Xu Rui, the president of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House, this time really put the possibility of the entire publishing house's re-emergence on the new work of "Sword Breaks the Sky" by a newcomer.

In fact, after she negotiated this work with extremely generous terms, many employees in the publishing house felt that their president had become ill and sought medical treatment!

And when Xu Rui announced that he would print 200,000 copies of this work for the first time, the employees of the publishing house felt that their president had lost his mind and gone crazy!

They didn't have much objection to Xu Rui's signing of "Sword Breaks the Sky". After all, this work is indeed excellent, and the conservative old employees in the entire publishing house have also stepped aside to make way for more talented people. Young people can quickly accept new ideas. Of course, the employees of Things will not have any prejudice against online novels.

However, even though they all agree with "Sword Breaks the Sky", they don't think that such a completely new work by a newcomer, or even a work without any Newcomer Award blessing, needs a first printing of 200,000 copies!

This has put almost the last bit of energy of the entire publishing house into this work. If its sales die suddenly, then the entire publishing house will definitely die with it!

Several loyal employees who had deep feelings for this publishing house and wanted to work with Xu Rui, who inherited the publishing house, to reverse the unfavorable situation of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House, could not help but persuade Xu Rui not to make such a desperate move... …

A first printing of 200,000 copies is really too much. Most new authors would already think highly of him if they printed 8,000 copies for the first time. In fact, if they print 8,000 copies, they might not be able to sell them all by then. Of course, the money lost on a work must be paid by the publisher.

Why is the situation of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House so bad? It’s because Xu Rui’s father also took a very aggressive step...

What is the difference between what Xu Rui is doing now and her father who has passed away and left behind such a mess?

However, Xu Rui chose to go his own way this time, and this also caused Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House to face another situation of turmoil. Everyone felt that Xu Rui, the president, was broken...

What is even more disappointing is that the opponent of "Sword Breaks the Sky" is actually the new work "Sword and Fairy" by Zhang Jinghan, the author of the popular martial arts novel!

Although Zhang Jinghan is not really a top commercial writer, the sales of his works are indeed very stable. Publishing houses that can publish his works will definitely not lose money. Cooperating with authors like him is much more reliable than betting on newcomers. .

This is also the reason why the large publishing house, Chang Huigong Publishing House, did not choose to sign "Sword Breaks the Sky", but chose Zhang Jinghan's "Sword Heroes".

All in all, all of this makes the employees of Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House feel that their publishing house is really going to be doomed...

Under such circumstances, Xu Rui held a meeting and asked everyone to at least wait until the first week sales of "Sword Breaks the Sky" were released.

However, before the first week's sales were released, on the first day after "Sword Breaks the Sky" was released, the employees of Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House had already changed their original rather decadent mental state.

The reason is simple. Some experienced employees can know the popularity of "Sword Breaks the Sky" just by going to the bookstore in person...

What makes them incredible is that the popularity of "Sword Breaks the Sky" is definitely at the best-seller level!

It has accumulated a large number of fans on the Internet. The readers who first bought it were the readers who couldn't wait to read the following plot. After waiting for half a month, they were really going crazy!

Therefore, their enthusiasm for buying books is really not comparable to that of traditional paper book readers.

"Sword Breaks the Sky" has nearly 100,000 collections on the website where it was first published, not to mention the readers who are too lazy to click on the collection and are only happy to save it in the browser. There are also some readers who did not read it on the website, but on the forum. among.

Online novels can be reprinted at will in this world, because they are posted on the Internet for free and are not signed by a website, so they can be reprinted in various ways.

The actual collection of nearly 100,000, plus the readers who read this work on other forums, made Xu Rui make such a seemingly crazy decision, that is, to directly print 200,000 copies of "Sword Breaks the Sky" !

This kind of approach of treating a new author as a best-selling author is a crazy move that only a publisher like Xu Rui, who makes huge bets, can do.

However, it turns out that this is very necessary!

Just because on the fifth day after the release of "Sword Breaks the Sky", all 200,000 copies of the first printing have been sold out!

However, this still did not satisfy the readers' thirst. On the contrary, more and more readers wanted to buy this work because of its superb creativity and perfect reputation!

Readers who have not bought the book yet have even gone to the Internet to find this work to read...

Even Xu Rui was confused at this time. She originally thought that the first printing of 200,000 copies was definitely an overestimation of the sales of "Sword Breaks the Sky". She felt that the sales of 150,000 copies in the first week was already the limit. Who knew that all 200,000 copies had been sold out in less than a week!

Then major bookstores and bookstores urged Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House to quickly supply the goods because they were also under pressure from readers!

Many readers go straight to the topic as soon as they enter the bookstore, that is, asking the staff if they still have "Sword Breaks the Sky"...

The answer of course is no, because it's sold out.

Some sensible readers even thought of sample books for people to try and asked if they could be sold.

The answer is of course no. As a result, many readers shamelessly read the sample book. Anyway, let’s get over it first.

All of this put a lot of pressure on the bookstores, so they naturally had no choice but to rush to Chunqiu Ancient and Modern Publishing House for supplies.

Xu Rui and the entire Spring and Autumn Ancient and Modern Publishing House were of course both sad and happy. She also arranged for it to be printed immediately and printed "Sword Breaks the Sky"!

With this big gamble, Xu Rui has completely become the authority of the entire publishing house, and many employees have admired her so much!

What a perfect vision is this?

The book I selected became such an instant hit!

"Sword and Fairy", which was previously considered to have absolutely surpassed "Sword Breaking the Sky" in terms of sales, has also released its first-week sales, which turned out to be less than 20,000 copies!

The first week sales of "Sword Breaks the Sky" is 200,000 copies because its first printing was only 200,000 copies. And based on this first week sales of "Sword and Fairy", its total sales may not even reach 200,000 copies. …

"Sword Breaks the Sky" is a hit!

"Sword and Fairy" hits the streets!

Second update today! ! !

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