What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 282 The heroine of the entertainment novel [Additional update for the leader XMap]

Li Shushan has not had the inspiration to write for a long time, so much so that he even wondered if it was because after his three heroines came to reality, his ability to give female characters the halo of protagonists had been saturated.

However, after Olivia's home plane became an existence completely controlled by Li Shushan, he unexpectedly had inspiration again!

This made Li Shushan have to wonder whether he would be inspired again after including Yu Shengfan's hometown plane.

Li Shushan logged in to his Qidian account, and then found helplessly that there were only two eunuch books under his account, of course "The Infinite Journey of the Master" and "E-Sports Pianist".

The "Unknown Girl in the World of Martial Arts" written by Su Wuming has been harmonized by Dian Niang. The reason seems to be that it is not positive enough and the whole is too bloody and dark. In fact, it is because it involves the game "World of Martial Arts". At that time, Chinese officials have completely suppressed this game.

It's just that the current Chinese officials are no longer so opposed to the Magic Network. Even if the officials still can't figure out the mystery of the Magic Network, the benefits it brings to the country and the people are unquestionable!

Students who don’t use Magic Net to study now will definitely be outclassed by other students as time goes by!

After all, at the same time in reality, other students have learned more things in the magic network, and if they learn through consciousness, the things they learn can be remembered more firmly, and it can be said that they are completely imprinted in the soul.

If the official continues to boycott Magic Network, then the parents of the students will be the first to disagree!

Because of the positive significance of the existence of Magic Network, the "Martial Arts World" game owned by Magic Network has also been whitewashed, but many of its fan fiction works are still mostly released on the Magic Network platform.

And Li Shushan's novel about Su Wuming has not been released, which is also Dian Niang's consistent style.

In any case, Li Shushan's pen name of "Boundless Sea of ​​Blood" is indeed quite famous now, but of course this fame is not a positive one, but a very evil one.

The author who was able to win the title of Ouchi-san is not only because of the books he wrote, but also because the books he wrote are actually quite bright and make people want to read them, but then he decided to become a eunuch, which of course made the readers hate him. itch!

Regardless of whether it is "The Legendary Journey of the Mage" or "The E-Sports Pianist", both of these books are about eunuchs at the climax. In the former, the protagonist will definitely be promoted to legend as soon as he escapes from the space turbulence, while in the latter, the protagonist will immediately escape from the space turbulence. I want to fight professionally and kill randomly on the professional battlefield...

Under such a climactic plot, eunuch, let me ask, which reader can withstand it?

As much as readers love this book, they will hate this author!

In addition to the eunuchs, there is another more critical reason why Li Shushan's "Boundless Sea of ​​Blood" is famous, and that is the existence of Yu Shengfan.

Nowadays, Yu Shengfan has fought with the retired veteran Ming Kai in the LPL Spring Split. His fame has skyrocketed, and his number of fans has increased very quickly!

Some optimistic fans even think that Yu Shengfan’s team will definitely win the championship in the S10 finals! This is the most promising year for LPL again...

And because of Yu Shengfan's rapid rise in fame, Li Shushan's "E-Sports Pianist" was naturally picked up, which sparked heated discussions among readers and Yu Shengfan fans.

"Is Xiaoyu, who is all-powerful in the LPL in real life, the heroine who traveled through time from this book? I feel like she is really similar to what is described in the book!"

"How is this possible? It must be a coincidence. Yu Shengfan in the book is only fourteen years old. Xiaoyu in reality is already eighteen years old. She is a legal lolita."

"How can he be eighteen years old? How can Xiaoyu in reality be no more than fifteen years old!"

"How can she be qualified to play in the LPL if she is not over fifteen years old? Besides, she has shown off her ID card. If you want to talk about her loli appearance, it is because of bad influences since she was a child. I wonder if Xiaoyu is an e-sports Naruto? , both an orphan and very optimistic!"

"E-Sports Naruto is not bad... There used to be a North American Senior Brother who was E-Sports Sasuke, and now there is Xiaoyu who is E-Sports Naruto. You guys are so good at making things up!"

"This is purely a coincidence, or maybe the author Xuehai Wuya also lived in the same orphanage as Xiaoyu. He knew that she was good at gaming since she was a child, so he wrote an e-sports novel with her as the protagonist. How did you know this? Xiaoyu actually has a career in reality!"

"Actually, I quite like "E-Sports Pianist". I feel that the games in it are all very realistic. It's enough to see that the author has worked hard to set up the settings. But who knew that this dead eunuch would be the eunuch at the critical moment?" ah!"

"Fortunately, I can use the real-life Xiaoyu who kills everyone in the professional arena to figure out the content of the next novel, otherwise I would really have to send a blade to this dead eunuch!"

"When will the Dead Eunuch's new book be published? There are no new books about this Dead Eunuch. It feels so boring. Why is this Dead Eunuch's books always written so realistically? It seems that he really exists in this world." The world described in the novel is the same..."

Li Shushan's two eunuch books have indeed spawned a large number of true-scented readers. Originally, they would not read this dead eunuch's book no matter what. However, whenever Blood Sea Boundless opens a new book, they will I will continue to read his new book nonstop.

I can only say that an author’s character is false no matter what, and the most important thing is that the book must be good-looking.

As for Li Shushan's works, due to that special reason, the world he outlines is particularly realistic and immersive, so readers who are immersed in it seem to feel that they have followed his works and entered a new fantasy world!

This time, of course, Li Shushan is too lazy to open a new book on Dianniang. Anyway, he is not writing books for money, but for the heroines in his novels. So in order to prevent being inexplicably harmonious again, he decided to write a book on the Magic Network platform. Admiral write out new inspiration!

Of course, he would not leave so many real-scent readers alone, so he would naturally recommend new books among the old eunuch books.

And this time, the heroine of his new book has very special abilities. If she appears in Li Shushan's real world, then Li Shushan will have a new way to collect magic power.

That's right, Li Shushan's new work is an entertainment novel. The heroine is a talented female writer - Wen Qingyu. The works she creates can become readers' beliefs!

The faith contained in one of her works is comparable to the "Yata Mirror" that Li Shushan gained through Shinsuke Abe!

The most important thing is that Li Shushan can also spread many masterpieces from his world to her plane through Wen Qingyu to harvest faith. This is of course the basic operation of entertainment novels!

Now Li Shushan's magic reserve has been consumed too much by Olivia's portal back to his home plane. Of course, the result is not bad. Her plane has become Li Shushan's property.

It can be said that the inspiration for Wen Qingyu came at the right time!

The third update today! ! !

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