Wen Qingyu saw that the book called "The Book of Creation" fell to the ground and spread out automatically, and then something like a book spirit appeared from the book!

This book spirit looks like Li Shushan of course!

It's just that Li Shushan is naturally not wearing modern clothes, but the ancient clothes of E Guanbo. From his appearance, he looks like a particularly knowledgeable scholar-official, making it easy for people to believe him.

So, the girl met her "grandpa" Golden Finger.

In this way, "The Book of Creation" was bound to Wen Qingyu, and Li Shushan became Wen Qingyu's teacher, because he claimed to be a super great writer, proficient in all kinds of literary creation. To prove this, Li Shushan directly dumped Li Bai's poems and Su Shi's lyrics were published, and this moment shocked the literary girl Wen Qingyu who had not yet grown up...

I have to say that this kind of development is a bit like "The Soul of Chess" in Li Shushan's world. If you give this "Literary Girl" another name, it can definitely be called "The Soul of the Book".

After Wen Qingyu got Li Shushan, she seemed to have someone to talk to. She didn't know why, but she trusted Li Shushan very much. She always felt that Li Shushan's appearance made her whole life shine!

The main thing Wen Qingyu talked about was the pain of being dependent on others. It was clear that the inheritance after her parents died was taken over by her father's sister Wen Xiulan, which was enough to support Wen Qingyu until she graduated from college.

However, Wen Xiulan always felt that Wen Qingyu was a drag, and she unconsciously gave her a bad look. She even said that with Wen Qingyu's partiality, there was no need to go to college, and it would be in vain.

If her cousin Guan Xiaohan, who was already in college, had not sincerely regarded her as her biological sister, Wen Qingyu would have felt that there was nothing left for her to miss in her aunt's house.

However, Guan Xiaohan doesn't often live at home anymore, and Guan Xiaohan is a very carefree and boyish girl, so she never noticed that her mother rejected her sister like that.

Wen Qingyu, who is sensitive, is of course aware of everything. She is very depressed because of this, and even wants to take back her parents' inheritance and go out independently.

When she confided such thoughts to Li Shushan, Li Shushan directly told her that the inheritance would definitely not come back, and if she wanted to be independent, she must rely on her own efforts.

Of course Wen Qingyu was very confused and asked Li Shushan how he should rely on his own efforts.

Li Shushan told her that of course she would write an article.

It's not that Wen Qingyu has never published articles. In fact, she has published articles in elementary school and junior high school, and has received royalties. She has also won several first prizes for her essays. This is why she was specially recruited by this key high school.

But she never thought about becoming completely financially independent through royalties...

The reason is very simple. The articles she writes are all very literary and artistic prose, and some are quite philosophical. Writing such articles is still very energy-consuming, and the remuneration is not high, unless they are famous writers. Or a cultural businessman with a keen eye and talent can help her run it, otherwise how could she get ahead?

In Wen Qingyu's mind, it was completely unimaginable to support himself and achieve financial independence through writing.

Then Li Shushan naturally told Wen Qingyu that there is something called Internet writing in this world, and there is also a model called "business writing".

Of course, there are also literary websites in this parallel world, but it is not a paid reading model, but a place established by publishers to discover potential works.

As long as the popularity of publishing it on their website is high enough, the publishing house will of course sign a contract with your work and publish it directly. This is similar to the model of Japanese light novels on Earth where Li Shushan is located.

Because the Chinese country in this parallel world has too lax censorship, maybe this is the so-called self-confidence of a big country. At the same time, paper books are not pirated, so printing paper books and selling them is an easy way to make money. As long as your The book is interesting enough.

Commercial literary works are produced in this way, while serious literary works are produced through literary awards one after another. However, compared with all commercial literary works that rely on popularity, literary awards for serious literary works are not. There are too many certainties and too many shady stories, so Li Shushan does not think that Wen Qingyu at this stage can achieve anything in the field of serious literature.

After all, she is only a sophomore girl in high school with few resources behind her. Like a certain author in Li Shushan's world who dropped out of high school and became famous in one fell swoop, his talent is certainly one aspect, but more importantly, he has resources behind him. His father’s literary connections cannot be underestimated.

Li Shushan's suggestion immediately opened the door to a new world for Wen Qingyu. She was a little complacent for a moment because she looked at an online text website created by a famous publisher in the world. The most popular book among them was that The writing is simply appalling!

Such a book can become the most popular on the website, so if she writes a work, she can definitely surpass her!

Although Wen Qingyu is extremely talented in literature, she has undoubtedly made a mistake that beginners of online writing make, which is being overconfident.

She was fascinated and confidently wrote the beginning for Li Shushan to read. Of course, Li Shushan criticized her completely from the perspective of an online article!

Because she started with a gorgeous description of the environment, and then wrote a fight between martial arts masters. It may be because among the commercial novel types these days, martial arts novels are the most popular, so she followed suit and wrote one. Martial arts.

In fact, martial arts novels in this world have begun to decline, but there is still no amazing and talented author who directly pushes martial arts into fairy tales and fantasy.

Of course, Li Shushan would not miss this opportunity. He did not want Wen Qingyu to write about Qi martial arts, but directly create a new genre!

Of course, Wen Qingyu was stunned by Li Shushan's criticism, and even began to doubt Li Shushan's literary quality. As a result, Li Shushan once again suppressed it by throwing out an eternal masterpiece. He had the entire earth's library of works behind him!

In fact, Li Shushan really doesn't have a particularly high literary quality, so he can only fool people by being a copywriter. And he doesn't want to see Wen Qingyu take the high-minded route, so who will help him gather the power of faith? She But for someone who has the ability to turn her work into an artifact similar to the "Yata Mirror", the premise is that her work is popular enough and the public loves to see her work.

"Then what should I write to make money and achieve financial independence?" Wen Qingyu said with tears in her eyes. She is very depressed now...

Second update today! ! !

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