Li Shushan finally discovered that Olivia was no longer interested in this plane, because there was nothing she cared about in this plane.

Olivia was originally a very self-centered person, and she didn't have many friends. Now that more than twenty years have passed, she no longer wants to know what her friends have become. Anyway, in the hearts of her friends, maybe She must have fallen long ago.

Then again, if she was a true friend, her mage tower should be well preserved, as well as the teacher she once respected very much. Perhaps her teacher had completely destroyed her the moment she fell into the turbulent flow of space. Consider it a dead person.

Olivia lost interest in this plane. After taking care of Li Shushan for a few words, her consciousness returned directly to the earth through the magic network, and then continued to use Li Shushan's body to learn. Of course, the two always maintained a spiritual link. , Li Shushan can notify Olivia at any time, and when he encounters a situation that he cannot handle, he can let Olivia take control of his body personally, and everything will be solved for sure.

So, the current situation is that Li Shushan seems to have exchanged lives with Olivia!

Now Li Shushan is a legendary mage in another world, but in the eyes of the world, she has been dead for more than 20 years...

Olivia is a college student on Earth who is obsessed with studying. She lives a very disciplined life every day.

Li Shushan feels that it is easy to lose interest in traveling to another world alone, so when the time is right, he will start a live broadcast directly on the Magic Network platform to let the audience on the earth also experience this Mage. A world of dominion.

Li Shushan first used flying magic to fly directly to the ruins of the capital of the Windsor Empire, and then he discovered that this place had turned into a huge lake!

He almost instantly figured out what kind of magic turned the capital of the empire into a lake. It must have been a forbidden spell. The huge meteorite directly destroyed the capital of the empire, turning it into a deep pit, and then... Man-made rain fell until it turned into a lake.

The capital of this empire has obviously become a completely deserted place. I really don’t know which mage can be so cruel.

Li Shushan has been flying, trying to find a place where humans live, so that he can also learn more about the current situation of this plane.

The result that shocked him was that the intelligent life in this plane didn't know what it had gone through, and it seemed that it no longer existed at all!

When he worked hard to find the location of the Mages' Council that Olivia told him, he discovered that the Mages' Council had also been completely destroyed!

Such a discovery made Li Shushan feel unbelievable and boring at the same time. He used Olivia's body to come back just to show off his coolness and at the same time transform the world and draw more intelligent beings into the magic network. It took me a long time to find out that this plane had lost its vitality!

But the problem is that this plane is still suitable for human survival, but it has become an ownerless world!

After Li Shushan told Olivia about such a discovery, she was naturally very surprised. She carefully searched the ruins of the Mages Council to see if she could find out anything.

Of course nothing was gained.

When a plane lost its intelligent life, Li Shushan only felt that the plane he and Olivia came to had lost any meaning.

However, it can indeed be reused, that is, it can be annexed by Su Wuming's world. This means that the map of the "Infinite" online game can be expanded a lot.

Of course, it is a borderless plane and can be directly annexed without being promoted through the plane.

Then Li Shushan and Olivia returned to the earth and came to Su Wuming's heavenly space to see if from the perspective of heaven, they could solve the mystery of the disappearance of intelligent life in Olivia's plane.

During this process, Li Shushan had a vague guess, that is, if this plane is regarded as a book, then it must revolve around the protagonist. When the protagonist disappears, then the book will naturally not exist. It's necessary.

Just like the world where Su Wuming originally lived, the existence of those warriors now was purely because Su Wuming wanted them to exist. If Su Wuming didn't want to, all the intelligent life on the planet of warriors would disappear with just a thought from her.

The meaning of the existence of that plane is Olivia. It can be regarded as a stand-alone game belonging to Olivia. When Olivia stops playing this stand-alone game, the other characters in the game will have No more.

All in all, although Olivia's hometown is completely devoid of intelligent life, in any case, Li Shushan can be regarded as "picking up a plane" and incorporated it into Su Wuming's world, becoming "Infinity" part of online games.

This means that players can also explore this world in the future, and if they explore the double door in this world, they can come directly to the earth!

It's just that it's almost impossible for players to discover the double door and break the magic barrier.

No matter what, "picking up a plane" is not considered a loss.

At the same time, this also solved a knot in Olivia's heart. She now has a greater sense of belonging to Li Shushan. As for her original hometown plane, let's just regard it as a passing cloud.

Olivia has been blessed by the luck of the entire plane, and those intelligent beings have sacrificed everything to her, so she has become so powerful.

After ending such a unique adventure with Olivia, Li Shushan couldn't help but become enthusiastic about exploring other dimensions.

Those planes with intelligent life must be very precious. Of course, there are also planes like Olivia's home plane where intelligent life has completely disappeared but is still suitable for survival. It is also very rare and rare. Li Shushan, who took it into his pocket, certainly made a lot of money.

So next, Li Shushan hopes that Olivia can continue to look for new valuable planes, and of course he will continue to increase his magic power reserves, so as to ensure that after finding the plane, he can successfully establish the plane portal.

And just after Olivia's home plane was annexed, Li Shushan was suddenly surprised to find that his long-lost inspiration actually appeared again!

This means that he can open a new book again, and the eunuch chief "blood sea has no limit" can come out again!

Second update today! ! !

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