Spending money to brush up on the rankings can indeed make your works noticed by editors like Hao Dongxue, but even so, it does not mean that their works will be truly noticed by editors, recommended, and pass the publication review meeting.

Although the publishing in this country of Aquamarine Star China is really loose, these publishers who mainly publish commercial novels must ensure that the works they publish can make money.

It is really rare for a truly new author to successfully publish his work. The publisher may suggest that they serialize it in their own magazine first. If the reader response is very good and the popularity survey ranking is particularly high, the publisher will publish this. A separate volume of this work.

This process is a very rigorous process for publishing commercial works. It can greatly screen out works with real commercial potential and allow them to earn the maximum benefit for the publisher.

Because of this, spending money to improve rankings is basically money spent in vain. Only those pure new authors who believe that data determines everything will do such stupid things as paying tuition.

Hao Dongxue took a look at the book review section of "Sword Breaks the Sphere" and saw the readers enthusiastically commenting inside. She couldn't help but reduce the suspicion that this book was on the list.

The reason is simple. Even if you write reviews for books on the list these days, those reviews are always snake oil reviews, that is, they can be posted in the comment area of ​​any book.

Obviously, the comments in the comment section of "Sword Breaks the Sky" are all comments made after actually reading the book, which shows the authenticity of this work.

She finally became interested in "Sword Breaks the Sky", which has been praised by readers as "the pioneering work of Xianxia novels", so she began to read it seriously.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t read it, you’ll be shocked once you read it!

The first thing that surprised her was that the author, whose pen name was "Ink Stained with Copper Stink", had excellent writing style. She could often outline a character's image with just a few strokes, which was extremely concise and concise. But where it is necessary to describe it in detail, it is not vague at all!

Therefore, Hao Dongxue must admit that the writing style of this work alone is enough to give readers a relatively good reading experience, and it can even be said to have reached the standards of publication.

But when watching the plot, Hao Dongxue frowned slightly. She just felt that using such a good writing style to write such a simple and crude plot was obviously a waste of resources...

But from a reader's point of view, this kind of plot where others bully the protagonist and the protagonist is instantly slapped in the face is really enjoyable to watch!

Of course, there are also plots where the protagonist is temporarily defeated and can only take a step back, but within three chapters at most, the protagonist must complete the upgrade through various methods, and then the king will return and crush the guy who bullied the protagonist because of his high level. , so that readers can feel comfortable reading!

Even Hao Dongxue had to admit that when she watched "Sword Breaks the Sky", her emotions were easily aroused. She always had a feeling of "so high" and was full of anticipation at all times!

She caught up with the latest update in one breath, only to find that the author's "chapter-breaking method" was also very familiar. It really made people want to keep going to the "next chapter".

Hao Dongxue took a breath and realized that two hours had passed unknowingly. She looked at the "Sword Breaks the Sky" interface on the webpage, and her eyes couldn't help but get brighter and brighter. She knew that this time she was finally in a pile of Gold was found in the sand and gravel!

Without any hesitation, she recommended "Sword Breaks the Sky" to the editor-in-chief and wrote in detail the reasons for her recommendation.

She believes that first of all, the writing of this work is outstanding and has fully reached the standards for publication. In addition, the world view and skill setting of the entire work can be said to be very innovative, creating a precedent for Xianxia novels!

Of course, the most critical point is that this work has extremely excellent commercial value and has gained great fame on the Internet. It has been highly recommended by forum moderators in many novel forums...

If a work like this is not properly grasped, then their publisher will definitely miss a big fish!

After all, there are actually many editors from other publishing houses keeping an eye on a novel website like theirs. Once they find any good works, other publishing houses will take action efficiently.

As for Hao Dongxue's publishing house, it always paid little attention to the Internet, which resulted in the emergence of many excellent and popular online novels, and even novels about people and characters were poached by other publishing houses.

Yes, the publishing house where Hao Dongxue works has a big business and there are always disagreements among the top management, which naturally leads to such a situation. However, because the publishing house has many famous business writers, it is not so keen on discovering new talents. .

This gives other small publishing houses the opportunity to cut off their work.

After Hao Dongxue recommended this work, something that worried her still happened, that is, the superiors did not pay attention to her recommendation immediately. The reason was actually that the superiors were trying to stabilize a popular martial arts writer named Zhang Jinghan and let him His new work "Sword Hero" will continue to be signed with the publishing house, and then the publishing house will vigorously promote this work.

Under such a situation, where does Hao Dongxue's publishing house have any resources to invest in a new author who has never been tested by the market?

Moreover, its popularity on the Internet has also made some elderly people in publishing houses feel that it is very unreliable, thinking that it is very fictitious and that it is impossible to bring real money to the publishing house.

However, as time goes by, the number of serialized words in "Sword Breaks the Sky" increases, and its popularity and influence begin to spread crazily!

Many small and medium-sized publishing houses also took the lead and began to proactively contact the creator of this work.

Of course, Wen Qingyu would rather sign a contract with a large publishing house. After all, large publishing houses are better at promoting and packaging new authors.

But who makes large publishing houses so slow to act? They do have the capital to delay...

In such a situation, of course Li Shushan also came out to give Wen Qingyu advice. It doesn’t matter what big or small publishing house, as long as it is a regular publishing house, whoever gives more money and whose royalties are divided higher will be the same as Who signs up!

All in all, just think about making money. This is a commercial novel, and its success depends on how much income it can bring to Wen Qingyu.

Wen Qingyu has always had great trust in Li Shushan. She feels that Li Shushan's suggestions are very practical. For her now, fame is not important. What is important is to make money independently and no longer depend on others.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Classmate Li Hua] for the 5000 reward, and [Constantine♂] for the 100 reward~~~

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