Wen Qingyu's words made Xu Rui, who was very good at calculating, no longer dare to underestimate the other party.

And the subsequent conversation between the two of course became more practical.

Among them, Wen Qingyu, who was behind Li Shushan's advice, certainly took the initiative.

Of course, Wen Qingyu is not as open-minded as a lion, but strives to achieve a win-win situation. After all, she is a pure new author. Although her works are indeed very popular on the Internet, whether her popularity can be expressed ultimately depends on sales volume. To speak.

Therefore, there is also a risk for Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House. Of course, this risk is very low. The commercial value of "Sword Breaks the Sky" can be said to be unquestionable.

The newcomer author Wen Qingyu was able to take the initiative in facing a medium-sized publishing house. This must be said to be a factor of luck. And taking advantage of the fact that Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House has chosen to join without a leading author, he can definitely enjoy the best resources. .

Of course, this is what Xu Rui can guarantee. She believes that Wen Qingyu definitely has the potential to become a leading author in a publishing house.

However, what Xu Rui didn't expect was that after Wen Qingyu asked for royalties that were much higher than those of ordinary new authors, she didn't want the publishing house to praise her personally and make her famous. She seemed to want to "stain the smell of copper with ink" "This pen name takes a mysterious route.

Such conditions really surprised Xu Rui, because the Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House, which has been experiencing turmoil, has indeed temporarily lost the ability to praise people.

In order to turn losses into profits, Xu Rui spent more energy on selling books, but now she lacks a real hit book!

Now as long as she has such a work, she can directly stabilize the morale of the army, and then realize the first step of the Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House's counterattack.

"Then, happy cooperation." Xu Rui showed a relieved smile. The dormitory made a lot of concessions. It is impossible for other publishing houses to be as humble as her when facing the author, but no matter what, they were able to publish "Sword Breaks the Sky". As a result, Just fine.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Wen Qingyu took the initiative to extend her hand. She knew that she had made a lot of money this time. A large part of it was due to Li Shushan, and the other was due to the poor situation of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House.

Generally speaking, an author who is not very confident in the commercial value of his works will definitely not cooperate with Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House. If this publishing house goes bankrupt, he himself will definitely suffer a loss.

But Wen Qingyu has been brainwashed by Li Shushan, saying that her work is the best and will definitely sell well, and she has become more confident. As long as the work sells well, the remuneration she will receive from the Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House will be Of course it is much larger than other publishing houses.

Even Xu Rui said with half helplessness and half happiness that Wen Qingyu's royalty share was already equivalent to that of popular authors in the industry, and no president of any publishing house had the courage to give such a share to her. On favorable terms.

This is also a big gamble. If it fails, her publishing house may never be able to turn around.

In an extremely friendly atmosphere between both parties. Xu Rui invited Wen Qingyu to have a meal again. A week later, the publisher could draft the contract and sign the contract. In this world, Hua was considered an adult at the age of sixteen, and no guardian was needed to sign the contract.

Wen Qingyu was not worried about being cheated at all, because she could ask Li Shushan to read the contract for her. She felt that Li Shushan was more reliable than the aunt who disliked her for being a drag.

As for Xu Rui, the president, society belongs to society, but there is no doubt that she is optimistic about Wen Qingyu's potential, and she believes that Wen Qingyu is also the kind of person who can cooperate with him for a long time. After all, Wen Qingyu can clearly The lion opened his mouth and forced Xu Rui to agree, but she did not do so. Instead, she made a choice that satisfied both parties.

Xu Rui only felt that Wen Qingyu's sense of propriety, or youth and maturity, combined with her talent, would allow her to prosper in the commercial literary world.

Maybe this is a genius. At such a young age, she can write a work like "Sword Breaks the Sky" that directly appeals to readers. Her own mind is undoubtedly far superior to other peers.

For such a genius, Xu Rui certainly would not mess with the contract, but decided to treat others with sincerity, so as to gain the sincerity of the other party.

Since Wen Qingyu can write such works at this age, her future is absolutely limitless!

Xu Rui's investment this time is not just a short-term operation!

After meeting the president of the publishing house, Wen Qingyu's forcibly disguised "everything is under control" disappeared in an instant, and only her soft and cute side appeared in front of Li Shushan.

She felt that what she gained from Li Shushan was not only an improvement in literary creation, but also a sense of security that she had never felt before, and the true care of the elders for the younger ones.

However, judging from Li Shushan's ancient attire of E Guanbo, he still looks very young, but he always calls himself "grandpa", which makes Wen Qingyu not know how to call him.

She definitely couldn't call him "Grandpa", so she simply called him "Brother Li" because her intuition told her that Brother Li should not be much older than her. She was a high school student, and Brother Li was at most a college student. Her talent and attainments in literature completely surpassed her who once just sat in a well and watched the sky.

"Brother Li, brother Li, how do you think I performed today?" Wen Qingyu asked Li Shushan, who was floating next to her. She was clearly asking for credit and reward.

"You're doing great. Didn't you see that the publisher president has already regarded you as the hope of her publishing house's counterattack? You just need to gain her complete trust step by step and grow with this Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House. When the time comes, In order to win over you, it is possible that she will give you shares." Li Shushan analyzed casually.

"Hey hehe..." Wen Qingyu couldn't help but laugh, "It's all because of your good teaching, Brother Li. Brother Li is indeed worthy of being Brother Li."

Wen Qingyu wanted to take the initiative to hold Li Shushan's hand and express his attachment to Li Shushan, but unfortunately he passed through it completely. It can be said that people and ghosts have different paths.

Wen Qingyu's smile faded, and she suddenly asked quietly: "Brother Li, will you leave me one day? For example, if you fulfill some wish, you will become a Buddha and go to another world. "

Li Shushan asked jokingly: "What if I really left you and went to another world?"

Wen Qingyu's eyes suddenly filled with mist, but she said with great determination: "Then I will try my best to go to that world to find you!"

Second update today! ! !

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