What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 286 Clear Stream and Debris Flow

The moment Wen Qingyu uploaded the novel, she was full of excitement and anticipation. After all, "Sword Breaks the Sky" was her first commercial novel carefully created, and she also accepted the careful guidance of the "super great writer" grandfather Li Shushan. Guidance, if this novel is not popular, then she will definitely have a mental breakdown!

There is no way, Wen Qingyu's ability to withstand pressure is so poor. For such a heroine, if she doesn't rely on Li Shushan's personal guidance, she will probably be wasted for a long time.

Without "Grandpa" Li Shushan, she would have taken the "New Concept Essay Contest" next.

Yes, this Aquamarine Star also has a "New Concept Essay Contest", and its standards are very high. It is an essay competition organized by the "Central Literature and Art Publishing House" and aims to select young creators with special literary talents. .

As long as you can win the prize in the "New Concept Composition Competition", it will attract the attention of many publishing houses. However, big publishing houses like "Central Literary and Art Publishing House" will only choose "geniuses" who win the first prize. "Author" contract, such as those second- and third-place award-winning authors, will naturally be released to other publishing houses.

At the same time, the winners of this "New Concept Essay Contest" will get extra points on the college entrance examination, which is comparable to the "National Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Competition", so many schools will organize students to collectively participate in this official high-standard essay competition Contest.

Because of this, the competitive pressure of the entire competition is very high. Generally, the winners are mostly college students, because college students have more time to create and their thinking is more open-minded.

Most of the compositions written by high school students are relatively rigid, which may be a sequelae of exam-oriented education. For example, when writing an argumentative essay, you have a general argument, three sub-arguments, and a summary at the end, and you're done.

Many students are not interested in participating in the "New Concept Essay Contest" organized by the school, and even think that it is a waste of their precious spare time. After all, a new concept essay requires at least two thousand words. Many students Even 800 words had to be pieced together to write.

Originally, Wen Qingyu was determined to win this "New Concept Essay Contest" because although she was seriously partial to science, she still had a college dream, so she was always disgusted by her aunt Wen Xiulan's various attempts to persuade her not to go to college. Why? Her cousin Guan Xiaohan's grades were not very good, but she also spent money to study for three majors, but she was not given the opportunity to go to college?

This can only mean that Wen Qingyu is not her aunt's biological child after all...

But now Wen Qingyu has become full of confidence, because she has gained her true support-Li Shushan!

This great writer who claims to be from another world has completely impressed her with his talent. As long as she follows his instructions, she will definitely be able to make a name for herself in the literary world!

For readers of Li Shushan's "Literary Girl", they feel that this work should be the character-restoring work of the eunuch chief eunuch Xuehai Wuya, because this work is very smooth and enjoyable to read.

It is the pretentiousness of the heroine Wen Qingyu that is a bit off-putting to readers. Many readers feel that if you just copy entertainment novels, you can just copy them. What kind of "Sword Breaks the Sphere" should you just copy "Fights Break the Sphere" and you will be done. Already? This is the pinnacle of routine business writing, the kind of work that can feed the author for a lifetime.

Of course, there are also readers who admire Wen Qingyu very much and think that she is a breath of fresh air among the protagonists of entertainment novels, but her golden-fingered grandfather is a mudslide. They are afraid that this grandfather will turn a good literary girl into a full-fledged girl. Creators who only want to make money...

Li Shushan's readers don't know that this old man is actually the incarnation of the author. They just think that "Boundless Blood Sea" is a joke from "The Soul of Chess".

Wen Qingyu is now in the second semester of her sophomore year of high school. Of course she is studying liberal arts. And in this key middle school like her, basically all the courses have been completed after the second semester of high school, and then the entire senior year will be spent in Spend time reviewing.

Many teachers will emphasize that the so-called first year of high school is the foundation, the second year of high school is the key, and the third year of high school is the sprint.

However, Wen Qingyu began to write business novels during this critical period of his sophomore year in high school, with all he wanted to do was make money!

Whether she was in class or during evening self-study, she would seize the time to write the work "Sword Breaks the Sky" and then go to the Internet cafe to upload it.

No way, Wen Qingyu's aunt did not give her a mobile phone to play with, and there was no computer for her to use at home. Her cousin Guan Xiaohan had both a mobile phone and a computer. Unfortunately, she went to Jiangnan Province to attend university...

You must know that Wen Qingyu never used the Internet before, but now, she has used all the pocket money she secretly saved to go to the Internet cafe to code, which makes people sad to see it.

However, Wen Qingyu enjoys it because she is full of expectations for the future, and the unexpectedly good results of "Sword Breaks the Sky" also make her full of motivation to create this work. Every time she sees If its ranking rises by one, she will be particularly happy!

Unfortunately, something unsatisfactory happened. When she was studying hard one evening, her class teacher Hu Song walked in from the back door like a ghost and made a surprise inspection...

If Wen Qingyu hadn't panicked herself, she probably wouldn't have attracted the attention of the class teacher. However, when she panicked, she hid the manuscript paper without any money, and of course the class teacher caught her.

Hu Song, the head teacher, teaches mathematics. Naturally, he doesn't like Wen Qingyu, an extremely partial math idiot. This time, he was caught writing "martial arts novels" in the evening self-study class. Of course, he was even more angry. .

"What's the use of writing this? Will it help the college entrance examination?" Hu Song asked rudely.

As a result, Wen Qingyu of course chose to remain silent. In the eyes of both teachers and students, this talented woman from Wen University always seemed particularly introverted and melancholy, but she seemed to be in good spirits recently.

When Hu Song questioned him, Wen Qingyu asked Li Shushan for help, asking him to record half of the chapter she had just written, otherwise she would have written it in vain, because according to Hu Song's temper, the next step would definitely be...

Hu Song ignored Wen Qingyu's silent resistance. He directly tore up the paper Wen Qingyu had just written, then asked Wen Qingyu to go back and write a review, and promised that he would never write this kind of dialogue in the evening self-study again. Learn things that are not helpful.

In front of the whole class, Hu Song used Wen Qingyu as a negative example to educate other students so that they must seize this critical year of the second year of high school instead of just messing around like Wen Qingyu and writing martial arts. The novel entertains itself.

Second update today! ! !

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