What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 287 Popularity surges [Additional update for leader XMap]

If the former Wen Qingyu was used as a negative example by her class teacher, she would definitely cry...

There is no way, she is such a person who cares very much about other people's opinions, and is very sensitive. Whenever she finds that someone rejects her or hates her, she will be very depressed, and then she may write a sad article about spring and autumn. Dispel the inner sadness.

But now, after Li Shushan told her that he had recorded everything she had just written, and she did not write it in vain, she felt relieved.

With Li Shushan as her golden finger, she felt that her heart had become stronger, as if she no longer cared about the teacher's reprimands or the strange looks from her classmates.

Writing about inspections is just a piece of cake for Wen Qingyu. Anyway, during the inspection, she can stand upright and get beaten, kowtow and admit her mistakes. As for writing business novels, she will definitely continue to do it. She went down because now she only wants to make money and achieve financial independence, and no longer needs to look at her aunt's face.

After Wen Qingyu returned to her seat, it didn't take long for the first period of evening self-study to end. The boy in front of her, Sun Hongzhi, turned around and said with some surprise: "Brother Wen, I didn't expect you to also write martial arts novels. ?”

In Sun Hongzhi's mind, Wen Qingyu, a talented woman, writes very literary prose with particularly gorgeous vocabulary. Her compositions have been used as model essays by Chinese teachers many times, and she was asked to read them to the class. When other students listened, those students who struggled with composition felt left behind every time.

Sun Hongzhi is not very good at composition, but he really cannot write in the literary style of Wen Qingyu, which is actually very suitable for the taste of the marking teacher.

Sun Hongzhi is the kind of student who loves to read miscellaneous books. Not to mention, students who loved reading miscellaneous books during their school days often had very good scores in Chinese and not bad in composition.

Because he loves to read miscellaneous books, he always has a few martial arts novels in his desk. After all, this is the most popular subject, even if it has a tendency to be poorly written.

Hearing Sun Hongzhi's words, Wen Qingyu just responded lightly: "I just wrote it casually for fun."

She didn't want to reveal that the novel she wrote was "Sword Breaks the Sky" because Li Shushan taught her to make a fortune silently, and commercial novels like this will always arouse the jealousy of some people if they make a lot of money. I’m going to label it as a low-end novice, and then crazily belittle its literary quality.

In fact, Sun Hongzhi was simply curious about what the martial arts novel written by Wen Qingyu was. After all, he was also an experienced reader.

In order to show his understanding of martial arts novels, he couldn't help but think of a new novel that he has recently paid attention to. He talked about it: "I recently saw a novel called "Sword Breaks the Sky" on the Internet, and I feel that it is A new outlet for martial arts novels. The author whose pen name is "Ink Stained with Copper Stink" is really a great talent. I think this book will definitely become popular and create a new genre! If you love writing martial arts novels, you can read this This book.”

When Wen Qingyu heard the title "Sword Breaks the Sky", she was slightly startled. She thought that the novel she wrote had been discovered by Sun Hongzhi, but when she saw his sincere suggestion that she read the novel It seemed like she was thinking too much.

She couldn't help showing a subtle expression, and then nodded in response: "I will go and have a look."

Naturally, Sun Hongzhi didn't know that the girl in front of him was actually the author of "Sword Breaks the Sky" that he had been fascinated by since he entered the pit. He couldn't help but ask Wen Qingyu for some science knowledge. Wow, this work is so amazing!

"Sword Breaks the Sky" has been uploaded for about 100,000 words, and in just 100,000 words, it has endless climaxes, making people want to stop!

First of all, it gained a lot of exposure due to its daily updates on time. Many people saw it on the update list. After choosing to give it a try, of course they jumped in!

After entering the trap, clicking, voting, and commenting have become a must-do for almost every reader who likes it!

All of this makes its overall popularity ranking higher and higher, and more and more readers see it!

In the comment area of ​​the book, many readers posted their comments with excitement——

"Martial arts are dead, immortals are here to stay! This is the masterpiece of immortals!"

"Every time I see the protagonist being ridiculed for being a loser, and then being slapped in the face with a sword, it feels so good. This is much better than those grinding protagonists in martial arts novels!"

"As a sword cultivator, why should we be afraid of a battle! Lin Feng, come on!"

"I'm waiting for updates every day. I'm really anxious. It's the first time I'm so fascinated by a book. When will it be published? I will definitely buy it as soon as possible!"

"The author has updated a lot, and I am still updating every day, but it is still not enough..."

"Thirty years in the east of Hedong, thirty years in the west of Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty! The sense of anticipation is really great! It just depends on when the protagonist will kill his fiancée who broke off the engagement and get slapped in the face!"

"One sword can defeat all magic! He is so handsome that he has no friends. To be honest, the martial arts of the protagonist, no, it should be the level of immortal magic. It is too high!"

"I have a hunch that after this book becomes popular, there may be many new genres of fairy novels appearing in the future!"

"This book is really awesome and makes people mesmerized by it!"

Hao Dongxue is an ordinary editor. Her qualifications are relatively junior, so she is assigned to discover commercially valuable works that appear on the website and are worthy of publication.

However, Hao Dongxue doesn't like this job very much, because there are very few powerful authors who will post articles directly to the website. Authors who are confident in themselves might as well submit their articles directly to publishing houses, or aim for the newcomer awards that every publishing house has. After winning this award, it will naturally be published smoothly.

Therefore, authors who publish articles on the Internet are either writing for their own entertainment, or else they are publishing scraps that have been rejected long ago, just hoping that a miracle will happen.

But in fact, even those works that are often ranked first in popularity cannot meet the publishing requirements of publishers. It is ranked first in popularity purely because other works are worse...

As usual today, Hao Dongxue was going to take a look at the top five most popular works on the website.

What surprised Hao Dongxue a little was that this time there was a work that she was very familiar with that ranked first in popularity!

She subconsciously doubted the authenticity of the popularity of this work, because in this world, there are often some new authors who choose to pay to increase the popularity of their works in order to let publishers see their works as soon as possible...

Three updates! ! ! The update for the leader [XMap] has been completed~~~

Please recommend votes, monthly votes, and rewards~~~

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