What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 273 Take the initiative to make an appointment

Because he was meeting Tony Studd in private, the dress of "SHIELD" Director Nick Klis could be said to be very low-key. He did not wear any formal clothes, but rather more casual clothes.

As for the place to meet Tony Stud, of course it is Tony Stud's "Gaia Company". Stars and Stripes officials believe that meeting the other party on their territory can reduce the other party's hostility as much as possible, and at the same time, it can also show their sincerity.

Otherwise, if Tony Stade is allowed to go to the place officially designated by the Stars and Stripes, what if others misunderstand that the authorities have laid a dragnet in that place, trying to capture Tony Stade in one fell swoop?

Now, while the officials of Stars and Stripes are striving to follow the path of peaceful cooperation, they are of course also prepared for the worst. Some hawks have suggested that Tony Stade is not as invincible as they imagined. As long as he is not there, When you have time to transform, if you give him a thunderous blow, you might be able to win in one fell swoop and even capture his steel suit?

Of course, these hawks have been so refuted by official think tanks that they don’t even recognize their mother.

Mainly because after "Iron Man" went on a killing spree, all the videos and information about Tony Stud had already been compiled.

Then during the "Shadow" organization's attack on Tony Stade, the official analysts of the Star-Spangled Kingdom discovered that the opponent had been attacked by the killer organization without wearing a steel suit. , and neither the attack of anti-material weapons nor the shock wave of explosives caused even a single bit of damage to Tony Stade!

All this was captured by the surveillance cameras in that busy city, and it can be said that it was displayed in front of their analysts very clearly!

This, of course, makes it very obvious that if you want to take advantage of Tony Stud's lack of steel suit to carry out various preemptive assassination methods on him, it will not have any effect!

Therefore, some of the radical strategies and methods proposed by the hawks in the Star-Spangled Kingdom have almost no practical value. Apart from angering Tony Stud, they have no other meaning.

It's really not that the officials of the Star-Spangled Country don't want to take tough measures. No matter which country they are, they will not be willing to have an extraordinary person ride on their heads with almost invincible force.

However, the situation is stronger than the people, and the officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom are still rational after all. They chose the safest and correct approach.

The official think tank of the Star-Spangled Kingdom also pointed out that although it is now assumed that Tony Stud is "Iron Man", there is about an 80% chance that his steel suit is completely different from the one in the comics. He's just playing cosplay. Perhaps his real ability is what he himself calls "fantasies come true."

If he had such superpowers, it would make perfect sense for him to play "Iron Man" through this.

Therefore, the think tank of the Star-Spangled Kingdom advises the officials not to make any empiricist mistakes. If they really only regard Tony Stud as "Iron Man", and wait until the critical moment for him to play other roles, the Stars will be disappointed. Officials in the country were unable to respond.

After Nick Kliss, the director of "S.H.I.E.L.D." came to this "Gaia Company", he was a little disappointed, because before he came to this Tony Stade's company, the image that appeared in his subconscious was probably that of Marvel. In the movie, the giant Stark Tower looks like.

As a result, when he came to "Gaia Company" now, he found that the other company was not as grand as he imagined. This company gave him the feeling of being a very ordinary biotechnology company.

I think that when Nick Cleese was in the FBI, he didn't investigate the technology companies in the Star-Spangled Kingdom. After all, it is well known that the FBI is responsible for various matters in the Star-Spangled Kingdom. As for the CIA, that is When things happen in countries other than the Star-Spangled Kingdom, whether they incite various riots, engage in color revolutions, etc., there is a shadow of CIA behind them.

It's just that people in some other countries are very naive and really think that various parades and other gatherings are spontaneously held by the people, but they don't know that the Stars and Stripes are behind it.

Just as Li Shushan hopes to mess up the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom also hopes to mess up other countries so that they can maintain their status as the world's leader.

Although Nick Chris was a little disappointed with the external image of "Gaia Company", after joining "Gaia Company", he discovered that this company is indeed unique!

"Gaia Company" seems to be showing off that their company has a very powerful ability to obtain those behemoths from the "Prehistoric Behemoth Continent", and has even established a very large and rich specimen library in this company!

These specimens looked so lifelike in the glass that even Nick Cleese couldn't help but have the illusion that one day these giant beasts would suddenly transform from specimens into living creatures again?

If something like this really happened, it would probably cause a serious accident if caught off guard.

Such an idea just flashed through Nick Cleese's mind. He felt that he had really thought too much. Many research institutions in the Star-Spangled Kingdom have already conducted research on various creatures in the prehistoric beast continent. After research, we found that they are all ordinary creatures. If they die, they are definitely dead and cannot be resurrected.

So what he just thought was just unfounded worry.

Then Nick Klis finally came to Tony Stade's office under the guidance of the front desk staff of "Gaia Company" who was responsible for receiving visitors.

At this moment, Nick Kliss was not at all calm. He was obviously a veteran agent who had experienced many battles, but he still felt very nervous when he saw the only transcendent in the Star-Spangled Kingdom!

An image of "Iron Man" randomly shooting out rays that cannot be explained by today's science even flashed through his mind, directly causing the person being attacked to fall apart!

Although he had never really faced the feeling of despair under the absolute power of a transcendent, the huge pressure did surge into his heart at this moment.

He finally gritted his teeth and opened the door of Tony Stade's office, and finally met face to face with this "Iron Man" who was already known to everyone in the Star-Spangled Kingdom in real life!

It's just that the other party is facing away from him, standing by the window, seeming to be overlooking this prosperous city in the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

Second update today! ! !

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