Chen Hui, you actually know that her taste buds are not sensitive at all, so the dishes she makes always lack something, and she really can't keep improving. This is a flaw in her talent.

And if she had the "God's Tongue", then of course the situation would be different.

Having the "God's Tongue" means that as long as she makes dishes that satisfy her own tongue in the future, other people who eat this dish will definitely think that this dish is perfect!

But if Chen Huiyou doesn't work hard to become better at cooking, then no matter what she eats, she will feel that the dishes made by others have flaws, making it impossible for her to swallow them.

This almost forces Chen Huiyou to continue to improve her cooking skills and pursue the ultimate perfection of every dish. Otherwise, she will definitely feel hopeless because she may eat dishes that she thought were delicious in the first place. , you will feel that something is not in place, such as the heat is not enough, or there is too much of a certain condiment.

With the "God's Tongue", Chen Huiyou just wants to taste the dishes cooked by her father again, because in her mind, the dishes cooked by her father are almost perfect, and she feels that the dishes cooked by herself Not as good as her father anyway, so what now?

She plans to use the "God's Tongue" to taste the dishes in the restaurants she often goes to, so as to experience the "God's Tongue" for herself, and at the same time to verify whether this "Chef God System" is real. So magical.

In addition to "God's Tongue", the system has also assigned her a task, which is to "start with egg fried rice".

The task requires Chen Huiyou to make a perfect egg fried rice first...

Chen Huiyou originally thought this task was very simple. Now that she has the system, she only feels that she has other blessings when cooking, as if she has the magic of cooking.

She felt that her hands were steadier, and her movements were more precise. Some of the very cool cooking skills that she could not do before were now as if an auxiliary system had been added.

This is probably like entering a real game. You don't need to actually master the skill to release the skill. You only need to use the skill with your mind.

Chen Huiyou felt like she was really in a dream. She had never thought that she could have such a feeling of control over everything when cooking. It was as if she suddenly had an epiphany. After more than 20 years of cooking skills, she felt like she was in a dream. Through tireless accumulation and systematic guidance and assistance, she was completely stimulated in one fell swoop, making her feel really great.

In the past, no matter what Chen Huiyou cooked, she always felt that it was separated by a layer of paper. She could never break through that layer of window paper. Maybe this was the so-called talent bottleneck?

But now that she has been bound to the "God of Cooking System", she feels that the bottleneck of her physical talent has been completely broken by a mysterious force. This feeling is like breaking through God's control over her. Dream seal, the whole person has cleared the clouds and mist to see the sunrise.

It took her a very short time to make a bowl of egg fried rice that would make ordinary people drool, because the egg fried rice looks full of color, flavor and flavor, and there are also a variety of rich side dishes in the fried rice. …

Chen Huiyou herself was very satisfied. She happened to be a little hungry now, so she tried to take a bite. Then she couldn't help but frowned deeply. What an unpalatable egg fried rice it was!

She found that there was too much salt in the whole egg fried rice, and then it was not fried evenly. Some places were really oversalted, and there seemed to be too much oil. At the end of the meal, there would definitely be a lot of oil left in the bowl, which made people dizzy. I couldn't finish this bowl of egg fried rice.

This bowl of egg fried rice is clearly just gold and jade on the outside and crumbs inside!

Then when she used the "God of Cooking System" to test the quality of the egg fried rice, she discovered that its quality was only "gray" and it was the lowest quality dish!

Perfect quality dishes must at least be of "purple" quality!

Gray quality, white quality, green quality, and blue quality correspond to rough, ordinary, sophisticated, and delicious quality dishes respectively. Only dishes with purple quality can be called perfect. As for the orange above purple, that is The most delicious thing a mortal can achieve.

Of course, dishes above the orange quality also exist, such as the so-called "luminous cuisine", "aphrodisiac cuisine" and other dishes that exist in fantasy works.

Chen Huiyou's "God's Tongue", in daily life, at least eats blue-quality dishes so that her body does not feel disgusted. Now she eats the gray-quality egg fried rice she made. It is true. One bite makes me want to vomit!

But after taking a bite, she truly discovered the ingenuity of the "God's Tongue". In addition to being able to discover that she had put the wrong amount of condiments, she also discovered that the ingredients were really not good enough.

But it seems that as long as she continues to complete the tasks of the "God of Cooking System", she will be able to obtain task rewards, which include some truly top-notch ingredients!

After Li Shushan distributed the "Chef God System" to Chen Huiyou, a malleable talent, of course he also prepared a variety of top-quality ingredients for this future female chef.

Among them are of course the "natural treasures" within the jurisdiction of the ancient elf tree Luna, and then Yu Shengfan is asked to kill chickens, ducks, fish and the like. With her luck, she can kill an ordinary broiler. , maybe even blue-quality ingredients can be revealed!

Of course, if you kill the green and pollution-free chickens that are specially raised, there will be a greater chance of releasing higher quality ingredients.

These ingredients are of course useless in the hands of Yu Shengfan, a player who has no life skills at all, but in the hands of Chen Huiyou, a girl who is lucky enough to have obtained the "God of Cooking System", they can definitely be made into extremely delicious dishes!

In this way, Olivia, an increasingly picky foodie, will definitely be happy. Maybe she will be very enthusiastic about looking for ingredients, and then distribute them to Chen Huiyou through this "Chef God System", so that she can Come and turn these precious ingredients into high-quality dishes with unique flavors.

For example, the task "Start with Egg Fried Rice" released by Chen Huiyou's system now. As long as you complete it, Chen Huiyou will be able to fully master the skills of making purple-quality egg fried rice, and then also obtain a kind of "elf rice" ingredient, which Produced in the "Misty Forest"...

And Chen Huiyou, who has mastered this egg-fried rice skill, sets the price of egg-fried rice at 80 yuan a portion, and there must be people flocking to it!

After all, food and love are the only things in this world that cannot be denied.

Thanks to [Constantine♂] and [Book Friends 20181228045430299] 100 reward~~~

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