After receiving Li Shushan's guidance, Wen Qingyu felt that his goal became clearer.

She had been comparing the pros and cons of many publishing houses before. For example, this publishing house was better at packaging newcomers, which publishing house was particularly good at marketing, and could even ask popular writers to give recommendations...

But she discovered that these are not actually the most important, because after Li Shushan continued to brainwash her, her commercial debut "Sword Breaks the Sky" is definitely the best. Even if it relies on its reputation on the Internet, it will definitely be a big seller. , she herself was inexplicably full of confidence, and felt that all packaging and marketing were false. With her own strength, she could become a god in one book!

As a result, she began to prefer small publishing houses with higher royalties and more sincerity.

Compared with those publishing houses that contacted Wen Qingyu through the Internet, the ones that were truly sincere were undoubtedly the publishing houses whose presidents came to him personally.

The name of this publishing house is Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House. It cannot be considered a small publishing house, but its situation is worse than those small publishing houses because it is on the verge of bankruptcy!

It was originally a relatively old publishing house, and its various sales channels were very complete. However, due to wrong development decisions, it continued to lose high-quality authors, and the sales of its magazines plummeted. Its main published works, There was no good market response at all.

In such a situation, the original president of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House also passed away due to illness, and the person who took over as president was the daughter of the original president, Xu Rui.

Xu Rui was only thirty years old, which made the employees of the publishing house even more panicked. They felt that this old private publishing house must be doomed. After all, the current market competition is really getting more and more intense.

However, what they didn't know was that Xu Rui, the daughter of the former publishing house president, was not optimistic about her father's decision. He spent a huge amount of money to transform Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House from a medium-sized publishing house to a large publishing house. The price is to sign contracts with traditional writers who have great influence in the literary world and publish so-called award-winning works that are extremely literary but not commercial.

As a result, the profit situation of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House, which was not a good one in the first place, became even worse. This was completely an act of losing money and making a profit!

Xu Rui felt that his father was simply blinded by some large publishing houses that did this, and he was fooled!

Those traditional authors whose reputation is greater than their strength are not worthy of trust at all. The authors that large publishing houses really rely on are those who have commercial appeal.

As a result, Xu Rui's father also fell ill because of this wrong decision. However, until he died of illness, he did not feel that his intentions were wrong. It was just that he was a little too hasty and did not bet on the right person.

There are already such talented authors in this world. Their works can not only sell well, but also win awards and have explosive reputations. Authors who balance business and literature in this way should perhaps be called literary giants!

After Xu Rui took over as the president of Gujin Chunqiu Publishing House, he first agreed to terminate the contracts of some authors who relied on their little fame and really thought they had commercial appeal.

In fact, these authors just wanted to take advantage of the situation and see if they could continue to improve their salary. However, they never expected that the newly appointed president would be so decisive.

Then some employees who didn't trust the new president also chose to change jobs. They already thought that Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House was going to be finished, and their resumes would not look good, so they might as well quit before it was finished.

Xu Rui also did not retain these people who were completely behind the times in her eyes. She was more willing to recruit employees who were more passionate and motivated. It was best not to have any prejudice against such works as commercial novels. Instead, she liked to read them. types of works.

That’s right, in Xu Rui’s eyes, the way to save Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House is to stick to the commercial route and not produce the kind of flashy and confusing literary and artistic works, let alone sign contracts with those who are famous for their literary awards. Authors, because in fact their works are not liked by the public at all. The public just buys their works and puts them on the bookshelf to show off.

Such authors are all poisonous authors. They blew the whistle a few times and she was tricked. Of course she learned her lesson completely.

After handling everything about Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House with thunderous means, Xu Rui naturally devoted his energy to the most important thing, which was to find a few works with real commercial value and sign them to become the mainstay of the publishing house. Potential newcomers!

This matter is very important, and the difficulty of completing it is also very high, and the current poor situation of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House has made her error tolerance rate very low!

After all, publishing a book is really like gambling. No one can guarantee that it will be a hit...

In such a situation, the work "Sword Breaks the Sky" appeared in front of her. She felt that this was really a chance for her to counterattack!

Xu Rui herself is a fan of commercial novels. She often visits a novel forum called "Cooking Wine and Discussing Books." Many readers who also like to read commercial novels will share their favorite works on the forum.

This novel forum for "cooking wine and discussing books" has been slaughtered these days by "Sword Breaks the Sky", a conscientious work serialized on the Internet!

Everyone frantically discussed its world view setting, upgrade system, and plot development. Every word was full of admiration for the author. They also expressed that they really didn’t like it and hoped that the author would publish this book quickly. They would definitely buy it!

It was with this kind of curiosity that Xu Rui also went to see this work. Of course, she was completely fooled, and then she came up with a bold idea - why can't both this work and its author be signed?

No one needs such a phenomenal work more than Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House. She must seize this perfect opportunity!

So, while other publishing houses only flirted with and made promises to this "ink-stained" author on the Internet, hoping to sign this newbie who seemed to be very ignorant at the minimum cost (an old author who really knows his stuff can write something like this (high-quality works must be submitted directly, rather than posted randomly on the Internet), Xu Rui took direct action. She made an appointment with Wen Qingyu on the Internet at the time and place to meet in real life, and she wanted to do it in person. Show your utmost sincerity!

And Wen Qingyu, who had been trained by Li Shushan to only think about making money, was also full of expectations for a personal visit from the president of a publishing house.

Second update today! ! !

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