Wen Qingyu herself doesn't actually pay attention to the right and wrong on the Internet. The reason is very simple, that is, she does not have her own mobile phone or computer.

So as soon as she got the manuscript fee from Xu Rui, she took out part of the money to buy mobile phones and computers. The prices were relatively moderate and cost-effective products.

At the same time, with Xu Rui's help, she rented an apartment of her own. Anyway, she was going to be completely independent from her aunt's house.

When "Sword Breaks the Sky" was released on this day, it happened to be the weekend, so Wen Qingyu came to the bookstore where she often went to see what the sales of her debut commercial novel were like.

What makes her quite satisfied is that the bookstore is obviously quite optimistic about the newly released "Sword Breaks the Sky", and it has been placed in a very conspicuous place.

Wen Qingyu walked over and picked up a brand-new first volume of "Sword Breaks the Sky". On its waistband, the slogan was exactly - the pioneering work of Xianxia novels, crushing all other novels. Martial arts works!

Then, the cover of "Sword Breaks the Sky" certainly looks particularly fairy-like. It is a young man dressed in white and snowy. An extremely mysterious fairy sword is suspended around him, as if nothing can resist his flying sword. technique.

Wen Qingyu has actually read the sample book a long time ago, and now that she has seen the finished book, she is quite satisfied. The book has a total of about 300,000 words and is priced at 20 yuan, which is quite conscientious.

According to the contract signed between Wen Qingyu and Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House, the royalty share is 15%, which means that for every copy of this work sold, Wen Qingyu will receive an income of 3 yuan.

Since there is no piracy in this country of Aquamarine, the standards for best-sellers are relatively high. Maybe in Li Shushan’s world, a novel can be considered a bestseller if it can sell 200,000 copies, but in this world, a novel is considered a bestseller. A novel must sell at least 1 million copies to be considered a bestseller!

Both Wen Qingyu and Xu Rui, the president of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House, believe that "Sword Breaks the Sky" can meet the standard of a bestseller. If it can sell 1 million copies, then Wen Qingyu's pre-tax royalties will be Will reach 3 million yuan!

So compared with her royalty income, her original manuscript fee of 100 words per thousand words is really insignificant...

Just when Wen Qingyu was rubbing the finished book in his hand, he realized that people had come to the bookstore one after another and happily chose to buy this book. They were the fans that the book had gained when it was serialized on the Internet.

Of course, there are some new readers who don't pay attention to online novels. They don't know that "Sword Breaks the Sky" is so famous on the Internet, but they are obviously attracted by the very arrogant waistline of this book. This book actually shouts The slogan of crushing martial arts!

You know, martial arts themes in this world are casually written poorly, but there are indeed many classics. It is indeed the most representative theme in China and even the entire East, probably just like Western fantasy works.

Therefore, if any work dares to shout the slogan of crushing martial arts, the first reaction of readers will definitely be disbelief.

However, some curious readers choose to browse the sample book specially for readers, and they are instantly attracted to it. Generally, after reading for ten or twenty minutes, they will decisively spend money to buy this work.

Because the Chinese country in this world is the most powerful country on Aquamarine, a true heavenly country, of course its people have learned to practice etiquette, and the behavior of reading white books in bookstores is almost non-existent.

Because almost every county town has a library where you can read white books. If you want to read, go there and read. Places like bookstores sell books.

Of course, there is also a bookstore business model that not only sells books but also allows readers to read white books. It makes money by selling other food, drinks and other products, so it just hopes that the flow of people can be larger.

Wen Qingyu heard many conversations among people who came together to buy books——

"This "Sword Breaks the Sky" is indeed very interesting. Its setting completely breaks away from the conventions of martial arts. It is indeed the pioneer of Xianxia novels!"

"Yeah, I heard others say that it is very popular on the Internet, but I am not used to reading books on the Internet at all. I still like the feeling of reading paper books. Now I can finally buy it back and read it slowly."

"In addition to "Sword Breaks the Sky", do you also want to buy "Sword and Fairy"? It seems to be Zhang Jinghan's new work. It seems that you have also read his works before."

"Zhang Jinghan's? There's a saying. Reading his novels is just a pleasure. The ones that are really worth buying are sincere works like "Sword Breaks the Sky"! Don't buy his, it's a waste of money."

"Indeed! I just read the beginning of Zhang Jinghan's new book, WDNMD. It's 9102 years ago, and he's still in the game of killing people and taking revenge. The protagonist falls off a cliff again, and then gets magical powers again..."

"So his books are really not worth buying. The ending of the marriage breakup in "Sword Breaks the Sky" is very novel. No other author has ever written like this!"

"Okay, stop talking. Let's buy the book quickly and go back to read it. If the follow-up of this book maintains the same level as the beginning, then I will definitely follow it!"

Wen Qingyu's face showed a look of joy. Perhaps his greatest joy as an author is that his works can be recognized by readers.

After listening to the conversation between the two book buyers just now, she couldn't help but also pay attention to "Sword and Sword Heroes" which was also displayed in a conspicuous place.

As the new work of the popular martial arts writer Zhang Jinghan, this work has obviously received more promotion resources than "Sword Breaks the Sky". On the waistband of the book, there are also messages from some famous writers, which are basically blowjobs. This is Zhang Jinghan’s new work.

If there were no "Sword Breaks the Sky", book buyers who might not have any better choices would buy Zhang Jinghan's new work.

But now that "Sword Breaks the Sky" is available, it can be said that the appeal of "Sword and Fairy" to readers has been greatly reduced!

Especially readers who have read the beginning of both books, they all unceremoniously abandoned Zhang Jinghan's new work, and very decisively chose "Sword Breaks the Sky", a "stained with ink" by an unknown newcomer author. Novel works created.

This directly caused the poor sales of Zhang Jinghan's new work, and this scene happened in many large bookstores and bookstores...

After the staff of bookstores and bookstores discovered that "Sword Breaks the Sky" was far more popular than "Sword and Fairy", they naturally placed the former in a more prominent position, while the latter moved further and further into the corner. .

This is probably like the movie schedule in theaters. Movies with high box office, good reputation, and strong stamina will definitely have a higher proportion of movies in the movie schedule!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [One Hundred Thousand Year Old Bookworm Junyou], [Constantine♂], and [Book Friends 20190823070905681] for their 100 tips~~~

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