After the first week's sales were released, many media outlets in the publishing industry, like cats smelling fishy smell, began to report on the sales of this issue.

The reason, of course, is that the media originally thought that Zhang Jinghan and his work "Sword and Fairy" would undoubtedly dominate the sales rankings of new works released in this issue.

However, who would have thought that a super dark horse like "Sword Breaks the Sky" would emerge?

There is no way, mainly because Zhang Jinghan was too high-profile before publishing the book. It can also be said that Changhuigong Publishing House invested a lot of publicity resources, but who would have thought that all the investment would be in vain?

What makes people gloat the most is that Zhang Jinghan unceremoniously mocked "Sword Breaks the Sky" at the new book launch conference, saying that this work is not worthy of being compared with his work...

What's the result now?

The sales volume of "Sword Breaks the Sky" completely crushed "Sword and Fairy"!

Of course, some good media couldn't help but visit Zhang Jinghan and ask him what he thought of such sales.

As a result, Zhang Jinghan pretended to be dead and kept silent about it, as if he had never raved about "Sword Breaks the Sky".

Some editors at Changhuigong Publishing House also resigned because they missed "Sword Breaks the Sky"...

The influence of "Sword Breaks the Sky" is absolutely far-reaching. It directly opened up a new theme called Xianxia and accelerated the decline of the martial arts theme.

Under the guidance of Li Shushan, the "grandpa", "Sword Breaks the Sky" is just the beginning, and many other genres will appear through Wen Qingyu's hands.

The creation of entertainment novels can be said to be a routine cycle. As long as the protagonist keeps creating works, and then they are praised by various readers, it is done. Of course, there will be some slap-in-the-face content mixed in.

Like the big plot of "Sword Breaks the Sky" written by Li Shushan before, it can be said to be an extremely standard routine, but readers of entertainment novels still accept this routine.

Some readers even think that this "Artistic Girl" or "Money Girl" is the most exciting one among the many works he has created. As long as this work can be completed, it will definitely become a super popular work. !

In fact, Li Shushan does not want it to end. He even hopes that the heroine "Wen Qingyu" who he has devoted a lot of effort to can one day come to reality and create more excellent works with his true talents and learning. Then use them to gather faith and add another way to reserve Li Shushan's magic power.

Li Shushan has indeed been very low-key recently. This is of course because Olivia, who returned home, has almost consumed all her magic power, which naturally prevents him from continuing to cause trouble.

However, in the process of writing his new book in a low-key manner, excellent news also came!

That is the ancient elf tree Luna's heroic ancient tree was finally conceived through the elf, and at the same time, the moon well was also conceived!

Li Shushan did not hesitate and directly used "Olivia's" body to teleport to the birthplace of Moon Well.

He looked at the crystal clear moon spring water in the moon well, took a big sip, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the moon well could indeed replenish his magic power reserves!

The arrival of "Olivia" certainly made the ancient elf tree Luna very excited, because everything she had now was given by this beautiful and gentle mage lady, and she very much hoped to be with this mage lady. Let's talk, at least know the name.

Li Shushan did not refuse the approach of the ancient elf tree Luna this time, because he was in a really good mood now. Although the moon well has only been built now, it did solve Li Shushan's urgent need!

And all of this is, of course, the result of Luna, the ancient elf tree.

For such a meritorious minister, Li Shushan will certainly not be stingy with his tenderness and kindness.

"Miss Mage! You finally came to me again." Luna's soft and melodious female voice appeared in Li Shushan's consciousness.

Indeed, for an ancient elf tree, such spiritual communication can be regarded as her basic skill.

Li Shushan responded to Luna like this: "I didn't expect that in such a short period of time when I planted you, you could make such a big splash here and even build the moon well. Your efficiency is really too high. It doesn’t look like a tree at all.”

When Luna, the ancient elf tree, heard Li Shushan's response, she couldn't help but subconsciously conceal her identity as a human. She said: "I just want to create my tribe faster."

Speaking of which, Luna, the ancient elf tree, has indeed become more accustomed to being an ancient elf tree, and she doesn't feel bad at all. Only after becoming an ancient elf tree did she realize how fragile and insignificant human beings are.

"I look forward to the appearance of the elves." Li Shushan responded calmly.

"Miss Mage, may I be lucky enough to know your name?"

"You can call me Olivia."

"Miss Olivia, where are you from?"

"I came from the void and traveled through endless planes and multiverses."

The ancient elf tree Luna was of course shocked for a moment when she heard this answer.

Mainly because her soul is from Earth and she has always received a materialistic education. Now this mysterious mage Olivia is clearly beyond her imagination!

It’s just that the ancient elf tree Luna thought that she had also become an ancient elf tree and possessed such powerful extraordinary power. It seemed natural that she could come into contact with a powerful and mysterious mage like Olivia... …

In addition, the ancient elf tree Luna also discovered one thing, that is, she was not hostile to Olivia at all. Logically speaking, she should stop her from drinking the fountain of life in the moon well without authorization.

It's a pity that she didn't stop him at all, and even thought it was a natural thing. Only then did she realize that she actually surrendered to this mysterious mage lady in her bones.

However, Luna, the ancient elf tree, did not feel dissatisfied. No matter how she looked at it, the other party was her savior, and he had even given her a favor, so she should do her best to repay her.

Luna, the ancient elf tree, had another conversation with "Olivia" and found that this mage lady was really very friendly to her and even treated her as her own child.

Finally, "Olivia" reassured Luna, the ancient elf tree, saying that with her here, there would be no need to worry about any forces interfering with Luna's creation of the elves.

Now, the hero "Elf Queen" is already growing in the ancient tree of heroes. It won't be long before she will grow out of the ancient tree of heroes.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Constantine♂] and [Book Friends 20190823070905681] for their 100 tips~~~

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