What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 303 Cooking for Olivia on behalf of all mankind

Chen Hui is a little nervous now, because she is about to be dragged by the "God of Cooking System" to cook for the legendary mage Olivia.

It is obviously a very simple "egg fried rice". Through her persistent liver strength and the ability of "God's Tongue", she can guarantee that every time she makes this "egg fried rice", she can make it reach the blue level. Delicious color and quality.

As for the perfect quality of purple, she can usually explode it within five times. Of course, this is using ordinary rice. If she uses the "elf rice" rewarded by the system, then she is confident that she can make purple, even Orange quality "Egg Fried Rice"!

After such a long period of study, she finally discovered that sometimes the ingredients are the key to determining the upper limit of a dish, and the lower limit of the quality of a dish is of course her own cooking skills.

So when she used the "God of Cooking System" to practice her cooking skills, she would use very ordinary ingredients at the beginning to practice her proficiency. By the time she used ordinary gray ingredients, she could make green, high-quality and even blue dishes. When looking for delicious and high-quality dishes, if she uses better ingredients, there is a high chance that she can produce higher-quality dishes.

This time she was going to cook for the legendary mage Olivia. She decided to first observe what kind of background this legendary mage was. If it looked like he was not easy to kill, then she would definitely take out the "Elf Rice" This system produces purple quality ingredients.

The reward for Olivia's cooking task this time also made Chen Huiyou full of daydreams, because as long as she is satisfied, she can improve her favorability with Olivia. When the favorability is high, , she can even ask Olivia to do something for her!

Before Chen Huiyou took on this task, she spent the points awarded after completing the system task and asked the omnipotent "God of Cooking System" in her mind for general information about Olivia, the legendary mage.

Then Chen Hui, you were shocked!

Because according to the description of the "God of Cooking System", Olivia is actually the only remaining legendary mage in the entire world. She is the only one among the mages, and she is the only one who has mastered the entire magic system!

As for why other mages no longer exist, this "God of Cooking System" certainly has no answer.

Chen Hui, you instinctively feel that this "God of Cooking System" seems to be nonsense. If there really is a fantasy profession like magician that always appears in human novels in this world, then there will definitely not be the only one in the world. Olivia is a mage. If you just say that she has the deepest research into the nature of magic...

Anyway, Chen Hui, you don’t believe it, there is only one legendary mage, Olivia, in this world.

But in any case, based on the description of Olivia by the "God of Cooking System", the other party must be a real big shot. At the same time, the "God of Cooking System" also reminded Chen Huiyou that Olivia has tasted everything on the earth. Food, including three Michelin stars, can no longer satisfy Olivia's pursuit of food.

Therefore, now Chen Huiyou can be said to represent the entire human chef, she is the top performer in the human gourmet world!

This statement made Chen Huiyou feel confused but also inexplicably filled with a sense of responsibility. She must go all out for this task this time!

After Chen Huiyou adjusted everything about herself and prepared all her kitchen utensils and ingredients, she finally chose to accept the task of "making egg fried rice for the legendary mage Olivia and her friends"!

She is now cooking for Olivia on behalf of all mankind!

After accepting this system task, Chen Huiyou's unbelievable scene appeared again!

A space portal suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The entire portal was a gorgeous blue. It was very similar to the portal that appeared after using the scroll to return to the city in the game Diablo 2. Generally, portals on the earth are of this color, but If the portal leads to another plane, it will be red.

As for the "space crack" that Li Shushan saw in the single apartment he rented, it was pure black, which made people feel very depressed when looking at it.

It must be said that Olivia was able to escape from the turbulence in space, which was truly a miracle.

Chen Huiyou stepped into this blue space portal with some expectation...

She now really feels that she has become a representative of humanity. She guesses that she may be the first person among all humans to meet aliens or magicians from other worlds. She must not embarrass her own race!

Although Chen Huiyou has never been exposed to online novels, she has still read "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings". In her mind, the image of a wizard is probably Dumbledore, Gandalf and the like. , that is, the old man with a staff and a particularly long beard...

She thought that Olivia was also the kind of grandfather or grandmother who would probably give herself a flash spell when fighting, and then just use a staff or sword to fight. A mage who doesn't engage in melee combat is definitely not a good fighter!

When Chen Huiyou passed through the space portal, of course the place he arrived at was the mage tower that Olivia had built on the earth.

That's right, in the place blessed by the "Amaterasu Shrine" in Japan, on the land purchased by Li Shushan, in the center of the "horror amusement park", a mage tower has been completely built!

This was of course faster than expected. The reason was naturally that after Olivia returned to her home plane, she directly packed away all the inheritance from the empty Mage Council.

After all, there were no more mages in her home plane, so of course those mage towers became ownerless things, so she didn't show any courtesy and just took the remaining precious materials as her own.

After all, she is the only mage in the world. If she doesn't use these materials, no other mage can use them.

Integrating her home plane into Su Wuming's world would also make it easier for her to find those precious materials that mages only need.

With these precious materials, Olivia, who had decided to regard the earth as her second home, naturally began to work hard to build her new Mage Tower. With these precious materials, the construction speed of the Mage Tower can be said to be rapid!

It's just that this process consumes a lot of magic power. After all, golems are used to do various coolies and speed up construction. This is more efficient than Japanese construction companies!

At this time, Chen Huiyou, who came to Olivia's new mage tower, seemed like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden...

Second update today! ! !

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