"SHIELD" certainly doesn't need any "Avengers" now, because no matter how you look at it, the general environment of the Star-Spangled Kingdom is quite stable. Except for the emergence of the extraordinary person "Tony Stade", There are no other supernatural beings yet, let alone the kind of super villains who are obsessed with destroying the world.

"S.H.I.E.L.D." Director Nick Klees did not go around in circles. He directly expressed the sincerity of the Stars and Stripes to Tony Studd, saying that the Stars and Stripes officially wanted to cooperate with this extraordinary person. Since he now wants to start a company quietly, the officials of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom will also fully support this.

In addition, no matter what kind of resources he wants, Stars and Stripes officials will provide them as much as possible.

Li Shushan felt that the officials of Stars and Stripes were very sincere. Maybe the other party really felt that the existence of this "Tony Stade" could make the overall strength of Stars and Stripes even stronger.

Of course, Li Shushan was not prepared to reject such a sincere Star-Spangled Kingdom, because he was very confident that even if the Star-Spangled Kingdom officials conducted various studies on "Tony Stade", they would never be able to research anything. Come.

Just because all the abilities of "Tony Stade" are essentially derived from magic, and magic is a talent that earthlings do not have at all, so the research of the Star-Spangled Kingdom will only become "Tony Stade" "With the help of "Tony Stard", they can only develop various applications, which will of course further enhance the combat effectiveness of "Tony Stard".

Li Shushan was too lazy to argue with the official officials of the Star-Spangled Kingdom in person. Anyway, "Tony Stade", as the body of a high-level familiar, could be entrusted with it. All he had to do was give him consciousness. This was similar to Yama. The same operation as Ai, but Li Shushan did not use Yan Mo Ai's body to cause trouble.

From then on, the Stars and Stripes Kingdom was regarded as a chess piece laid by Li Shushan. Of course, there was also the "Gaia Company", the source of trouble, but the official of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom would definitely take the blame.

After Li Shushan had a great time using the "Tony Stade" vest in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, he finally returned to China.

Of course, in fact, his own body has always been in China. He exists as a very low-key college student, but the person who uses his body is naturally Olivia.

In the process of Olivia using the "Li Shushan" body, she and Tan Keying, who was bound to the "student master's future technology system", had a very good relationship, and the two were almost inseparable.

So much so that many classmates have already assumed that "Li Shushan" and Tan Keying are boyfriend and girlfriend.

The love story between "Li Shushan" and Tan Keying has become a campus legend at Jiangcheng University.

This is of course also related to Tan Keying's own legend. After all, Tan Keying was still a fat girl before, but now she has become a fleshy goddess academic master, a young mathematician who is famous throughout China!

Tan Keying is indeed quite famous in the entire Chinese mathematics community, and because of her outstanding appearance, her fame has undoubtedly become even greater!

However, such a goddess-level figure always likes to hang out with the ordinary "Li Shushan". The various stories and rumors between them are of course legendary.

Anyway, it is said that when Tan Keying was still a fat girl, Li Shushan, her high school classmate, had never left her. Then with his help, she slowly lost weight and gradually became a goddess-level beauty.

Next, Tan Keying became more and more confident, and made rapid progress in her studies, completely leaving other students behind.

Such a beautiful love story, of course, cannot help but make other students talk about it. The so-called "fat people are all potential stocks" seems to have become a truth.

Many boys can't help but envy and hate Li Shushan, and then some people decide to learn from Li Shushan and specifically choose "Tanks" to start with, hoping that one day they can directly train "Tanks" and become super goddesses after losing weight. .

However, this is obviously a delusion. Tan Keying can successfully lose weight and become a goddess-level girl. It can be said that it is completely inseparable from the help of the system, and the magic of the system is not as good as the magic of magic.

Unless those fat people can win the favor of Li Shushan or Olivia, they can lose weight relatively easily. Otherwise, it is really not easy to lose weight all by yourself.

Tan Keying has always felt that "Li Shushan's" talent in mathematics is no worse than hers, and is even much better than hers, especially in the aspect of space. She always feels that he has fully understood how to unify geometry and algebra.

But what Tan Keying doesn't understand is that she doesn't know why "Li Shushan" has no intention of becoming famous at all, and even gave her the opportunity to become famous. Is this really because of love?

Tan Keying knew that in the eyes of others, she might indeed be in love with "Li Shushan". The two could be said to be inseparable and inseparable in school.

But she herself knew very well that "Li Shushan" had never shown any affection towards her at all. The two seemed to have the purest friendship. Of course, they were not fair-weather friends, but academic friends.

It can be said that the two help and promote each other academically. Anyway, Tan Keying has many academic achievements, which were inspired by "Li Shushan". She both wanted to add the name "Li Shushan" to her papers, so she just It's a pity that "Li Shushan" simply disagrees.

Tan Keying feels that this "Li Shushan" is really completely different from the one she had in high school. She feels that he now seems to have become a tool with no affection...

Her feeling was actually not wrong. When the real Li Shushan was pretending to be "Tony Stade" in Stars and Stripes Kingdom and causing various troubles, Li Shushan's own body was just a tool used by Olivia to learn. But now It was rare to have such an outstanding study partner as Tan Keying, so of course Olivia took advantage of him as much as possible.

It's just that Olivia herself didn't consider at all that dating Tan Keying so frequently would definitely cause other girls to misunderstand.

After Li Shushan returned to his body, everything seemed to be settled. It was obvious that he only regarded Olivia as his girlfriend, but Olivia actually used his body to flirt with another Tan Keying!

Li Shushan felt helpless about Olivia's "I love myself" behavior.

First update today! ! !

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