The name of Li Shushan's new book is "Literary Girl", which is of course based on the characteristics of the girl named "Wen Qingyu" who was his inspiration.

There is no doubt that Wen Qingyu is a very literary girl. She is born with great talent in literary creation and is very keen on words.

It's just that her personality is rather awkward and very sentimental. The template can be based on Lin Daiyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions".

This is of course also related to her origin. Wen Qingyu lost her parents when she was a child and had to live in her aunt's house. Of course, this aunt's family was not very kind to her. Only her cousin Guan Xiaohan cared for her. , basically taking care of her as her biological sister.

A girl like Wen Qingyu, whose parents both died, responded to the saying "Parents sacrifice to heaven, their power is boundless". This is clearly the standard configuration for becoming a heroine. It is natural for her to appear in Li Shushan's "inspiration" matter.

When Li Shushan's new book was uploaded on the Mowang platform and a wave of advertisements were placed in the old books, many readers who had been deceived by his previous books with male characters and female protagonists naturally read his new book while cursing. .

I have to admit that novels with entertainment and urban backgrounds have a much wider audience than his previous fantasy, game, and martial arts novels, and the literary heroine does have a unique charm.

Following the extremely rational Olivia, the "elegant and easy-going" Yu Shengfan, and the true virgin Su Wuming, the emergence of this literary girl Wen Qingyu can also be said to satisfy readers' desire for a "new wife" Pursue.

Many readers who had been tricked by the Chief Eunuch Xuehai Wuya in the past have expressed their expectations for his new book——

"I didn't expect that Blood Sea Endless would also write entertainment novels. I find it very interesting!"

"If entertainment novels are well written, they can be very enjoyable to read. I beg you not to abuse the author!"

"Let me ask Kangkang, can the charm of this heroine surpass the previous Olivia..."

"The entertainment has been written down, but the bloody eunuch has always had a clear mind. I want to see what reason he used to come to the eunuch this time, but before the eunuch, I can watch it for a while. "

"The Eunuch in the Blood Sea is a eunuch, but his writing is indeed full of authenticity that other authors cannot write, as if he personally went to the novel world and then wrote the story that happened."

"It's not an easy task to write about the heroine's literary and artistic qualities. Now let's see how this cheater, Blood Sea Endless, writes it..."

Li Shushan still feels a little apologetic about the readers' expectations, because often in his novels, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

After all, except for the "Unknown Girl in the World of Martial Arts", which tortured its protagonist to the extreme, the other two books were directly eunuchs because the heroine appeared in reality.

The two previous books can be said to be good books. After all, Olivia's magic talent is too strong. When she grows up, she can basically defeat all opponents. Yu Shengfan's gaming talent is also unmatched. You can kill professional players indiscriminately in the game. Of course, it is very enjoyable to read such a genius novel.

And this novel called "Literary Girl" can certainly be called a refreshing novel. After all, the protagonist Wen Qingyu has the best literary talent in the world, and the works she writes will definitely make her famous all over the world.

However, Wen Qingyu's personality is really awkward. She is not the kind of person who likes to take the initiative to show off. She writes for her own entertainment and does not take the initiative to submit articles or participate in essay competitions. This is simply a waste of her talents!

Li Shushan used to just mechanically write out the "inspirations" in his mind, but this time, he couldn't wait any longer. While giving Wen Qingyu the aura of the protagonist, he was also ready to try to see if he could speed up Wen Qingyu. growth.

He wrote himself into "Artistic Girl" and became a "grandpa" type golden finger.

This should be Li Shushan's first attempt to more actively change the direction of the story. Perhaps this can be called a real creation. His previous works can only be regarded as "records."

"Recording" has limitations, as you can see from Su Wuming's experience. But for very active and high-spirited heroines like Olivia and Yu Shengfan, with the blessing of the protagonist's halo, there is no need to worry about them. life.

However, if she is a death-seeking heroine like Su Wuming, then even the "protagonist halo" cannot protect her!

Wen Qingyu is obviously not as proactive as Olivia and Yu Shengfan, so she needs someone to guide her more so that she can become Li Shushan's help faster.

So, Li Shushan wrote this...

This is a parallel world similar to the Earth. Its name is Aqua Blue Star. The most powerful country in Aqua Blue Star is China. However, although China has a strong national power, its culture is not developed. However, it does not control copyrights. The protection is also very good, and piracy is completely eliminated. All the history of China is different from that of China on earth, and the celebrities are different, let alone the works.

Don’t ask why copyright protection is so strict and the country is so powerful, but it is still a cultural desert. The question is that this is the basic setting of entertainment novels.

Wen Qingyu is a sophomore at a key high school in a municipality in the south of China, but her academic performance is extremely partial. She is a complete idiot in science, but she is very outstanding in liberal arts. Her compositions are generally recognized as good, and she herself is also I like reading books so much that I want to eat them all.

On this day, Wen Qingyu went to the library to hunt for treasures alone after school as usual. Yes, for this girl who loves reading, every time she wanders in the library is a treasure hunt. She can In this process, I forget all my troubles, avoid feeling inferior because I have no parents, and then being depressed because I always suffer from my aunt’s looks.

As if it was destined, she read a work called "The Book of Creation", and there is no "Bible" in this parallel world, so there is no such thing as "Genesis". In this world The Chinese myth is not about Pangu creating the sky and Nuwa creating humans, but "The Biography of Human Ancestors". It is the human ancestor who created the world, and it is also the human ancestor who created humans.

When she went to get the "Book of Creation", for some unknown reason, her hand slipped and it fell on her head...

She held her head in her hands, feeling so painful that she almost burst into tears. Then she saw a scene that made her incredible!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Wai Kong Yu] and [Xiang Xiang Xia] for their 100 reward~~~

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