I have to admit that compared to Li Shushan's three previous heroines, Olivia, Yu Shengfan, and Su Wuming, this female high school student Wen Qingyu, who is extremely talented in literature, is a soft girl with more feminine charm. .

Her ability to withstand stress is definitely not comparable to those three. After all, she has a sentimental personality and will fall into melancholy at every turn.

For such a soft girl, Li Shushan felt that he should help her properly at that time so that she could grow up more smoothly.

With Wen Qingyu's temperament, she would definitely not want to be a copycat. In other words, even if Li Shushan directly copied some of the most popular online works on the earth for Wen Qingyu to copy, she would not copy them.

However, with Wen Qingyu's talent, as long as she has read those extremely popular commercial online works, she will be able to quickly summarize the routines, cool points, etc. in them. After learning and applying them, she will naturally be able to write Popular commercial pieces are coming.

At the same time, Li Shushan, the "grandpa", also has the ability to pull Wen Qingyu's consciousness into a spiritual world, allowing her to personally experience the grand scenes of fantasy and fairy novels, such as "Kowloon" Scenes such as "Pull the Coffin" and "One Sword Breaks All Laws", as long as she has experienced such scenes personally, and then let Wen Qingyu write it, she will definitely be able to write the immersive feeling.

When Wen Qingyu didn't know what to write to make money, Li Shushan first let her read a few popular fantasy and fairy novels, such as "Fights Break the Sky" and "Zhu Xian".

Wen Qingyu looked at these works with a learning mentality. Maybe the writing style of these works still did not catch her eye, but the various novel worldview settings, upgrading monsters, and pretentiousness in them She was impressed by the rhythm!

She couldn't help but be more convinced of Li Shushan, the golden-fingered "grandpa", because she didn't know the real author of these works, so she thought they were all created by Li Shushan...

After reading these works, Li Shushan took her into a spiritual world and let her personally observe the training and fighting skills in fantasy and fairy novels. This simply opened the door to a new world for Wen Qingyu!

This is mainly because the commercial works in this world are very rare in terms of subject matter, and all kinds of creativity are also very scarce. The martial arts subject is obviously about to be written to death, but there are still many commercial authors who rely on this subject to make money.

After reading the fairy tales and fantasy works that Li Shushan showed her, Wen Qingyu had become completely disinterested in the low-key fighting in martial arts novels. She felt that these martial arts novels were too lacking in imagination.

"I have decided to write the world's first fairy novel. Of course, it will also be an upgrading novel. The upgrading system is Qi refining, foundation building, golden elixir, and Yuanying..." Wen Qing Yu said to Li Shushan confidently.

In fact, before writing this fairy novel, Wen Qingyu had already written several beginnings, but Li Shushan killed them all because she always liked to write big scenes at the beginning, but could not come up with a protagonist. This is absolutely This is a big taboo in online writing!

At the same time, Wen Qingyu is still very literary. It seems that she cannot show her majesty as a creator without abusing the protagonist.

Li Shushan said to Wen Qingyu: "If I were writing a novel with you as the protagonist, do you think it would be better for me to torture you in every way, or give you a golden opportunity and keep you happy?"

"Of course it's better to keep having fun." Wen Qingyu responded realistically.

"That's it, when you write this kind of business article that's cool, don't pursue any depth or anything like that, just treat yourself as the protagonist, and write whatever you like! Remember, now you just want to make money, wait until you Once you’ve made money, one book can last you a lifetime. Then you can write whatever works you want about literary youth, about torturing masters, or about feeding shit to readers!” Li Shushan taught him this way.

Wen Qingyu seemed to have been brainwashed. She nodded deeply: "That's right, now I don't think about anything but making money! As long as I have money, I can be completely independent and no longer depend on others!"

Wen Qingyu finally realized that her first commercial work was "Sword Breaks the Sky". It was about a sword cultivator. His name was Lin Feng. He was a loser who could not cultivate immortality. At the beginning, The engagement was broken off, but he obtained a "sword seed", which directly transformed his useless physique that was unable to cultivate immortality into a physique that was extremely suitable for becoming a sword cultivator. From then on, he embarked on the road of practicing swordsmanship...

Li Shushan read the beginning of the novel "Sword Breaks the Sphere". If you look at the Internet articles on the earth, there is no doubt that this is a clichéd Internet article that is seriously backward in the era. What kind of "waste flow" and "cancel the engagement flow" etc. are no longer popular. Maybe those readers who read too many online articles will abandon the book as soon as they read this beginning, because these are all poisonous points!

However, there is no such routine in business literature in this world. Whether it is a wasteful start or breaking off the engagement at the beginning, these are all very fresh elements!

And Wen Qingyu didn't write this beginning in a very sadistic way. She showed a cheat in the third chapter, and then carried out the first wave of pretending to slap her face. The pace was fast, the writing was concise and sharp, and it was very easy. Aroused readers' emotions.

This is the so-called "Three Golden Chapters" technique. Wen Qingyu has integrated this technique into her business writing, and then used her extremely excellent writing style to write this refreshing fairy tale, which is of course another Shuang has the spirit of immortality again.

Compared with other authors who publish on the Internet, Wen Qingyu has a huge advantage, that is, other authors, few of whom update daily, basically update every week, every three days, can Considered diligent.

And Wen Qingyu can definitely do daily updates, because now she is only thinking about making money. As long as the popularity of her work called "Sword Breaks the Sky" can remain the first on a certain publishing house's website, then Naturally, you can make money by publishing.

The website she chose has a long history, so it is relatively popular. Many readers who like to read commercial novels will search for books on this website. Generally, the good books they find will be picked up and published by publishers. Yes, once a certain plot is serialized on the Internet, updates will stop, and readers will need to buy paper books to read.

At Li Shushan's suggestion, Wen Qingyu uploaded "Sword Breaks the Sky" after having saved thirty chapters, and then started updating it every day! She was full of motivation in the process...

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Great Hai Bo] for the 500 reward and [Xi Yuan Qin Ming] for the 100 reward~~~

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