom Hollywood movies, the Star-Spangled Kingdom is always blamed by conspiracy theories and various scapegoats. Now the Star-Spangled Kingdom in reality can clearly do the same. Take the blame for Li Shushan.

In this world, no matter what happens, those who stand on the side of justice are always more appealing. In the current Star-Spangled Kingdom, since there are superheroes like "Iron Man", of course there must be villains. OK, without a villain, it is not easy for a superhero to gain faith.

Just like this time, Li Shushan used the identity of "Tony Stade" to cause trouble. Although the media in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom promoted his justice, this was not recognized by the people of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. After all, "Iron Man" "Going on a killing spree, it doesn't look like what a righteous superhero should do.

It's just that the people killed by "Iron Man" were all wealthy people and were too far away from ordinary people, so many ordinary people didn't pay too much attention to this matter. People who hated the rich would feel secretly happy in their hearts.

Precisely because ordinary people maintain a neutral attitude towards the current "Iron Man", there are not many ordinary people who are willing to believe in him devoutly.

Li Shushan compared the faith he could harvest in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom with the faith the Amaterasu Sect could harvest in Japan, and found that the gap between the two was still very large.

While Li Shushan was messing up the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, he didn't mind harvesting a wave of magic power in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom at all, and even turned the Stars and Stripes Kingdom into a "fertile farmland".

So of course he hopes that he can gain more faith in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and at the same time create extraordinary creatures in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom as soon as possible, so that he can harvest them like Japan did.

But the crux of the problem is that the official power of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom is too strong, and its authority still exists. In such a situation, how to weaken the cohesion and prestige of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom first is what Li Shushan will do next. things to do.

Originally, he had decided to fight the Stars and Stripes official to the end anyway. He would seize any opportunity that could be used to exploit the issue and directly fight the Stars and Stripes to the end.

But after careful consideration, he felt that he could play a round of infernal affairs with the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. That is, on the surface, he cooperated with the Stars and Stripes Kingdom in a friendly manner, but at critical moments, he did bad things!

In this case, the one who messes up the Stars and Stripes Kingdom itself will become the official Stars and Stripes Kingdom itself, and then Li Shushan will be able to fish in troubled waters. He can not only act as a true messenger of justice, show off in front of all the people of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, but also gain more True and devout faith can throw all the blame on the Stars and Stripes official.

Stars and Stripes came into contact with "Tony Stud" through the name of "SHIELD". The current director of "SHIELD" is named Nick Kliss. He was transferred from the FBI of Stars and Stripes. leader.

In the FBI, Nick Cleese started as a low-level agent and gradually became a senior executive of the FBI with his own merit.

Stars and Stripes officially recognized the abilities of Nick Kliss, and his name happened to have the word "Nick" in it, so the organization decided that Nick would be the "S.H.I.E.L.D." Director!

At first, Nick felt that such an appointment was ridiculous. He was not being modest. He felt that he, an ordinary person, was now the director of SHIELD who was responsible for extraordinary events and all kinds of attention to superpowers. He felt pressured. It was very big. After all, after watching the scene where "Iron Man" went on a killing spree, he always felt that one day he might die at the hands of those unruly extraordinary beings.

It's just that after Nick consulted everything about Japan's "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", he also felt that the director of "SHIELD" has a very bright future. As long as he can train a group of extraordinary agents, Then the FBI and CIA would all kneel down in front of him and sing "conquer"?

Nick Cleese knew that many of his former colleagues were watching his good show. He even suspected that he could become the director of "SHIELD" because he was excluded. No matter how you looked at it, it was impossible to get in touch with today's Star-Spangled Kingdom. The only extraordinary person "Iron Man" really has to take a huge risk.

But Nick Klis was also willing to risk everything. He could only gamble that "Iron Man" was not the kind of completely unreasonable person. Even if he went on a killing spree, he would have to find a reason.

What makes Nick Cleese extremely excited is that "Iron Man" Tony Stud actually agreed to meet with him, the newly appointed director of "SHIELD"!

In order not to irritate Tony Stade, Stars and Stripes officials acted extremely cautiously. They first had to conduct private contacts, and then waited until they truly confirmed that Tony Stade was someone they could cooperate with. Only then will they use the power of the media to directly push Tony Studd to the stage and vigorously publicize that the official Stars and Stripes Kingdom has reached a strategic partnership with "Iron Man"!

Before Tony Stade made a statement, the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom were extremely cautious in all their actions, fearing that their high-profile actions would end up arousing Tony Stade's disgust, and then he would make a fuss again. , completely losing the official face of Stars and Stripes Country.

Now the official think tank of Stars and Stripes has analyzed Tony Stud's character and believes that he should be an extreme egoist. For such a person, you must let him feel your sincerity, and then let him know that you can give The benefits he brings, so that you can get closer to him step by step and gain his approval.

Therefore, in theory, they don't have to worry at all that Tony Stud will suddenly go crazy and attack the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom who come to discuss cooperation...

However, theories are just theories after all, and no one can guarantee that Tony Stud’s harmlessness can be completely confirmed, so as “S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Director Nick Klis must still take a lot of risks.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Longzu Zhuyin] for the 100 reward~~~

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