In fact, Li Shushan himself really doesn't know how Wen Qingyu will come to his real world, but he doesn't know that sometimes it can be surprising.

In any case, Li Shushan was quite happy when he wrote this "Literary Girl", because this time he did not directly let the magical artificial intelligence Alice mechanically restore the inspiration, but also wrote himself into it. In the novel, he also becomes the heroine's "grandpa" golden finger.

Of course, because the choice of the heroine Wen Qingyu's debut novel in "Artistic Girl" turned out to be a play on "Fights Break the Sphere", many old white readers complained that this entertainment novel was too much. The routine, this copy of "Fights Break the Sphere" is really bad!

And because the heroine, who was originally very artistic, was trained by "grandpa" to be obsessed with making money, so much so that "Artistic Girl" was hacked by fans of the bloody eunuch, and became "Money Girl"...

There are also some readers who are very sensitive and think that it is wrong to make the heroine financially independent in this book. They want to give the dead eunuch Xuehai Wuya a female boxing warning. How can a real female boxing make money and be independent? ? Men's money should be spent confidently, isn't it natural for men to raise women?

Heizi also commented that since the heroine in "Money Girl" is only thinking about making money, she might as well just go out and sell herself. Anyway, the heroine is so pure and charming.

Although Li Shushan did not give "Artistic Girl" to the magical artificial Alice to ghostwrite this time, he asked Alice to outline the image of the heroine Wen Qingyu in this work, and then used it as an illustration to appear in the main text of the novel. middle.

Then the image of Wen Qingyu, a pure and artistic person, attracted a group of new readers in a short period of time. They had not been fooled by the previous works of Blood Sea and the Endless Eunuch, so they were very attracted to it. decisive……

The result is naturally out of control. Although "Literary Girl" should be an old-fashioned entertainment work that has been criticized by readers in real life, ordinary readers are not so demanding. They think the illustrations in this book are so beautiful and exquisite. , pink!

All in all, because its subject matter is relatively popular and it has also accumulated a number of fans, it can be said that Li Shushan's "Literary Girl" has become more popular than his previous works since its publication!

There are many anti-fans who scold and read the book, making all kinds of weird and shady remarks, implying that it is destined to be a eunuch, but they always refuse to abandon the book. The reason is of course that they want to watch the book eunuch, and of course they are very happy to pursue it in private. ...After all, it is dark to deep natural pink.

In the world of "Artistic Girl", a week has passed quickly.

Wen Qingyu went to the appointment with Xu Rui, the president of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House, on time, and this time he officially signed the contract.

The contract has actually been negotiated long before, and the focus is still on the work "Sword Breaks the Sky". As for Wen Qingyu herself, as long as she continues to write commercial novels, she will definitely continue to cooperate with this publishing house, because it is indeed the most popular. If you are sincere, you will be offered the highest royalty share, which has reached 15%, while for ordinary new authors, it is only 8%.

If Wen Qingyu's commercial value becomes higher and higher in the future, her royalty share will definitely increase further.

In addition to the royalties, she can also get an "original fee", which is equivalent to submitting her work to a magazine, and then receiving the fee. The price is not high, only 100 words per thousand, and it can usually be published in magazines. If it is serialized, the manuscript fee will be 200 to 300 per thousand words.

This actually shows Wen Qingyu's sincerity. If she had spoken loudly, she could have asked for a higher manuscript fee, but she chose a higher royalty share. This basically made it clear that she believed that the sales of her works would be higher. It will definitely make up for the loss caused by the low original fee.

Of course Xu Rui is happy to see this happen. This can be regarded as her taking advantage. When she signs Wen Qingyu's new work in the future, the original manuscript fee will definitely not be so cheap, but her publishing house will definitely be out of trouble by then. Have stronger capital and attraction.

After receiving Li Shushan's nod, Wen Qingyu decisively signed a contract with Chunqiu Publishing House, because the contract did not have any hidden traps, and Xu Rui's sincerity could be seen completely.

After signing the contract, Wen Qingyu handed Xu Rui a 300,000-word manuscript and immediately received a royalties of 30,000. After deducting the manuscript tax, there was still an amount of nearly 27,000. This was simply the highest amount Wen Qingyu had ever seen in his life. The most money I have ever received!

And when the first volume of "Sword Breaks the Sky" is released, the steady stream of royalties will bring her continuous income. This work will probably be published in eight volumes, with a total of about 2.4 million words.

Maybe on the earth where Li Shushan is located, online novels with around 2.4 million words can only be considered medium-length. Many works are less than 4 million words, and they don’t seem to be considered complete online novels.

But in this water blue planet, works with such a large number of words are definitely very rare, but it is also written in the contract that as long as the subsequent sales of "Sword Breaks the Sky" are weak, it can be completed in advance, or it can be said to be cut in half.

In Li Shushan's view, given the quality of "Sword Breaks the Sky", there is no need to worry about cutting it in half. He can only worry that the publisher president is reluctant to finish the work...

The contract signing went very smoothly, and if Wen Qingyu were a famous writer, he would definitely hold a new book launch or something like that to promote "Sword Breaks the Sky" and get its sales off to a good start.

But holding this new book launch conference now is basically meaningless. After all, whether it is Wen Qingyu or Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House, the entire publishing industry is now very transparent and cannot arouse the interest of the media at all.

On the contrary, Changhuigong Publishing House, which had missed out on "Sword Breaks the Sky", has successfully signed a contract with the popular martial arts novelist Zhang Jinghan's new work "Sword and Fairy", and then Changhuigong Publishing House also held a grand ceremony for Zhang Jinghan. New book press conference, I only hope that "Sword Fairy" can achieve greater success!

Zhang Jinghan is a commercial novel writer who can still guarantee the sales of his works since the gradual decline of martial arts novels. At nearly forty years old, he is still at the peak of his creation, so he is certainly worthy of such an investment from the director of a large publishing house.

Obviously, in the eyes of the senior management of Changhuigong Publishing House, a creator like Zhang Jinghan who has long proven his commercial value will definitely sell better than the work of a new author. As for the popularity on the Internet, it is all false. …

It's very possible that "Sword Breaks the Sky" and "Sword Heroes" will be released at the same time, but now, no one compares the two together.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Xin Qi] and [Billion-year-old Book Dragon] for their 500 reward~~~

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