Because Wen Qingyu has "grandpa" Li Shushan, she seems confident no matter what she does now.

Just like Zuo Wei in "Soul of Chess", the only person who can see Li Shushan is Wen Qingyu. He is like a soul accompanying Wen Qingyu.

No matter what type of works Wen Qingyu wants to learn from, she can read this type of works through Li Shushan's "Book of Creation". If she is more shameless, she can directly plagiarize and publish these works.

It's a pity that Wen Qingyu is not willing to do such a thing, and she is not so shameless. After all, in her simple opinion, the authors of the works appearing in "The Book of Creation" should all be Li Shushan. How could she do it in front of What about plagiarism from the original author?

She even felt that the divorce plot borrowed from her first commercial novel "Sword Breaks the Sky" was a bit shameless, but it must be admitted that this plot really touched the sweet spot of many readers. , the first big climax of this work is obviously a slap in the face to the ex-fiancée and her family.

At this time, Wen Qingyu had arrived alone at the address she had agreed with Xu Rui, the president of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House. It seemed quite fateful that the headquarters of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House was in Shangcheng, the municipality directly under the Central Government, and Wen Qingyu Also goes to school in the upper city.

Of course, if Wen Qingyu was not in Shangcheng, even in the capital, Xu Rui would fly to the capital without hesitation in order to counterattack her publishing house. She was afraid that she would be late for the one she was very optimistic about. "Ink Stains Bronze Stink" will be signed by other publishers with discerning eyes, and then publish "Sword Breaks the Sky" which will definitely sell well.

That's right, after Xu Rui updated this novel to the latest update, she felt that this work was very good, both from a reader's perspective and from an editor's perspective!

Needless to say, from the reader's point of view, it is definitely an indisputably enjoyable article. Every few chapters will always make readers feel refreshed, and then there is also a sense of anticipation in the main plot. In short, it makes people want to keep reading. Go down.

From an editor's point of view, first of all, the quality of the text is very high, and then she also feels that this "ink-stained copper smell" has already been invisible, and has mastered the essence of commercial novels, which is to make readers enjoy reading and maintain a sense of expectation at all times. , allowing readers to keep reading, and naturally gain loyal fans in the process...

If you have a fan base, then if you release new works in the future, as long as the quality is maintained, sales will definitely be guaranteed, and the pen name "Ink Stained with Copper Stink" will gradually become a gold-lettered brand.

Xu Rui arrived at the cafe twenty minutes early. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous before meeting the "ink-stained copper-smelling" person, and then she couldn't help but guess what kind of person this "ink-stained copper-smelling" person was.

Ordinary readers will subconsciously associate the image of the protagonist of the novel with the author himself. In fact, the protagonist of Shuangwen novels should, to a large extent, be the author's ideal character.

If you really want to connect Lin Feng, the protagonist of "Sword Breaks the Sky", with "Ink Stained with Copper Stink", then Xu Rui feels that the other party must be very difficult to get along with...

Just because Lin Feng, the protagonist, is unwilling to suffer any losses. Whoever dares to bully him will definitely regain his position. Often, in the process of being oppressed like this, he becomes stronger and stronger.

However, when Xu Rui saw Wen Qingyu, she was completely confused!

She never thought that the author who wrote such a novel with a protagonist who is decisive in killing, never suffers losses, and full of the spirit of swordsmanship, turned out to be a girl who looked particularly pure and artistic!

Wen Qingyu's appearance and temperament are very good, and his daily attire is also very artistic and fresh. His first impression often makes others have a good impression.

Xu Rui was stunned, but she quickly recovered from this state. She did not question the other party's identity rashly. What if this approach aroused the other party's resentment?

There is at least an 80% chance that the other party is "stained with ink". If the other party's personal information is exposed, it may make "Sword Breaks the Sky" even more popular. After all, the other party is a real beautiful girl!

Xu Rui showed her shrewd and sophisticated side as a social person. First, she solemnly introduced herself to Wen Qingyu. At the same time, she boasted about the glorious past of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House, and of course its status in the publishing industry. .

Even if the current situation of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House is no longer optimistic, she cannot show her timidity in front of Wen Qingyu, otherwise what will happen to her publishing house that others look down upon?

Wen Qingyu also briefly introduced herself. When she said that she was still a sophomore in high school, Xu Rui was shocked again, and then looked at Wen Qingyu as if she were looking at a real piece of jade. .

Next, Xu Rui randomly asked a few questions about "Sword Breaks the Sky". After discovering that Wen Qingyu's answers were fluent, he was basically 100% sure in his heart that the other party must be "stained with ink and smell of copper"!

For such a natural-born business author, and a business author with idol attributes, she must sign her!

Next, Xu Rui tried her best and started pouring ecstasy soup and making big cakes for Wen Qingyu. She assured Wen Qingyu that as long as she signed a contract with Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House, she would definitely make Wen Qingyu the best. Super popular idol writer...

If it were an ordinary high school girl, she would probably be fooled by the president and take the bait as soon as she was encouraged and drunk, without any idea of ​​fighting for her own interests.

Unfortunately, Wen Qingyu was anything but ordinary, and she had already done enough homework before meeting the president of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House.

Just when Xu Rui thought she had settled on this high school girl who she thought was extremely talented in writing but didn't understand the dangers of society, she saw Wen Qingyu smile slightly, just take a sip of coffee, and said lightly: "As far as I know, the current situation of your company is not optimistic. If President Xu only talks about these false things, then there is no need to waste time here."

Xu Rui was stunned again. Looking at the girl who had maintained a calm expression from beginning to end, she instantly understood that she was wrong. She should not have thought that this girl was a newbie who didn't understand the publishing industry at all. She What he did just now was simply the act of a clown...

At this time, Wen Qingyu praised Li Shushan in his heart: "You are so awesome. It made even the president of a publishing house lose his momentum."

Li Shushan chuckled: "You have to understand that you are unique, and the value of your work is immeasurable. You are a rare commodity, and you can always take the initiative."

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [General Member Bake] for the 500 reward, and [Constantine♂] for the 100 reward~~~

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