I don't know if it was an illusion of "SHIELD" director Nick Klis. Now that he saw the back of Tony Stud, he felt that the other person's back was very tall. Could this be the temperament of a so-called transcendent?

In fact, before Nick Cleese met Tony Studd, he had already undergone in-depth training, including various negotiation experts, psychological experts, etc. They hoped that Nick Cleese would be able to successfully achieve this. An "ice-breaking trip".

In the eyes of many experts, they believe that "Tony Studd" is a lucky man who, through some unknown means, possesses superpowers that ordinary people do not have, so he expanded and made Such a reckless thing.

In the opinion of this group of experts, if they are the lucky person "Tony Stade", then they can definitely do it more perfectly than "Tony Stade", and they should never use such violent methods to safeguard his own interests.

It's a pity that Nick Klis doesn't feel at all that this group of experts who only know how to talk can put any pressure on him after giving them extraordinary power.

On the contrary, Nick Klis felt that "Tony Stud" who directly demonstrated his powerful combat power made him even more convinced, because the fearlessness displayed by the opponent made him feel that he could not target him more than any fancy behind-the-scenes operations.

The officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom also got into trouble because of Tony Stade's "power over skill". Many people felt that it might be inappropriate to regard "Tony Stade" as an inflated ordinary person. After all that he had done, on the surface it looked like he was being reckless, but in fact he was taking advantage of the situation and doing it on purpose?

Now, just because Nick Klis saw Tony Stud's back, he felt that he was the latter!

Those who underestimate this Tony Stud will definitely pay the price for despising him!

Tony Studd did not change his attitude because of the arrival of "S.H.I.E.L.D." Director Nick Klis. For him, it seemed that overlooking the city was more important than receiving Nick Klis. , which seemed to interest him even more.

Nick Cleese had no choice but to take the initiative to walk up to Tony Stade. He also seemed to be very calm, as if he felt that whoever spoke first would lose his momentum.

It's a pity that Nick Klis still underestimated the other party's determination, and the other party's lack of care about "SHIELD" also made Nick Klis feel humiliated. He couldn't help but feel cruel in his heart, if one day " If "SHIELD" can rise, then he must make those people who look down on this "SHIELD" look good and think its existence is just a joke!

Nick Klis did not spend any more time, not because he lacked determination, but because he was afraid that if he continued to spend more time, he would directly make the other party feel disgusted, and then in the end he would return without success, which obviously meant that this time he The mission has failed.

"Hello, I took the liberty to come to your company and disturbed you. I'm sorry." Nick Klis tried his best to appear neither humble nor overbearing. "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Nick Klis. , is the director of SHIELD, which was just established in the Star-Spangled Kingdom."

When Tony Stud heard what the other party said, he seemed to be amused and responded very harshly: "Nick? SHIELD? Is there nothing we can do in Star-Spangled Kingdom? Have we started to learn from comics? We have taken a god The name of SHIELD, and then appointing a director named Nick will have the power of real SHIELD? Haha... I won't introduce myself, you should know my name."

Nick Cleese was not angered by Tony Stud's words. When he heard that "SHIELD" was going to be established, he thought the proposal was very nonsense and was just for fun, but the reality turned out to be ridiculous. He is a human being - Why are you laughing? You are also from SHIELD, and you are still the director of SHIELD!

If the background is set in China, this is probably equivalent to the emergence of a cultivator in China who went on a killing spree, and then the Chinese government established an organization called the "Dragon Group" to target this cultivator...

Nick Klees responded calmly to Tony Studd: "Although SHIELD does seem ridiculous now, I believe that one day, it will become an organization that will awe all the extraordinary people in the Star-Spangled Kingdom!"

Tony Studd took a deep look at Nick Klees. He was completely different from the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the one-eyed patch in the comics. His image was much better than the latter.

At this time, Nick Klis also saw Tony Stud's face. He should indeed be a pure white man. His hometown is in Texas and he was born as a "red neck".

Logically speaking, such white people should be the most proud of the glory of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, and should also be loyal supporters of the current president who "rules the country by Twitter."

It's a pity that the other party's various performances on the Internet make people feel that this Tony Stade seems to be full of malice towards the current president of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, and always likes to tease the other party in fancy ways.

However, the President of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, who was originally fearless, seemed to have a strong desire to survive. He completely ignored "Tony Stade"'s ridicule and did not respond to people's questions about how the Stars and Stripes Kingdom would deal with "Tony Stade". Stade" question.

It seems that in the eyes of the Stars and Stripes President, this Tony Stade, who just made a big fuss in the Stars and Stripes Country, does not exist in this world at all. It has to be said that the Stars and Stripes President's response is indeed two-fold. The brush may be because his staff tightly held his hand to prevent him from seeking death.

After all, the president of the Star-Spangled Country can indeed criticize the sky and the earth, announcing sanctions on this and that on Twitter, but this is based on the fact that the other party cannot fight back.

However, if a thug extraordinary like Tony Stade really angers him, it is not impossible for him to come directly along the network cable and kill the president of the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

Now Tonistad is like a different kind of nuclear weapon. He needs to be coaxed by the Stars and Stripes officials, otherwise he will directly stare at the senior leaders and kill him, and you can't do anything about him.

At this time, after listening to Nick Klis's declaration, Tony Stud just smiled and clapped, and then said to him: "I wish you success, Mr. Director. And what does this have to do with me?"

"I need your help." Nick Klis said.

"Is this going to establish the Avengers?" Tony Stud joked.

The third update today! ! !

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