For Li Shushan, he distributed a very serious "Chef God System" to Chen Huiyou, who was aspiring to make a career in cooking. He was actually the real profiteer.

Chen Huiyou's binding to this system means that she has joined the Magic Network, and as long as she completes the tasks issued by the system, her learning, thinking, and emotional changes can produce magic power in the process.

Li Shushan had bound people to a rather ridiculous system before, turning them into wage earners in the process.

Of course, the magic power generated by Chen Huiyou's completion of system tasks is not really a critical thing. After all, she also consumes magic power. Her physical talent will also be further improved with the promotion of magic power. In short, it will allow her to change from a A chef who is not very talented, through unremitting efforts, becomes a real chef!

As for the at least perfect dishes she made, the first ones to taste them were of course Li Shushan, Olivia and others.

Before Chen Hui became famous, the only people who would patronize her business were Li Shushan and others. Even if she became a truly world-famous chef in the future, she would definitely put Li Shushan and others first. One person.

The reason is very simple. The store she opens next called "Chef God's Home" is a store that is bound to the system at the same time. The customers are not just people on earth, but customers from all over the world!

Yes, the "House of God of Cooking" will be a store for diners from all over the world, but of course there is an unlocking process. Only when Chen Huiyou's cooking skills are truly perfected will all the functions of the system be unlocked. .

Chen Huiyou is a person who can keep her true intentions. Only people like her are qualified to be bound to the serious system, because she can really bring out the maximum effect of the system.

Her first task was "starting with egg fried rice." She tried again and again to make perfect quality egg fried rice, and it finally took her five full days to complete!

During this process, she even ate egg fried rice for every meal, and then she devoted almost all her time to trying again and again. With each try, she could feel her progress through the system!

This kind of progress can be said to make her intoxicated. After all, she had no system before. No matter how hard she tried, she could not feel her progress. She always felt that there was a transparent ceiling blocking her.

But now, after having the "God of Cooking System", she feels that everything is different. It is really great that as long as you work hard, you will gain something!

Of course, some people obviously know this truth, but they just can't make the effort. This is because people are lazy. Many people are always in their comfort zone and lack real perseverance, and then they become more and more tired. Salted fish, depravity...

But Chen Huiyou is not such a person. She is a person who truly has dreams. Even before there was a system, she did not relax at all in her cooking skills and devoted almost all her business time to it!

It's a pity that her efforts are not proportional to her gains, but it still hasn't shaken her dream!

Maybe in the eyes of others, she is just too stupid, and her efforts are completely in the wrong direction. She should find where she is truly talented and then put her efforts into it, otherwise her whole life will be wasted.

But what's the use of having real talent if she doesn't like it?

As long as she really likes a career, even if she has no talent, she is still willing to give 200% of her efforts. Even if she gets twice the result with half the effort, it doesn't matter. As long as she likes it, she can stick to it!

It was such an almost fool-like persistence that impressed Li Shushan, the man behind the scenes who likes to make systems and change the life of the "protagonist".

Maybe Chen Huiyou will become a very special transcendent in China, and she will also face official investigation, but that will definitely be after she makes dishes that surpass orange quality...

However, with Chen Huiyou's focus on cooking, she would never consider such a problem. Anyway, after having the "God of Cooking System", she is like a fish in water, with the feeling that every effort will be rewarded. , it’s really great!

This is the serious system. It is not a golden thigh that allows the hosts to soar into the sky after being bound, but something that allows the hosts to become more powerful through hard work. It makes things like talent no longer so important. important.

The most important thing, of course, is the host's own personality, self-control, perseverance, etc., which can make the host's efforts always valuable!

Tan Keying, who is now rising to prominence in China's scientific community step by step through the "Future Science and Technology System of Academic Masters", is obviously the host of this type of hard work and perseverance!

Maybe learning is a very painful process for other people, but for Tan Keying, learning is a kind of enjoyment. If she doesn't study for a day, she will feel uncomfortable!

The same is true for Chen Hui now. If she doesn't cook for a day, she will feel uncomfortable all over. Now she wants any of her dishes to be at least green quality, and preferably blue delicious quality. Starting with egg fried rice, she First of all, we must conquer ordinary home-cooked dishes, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, braised eggplants, mushrooms and vegetables.

Chen Hui's enthusiasm allowed her to complete the tasks released by the system without any difficulty!

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, she is like a fool who insists on making a dish to perfection, even eating egg fried rice for five days!

But Chen Hui, you are truly happy!

After she completed the perfect quality egg fried rice, of course the system also issued a task - to invite the legendary mage Olivia and her friends to taste the perfect quality egg fried rice you made...

Chen Hui was certainly confused when she saw this mission. Although the magic of the "God of Cooking System" had completely changed her original world view, she really didn't know the legendary mage Olivia. Ya?

Is it possible that such a legendary mage is still on earth?

How should she contact the other party and let the other party taste the delicious food she made?

When she was thinking this way, the "God of Cooking System" reminded her that as long as she has the "God of Cooking Home" restaurant, she can invite powerful people from all over the world to eat the food she cooks, which is okay. Compete with culinary masters from all over the world!

However, she has not unlocked the "House of the God of Cooking" yet. If she wants to cook for Olivia, she can only go to Olivia in person...

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 1000 reward, [Long Yiyu] and [Book Friends 20180321235221815] for the 500 reward, [Long Zu Zhu Yin] and [Heart Dust Origin] for the 100 reward~~~

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