After hearing Olivia's explanation, Li Shushan carefully recalled the setting of the book "The Legendary Journey of the Mage" he had written, and found that it was indeed as she said. Behind any powerful empire, there must be a mage. Supportive.

As for those empires that are still standing, they are basically composed of talented mages, and then there are legendary mages in the Mages Council to fight for the interests of the empire.

"But I remember that you are not the only high-level mage in the Windsor Empire where you came from. Of course, there are indeed many hostile forces against it." Li Shushan said.

As the princess of the Windsor Empire, Olivia's magical talent since she was a child has made many hostile forces in the Windsor Empire very jealous. Of course, they want to strangle Olivia before she grows up. How could they know that Olivia Unexpectedly, he was given the aura of the protagonist by Li Shushan, and of course he survived the assassinations again and again, and his growth rate was even faster.

"Not many of the mages in the Windsor Empire will wholeheartedly help the empire. Many of them only do it for my face, and they also have to take into account the different flow rates of time." Olivia said very rationally analyzed.

Since Olivia is already a mage above the legend, she can completely feel many laws. Of course, the law of space is the one she can feel most clearly, and she can also feel the law of time.

Li Shushan is now using Olivia's body, so he has naturally inherited all this. He can roughly feel that the time flow rate between this plane and the earth should be ten to one. In other words, one year on the earth, This is ten years.

Olivia herself didn't know how long it had been since she had fallen into the space turbulence, and she had been on the earth for almost a year. This of course meant that the time in this plane had not been long since Olivia had fallen into the space chaos. Among the streams, it must have been more than ten years!

Logically speaking, the development of the plane where Olivia is located has reached a state of stagnation, and it is basically impossible for any changes to occur. However, after the Windsor Empire lost Olivia, of course it became fat. If it can support it for two or three years, it is considered strong.

"Why do I feel that you are not particularly touched by the destruction of this empire? Even if you have been dragged down by this country since you were a child, it is still your motherland no matter what." Li Shushan asked casually.

"I'm not interested in managing secular power. The only thing that touches me is the truth of magic. And after studying on Earth, I feel that the Windsor Empire is a decadent, backward, and dark feudal empire. A motherland like this , there is no need for love at all. This is from the perspective of ordinary people. From the perspective of a mage, it is even simpler. The secular forces are just weeds. Once one crop is destroyed, there will naturally be new ones. All of a sudden." Olivia still looked particularly aloof.

Of course Li Shushan can understand Olivia. She has been such a cold and rational person since she was a child. She has not even felt any love from her father and mother. When she was ten years old, her mother had died of illness, and her father He died when he was fifteen years old.

The one who inherited the Windsor Empire was her half-brother, who was not particularly close to her. It was because she was born in the Windsor Empire that she became the mage enshrined in this empire. The Windsor Empire took advantage of Olivia. With the reputation of being a genius, Olivia gained great benefits, but Olivia did not gain much from the Windsor Empire.

The reason is simple. A talented mage like Olivia is well worshiped no matter which secular country she goes to, and she gets whatever she wants. On the contrary, she will be ignored in the Windsor Empire where she was born. After all, she is The royal family of the Windsor Empire.

"I originally thought that I could take advantage of the information, but I didn't expect that the information has completely lost its timeliness. In this case, I have to start from scratch. First, we need to determine what era it is now, and the distance How long has it been since you fell into space turbulence?" Li Shushan said methodically.

"Determining the time is very simple. Just monitor it based on the materials of my mage tower building, and you can determine it. It's up to you to cast the spell." Olivia said calmly.

Li Shushan nodded slightly and controlled Olivia's body. He first fully sensed the entire mage tower and found that everything of value in this mage tower had been completely robbed, and it was very likely that this It wasn't all robbed at once.

But after the core of the Mage Tower is snatched away, it will be completely reduced to an ordinary tower, and all kinds of adventure-loving mercenaries will definitely be interested in this abandoned Mage Tower. After all, the Mage is Synonymous with rich people, the wealth accumulated by some mages is completely comparable to that of giant dragons.

But Olivia is not the kind of mage who likes to accumulate treasures. Her most precious things are her magic books, which are all stored in her own space pocket.

As for the original mage tower, there were only some magic props and materials. Of course, these things were also a huge wealth in the eyes of ordinary people, so all kinds of mercenaries and adventurers must be flocking to this place.

Li Shushan quickly determined the time that had passed by casting a spell, and it turned out to be more than twenty years!

More than twenty years later, the demise of the Windsor Empire seems to be a very normal thing.

Next, Li Shushan set up a magic barrier in this place to protect the existence of the space portal. He even considered immigrating the elves bred by the ancient elf tree Luna in the future as the guardian of the portal. Anyway, this place It has become a forest, very suitable for elves to live in.

The level of the magic barrier that Li Shushan has now set up has reached an incredible level. Perhaps even the most powerful mage in the world cannot break it, or in a sense, the most powerful mage in this plane is already Olivia.

After all, who has Olivia’s reserves of knowledge and magic power?

That is to say, Olivia is always cautious and careful. This is related to the fact that she has been targeted since she was born. Otherwise, she can now declare that she is an invincible existence in this plane!

Li Shushan decided to search for Olivia's past life first, just to have some nostalgia. It would be best to find out who stole the core of the mage tower. There is no one in heaven or earth to save the mage who did this. Get him!

First update today! ! !

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