Now that Wen Qingyu's first commercial work "Sword Breaks the Sky" has signed a contract with Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House, her serialization on the Internet will of course be temporarily stopped. This is also an obligation to be fulfilled in the contract.

Many publishing houses do the same thing. It is precisely because of the extremely loose and developed publishing industry in Aquamarine that the online novel industry is just a supplement to the traditional publishing industry and is only used to discover new talents.

After Wen Qingyu received the manuscript fee, she also took advantage of the situation and issued a suspension statement in the latest update of "Sword Breaks the Sky", and of course its launch time.

In about half a month's time, "Sword Breaks the Sky" will be released on time, and of course I hope readers who like it will support it.

Of course readers will support it, because the place where she stops is so terrible. It is simply the use of business writing techniques of breaking chapters and climactic climaxes to the extreme!

The plot is that the protagonist Lin Feng has successfully advanced from the Great Perfection of Qi Refining to the Foundation Establishment Stage. With his age, reaching this Foundation Establishment Stage can definitely prove how talented he is. And he is also a sword cultivator, and his combat power can be said to be far beyond Other monks!

As for the family that his ex-fiancée came from, the leader's strength is only at the late stage of foundation building. With Lin Feng's current combat power, he can definitely challenge him!

It is worth mentioning that his ex-fiancée, who originally despised him as a waste, has not even reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining...

What follows is naturally a slap-in-the-face plot that many readers love to see. After watching "Sword Breaks the Sky" for so long, you have probably seen some of the "ink-stained copper-stinking" writing routines, that is, after the protagonist is upgraded, there will inevitably be a A cool and exciting plot of pretending to be slapped in the face.

However, even if readers see this trick, they still can't stop reading. This is probably the charm of this new world view setting and the creator's excellent writing style.

When Wen Qingyu’s statement about stopping updates appeared, readers’ reaction was of course very strong——

"Although I know that this book will definitely be published, is it a bit too cheating to stop updating at this critical moment?"

"Congratulations to the author for signing the contract for publication. I will definitely buy it as soon as possible!"

"The publication is also very good. Usually I don't read online novels. I made an exception for this book. Who made it so exciting?"

"I'm really unhappy that I can't read the following content right away. Can the author post a few more chapters..."

"I will definitely buy this great work. I feel that it will definitely become a hit and lead a new trend!"

"Huh? I just found out that "Sword Breaks the Sky" will be released at the same time as Zhang Jinghan's "Sword and Fairy". I feel like Zhang Jinghan, a guy who is resting on his laurels and is not as good as the other, will suffer a lot!"

""Sword Breaks the Sky" will definitely be booked as the best-selling work of this year. I have watched martial arts for so many years, but I have never found a work as novel and refreshing as it!"

Readers in this world have long been accustomed to popular works serialized on the Internet being signed and published by publishers. Therefore, except for some readers who are really eager to see the next plot and express their itch, most others Some readers still accepted this fact calmly.

This process of publishing and listing can be regarded as the "listing" of online novels. The suspension statement issued by Wen Qingyu is basically equivalent to the "remarks on the listing."

And Wen Qingyu's "remarks on the release" quickly spread throughout the publishing industry. It is of course a pity for some publishers who want to sign this work.

It's just that "Sword Breaks the Sky" has not yet been officially released on the market, and no one can tell whether its sales will be as strong as the response on the Internet.

After all, the reader stickiness of online novels is indeed a problem. Many readers may be attracted by new works and forget about "Sword Breaks the Sky".

But this is actually unlikely, because there is no doubt about the groundbreaking nature of this work. It is a model that uses the most novel settings and the simplest plot, and its commerciality has simply reached its peak!

Hao Dongxue, the editor of Changhuigong Publishing House, felt outrageous after seeing that the work she was optimistic about was signed by another publishing house, because now the senior management of Changhuigong Publishing House did nothing about it. In response, they all focused on Zhang Jinghan's new work "Sword Heroes", and they were so confident that there would be no rivals after this work was released!

Because during the period when "Sword and Fairy" was on the market, no other popular authors published works, and there were no other popular stand-alone works serialized in magazines. Is there any other work that can prevent the sales of "Sword and Fairy" from exploding?

Obviously, in the eyes of the senior management of this large publishing house, works like "Sword Breaks the Sky" are simply cannon fodder. How can it threaten "Sword and Fairy"?

At Zhang Jinghan's new book launch conference, some online self-media mentioned "Sword Breaks the Sky" and asked him what he thought of this work and whether its popularity could threaten "Sword and Fairy".

As a result, Zhang Jinghan was of course confused. His first reaction was - "Sword Breaks the Sky"? Could this be a new work by a popular writer? Otherwise, why would it threaten him?

Although Zhang Jinghan is always ridiculed by some anti-fans for resting on his laurels and writing seven martial arts books with the same outline, there are indeed many readers who like his style. The sales of each of his books are very stable, so he is not at all Don't worry about the sales of your own "Sword Hero".

Then when Zhang Jinghan heard that "Sword Breaks the Sky" turned out to be just an online novel written by a new author, he couldn't help but sneered: "Internet novel? It's just his luck that this kind of work written by a novice practicing pen was picked up by a publisher. , if he really wants to publish it, he will understand the cruelty of the publishing industry, so really don’t compare my works with online novels, because this is an insult to me.”

Zhang Jinghan's words can be said to be very rude, but no one thinks it is wrong, because in the eyes of famous authors, online novels, which have no threshold, cannot be put on the stage. It is just a novice village, and it is still very popular. Irregular novice village.

Generally, truly talented newcomers make their debut by directly submitting works for the Newcomer Award. Often, they will have no choice but to serialize their works on the Internet, hoping that they can counterattack through the power of netizens.

But countless facts have proven that online novels that can counterattack are too rare.


PS: If Changhuigong Publishing House directly typed the word "Yangtze River" and the publishing house, I don't know why it would be automatically harmonized, so it could only become Changhuigong Publishing House...

(::) It’s so difficult for me

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