It must be admitted that in Olivia's rebuilt mage tower, it can be said that she has made full use of the legacy of the mage council in her home plane.

In addition, she also added a lot of things that are unique to technological civilization. For example, her current golems basically use the artificial intelligence technology on the earth.

And if Olivia's original mage tower had only one core, now it has multiple cores, allowing all areas of the mage tower to operate faster.

With such a mage tower, Olivia already feels that she is truly invincible, because she has truly absorbed the essence of her own civilization, as well as the essence of the earth's civilization.

Such a mage tower cannot be destroyed even if humans use the most lethal weapons at this stage!

Because of this, Li Shushan naturally became more arrogant. After all, no matter what he did, he felt very at ease with Olivia as his strong backing.

This time, the task issued by Chen Huiyou's "God of Cooking System" was of course secretly controlled by Li Shushan. After all, he also wanted Olivia to taste more delicious food, and of course he could take advantage of it.

After all, this task is for Chen Huiyou to make egg fried rice for Olivia and her friends...

Chen Hui, when you really saw Olivia, you were shocked again!

This is of course because the appearance, appearance, and temperament of this legendary mage she imagined were completely beyond her expectations!

Chen Hui, you think she should be at least an "old lady". After all, she is a legendary mage, so she must be old.

But Olivia's beauty put Chen Hui to shame, and she simply didn't know what to say. And judging from her appearance, Olivia was too young...

This even made Chen Huiyou doubt the identity of the other party. Maybe the other party was not a real legendary mage, but just his apprentice.

When she thought this, Olivia took the initiative to say hello to her.

In any case, Olivia still has great trust in Li Shushan. Since Li Shushan told her that this girl who was lucky enough to be bound to the "God of Cooking System" can already make delicious food that surprises her, then of course she has a reason Looking forward to seeing you Chen Hui.

Of course, Chen Huiyou responded to Olivia politely. She felt that the legendary mage was still a little cold, and she was not the kind of person who was particularly good at communication, so she felt a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Li Shushan's appearance relieved Chen Huiyou's embarrassment.

Just because Li Shushan is a very approachable person, as the person who truly gave Chen Huiyou the "God of Cooking System", he learned more about what kind of girl this host is through the system.

It can be said that Chen Huiyou's obsession with cooking and pursuit of her dreams make Li Shushan admire her. With such a host, even if she does not have the "God of Cooking System", she will definitely be accomplished in cooking one day. .

If everyone can focus on doing one thing all his life, then his achievements in this matter will definitely not be much worse. Unfortunately, many people do not have such perseverance.

The "God of Cooking System" is just an assistant to Chen Huiyou, but it has indeed accelerated the improvement of Chen Huiyou's cooking skills and brought her closer to her dream.

Li Shushan did not directly ask Chen Huiyou to start cooking. Instead, like the real owner of the Master Tower, he took the host of the "God of Cooking System" to visit the unique features of the Master Tower. She was on the observation deck of the Mage Tower, admiring the scenery outside.

Chen Hui, you just realized that you were actually transported to Japan by the system. The key is that she is still on Earth...

Why is the legendary mage's mage tower on Earth?

Or is it this "supernatural recovery" Japan?

That's right, although Chen Huiyou is oblivious to what's going on outside the window and is focused on improving her cooking skills, she still knows that the Japanese country next door to the Chinese country is now full of demons.

Although these contents have long been blocked on the Internet in China, the existence of the Magic Network has made it impossible to hide the extraordinary phenomena that occur in other countries. Anyone who has access to the Magic Network can know this information.

But what Chen Huiyou didn't expect was that a legendary mage from another world actually appeared in the Japanese country. Now the "God of Cooking System" has issued a task to cook for this legendary mage. Isn't this considered... Are you trying to please this legendary mage?

If she gains the friendship of the other party, even if various extraordinary events happen in the country of China next, as long as she has the protection of this legendary mage, she can definitely guarantee her safety, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Huiyou became enthusiastic about completing this system task, and she directly prepared to use the purple-quality "elf rice" that she had been reluctant to use to make this egg fried rice.

And Li Shushan's image in Chen Huiyou's mind has become more unpredictable, mainly because of the legendary mage, who obviously listens to this seemingly ordinary young man.

So how could this young man not be a boss?

Although in the description of the system, this man should be the friend of the legendary mage, how could someone who can be friends with the legendary mage be an ordinary person?

Chen Huiyou has already imagined Li Shushan as a big boss from other worlds. As for why they came to Japan, it must be because Japan has become a distortion point of time and space. It is estimated that big bosses from all over the world can do it. There are various ways to get to this place.

And the appearance of Su Wuming next surprised Chen Huiyou again. It turns out that this beautiful swordsman will also be the one to taste her dishes...

Chen Huiyou could only muster up her energy, and started making egg fried rice in the kitchen prepared for her in the mage tower. She felt that she was in very good condition this time, and she would definitely be able to make the perfect purple rice. I just don’t know if I can hit the orange quality, which is the ultimate delicious food that mortals can make!

Li Shushan actually wanted to bring Yu Shengfan over, but Yu Shengfan was more interested in games. She was busy playing training matches, so he had to pack the egg fried rice made by Chen Huiyou for her to eat. .

Before Chen Huiyou started, she sighed in her heart about the kitchen in the mage tower. It was really the perfect kitchen in every chef's mind, and there were actually elves in the kitchen waiting for her command to help her. They are definitely the best helpers...

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Before the God’s Throne—Lucifer] for the 2000 reward, [Boundless Eyes] for the 1000 reward, [Ling Feisi] for the 500 reward, [Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming], [Mao Tou 990], [Smiling Smiling and Sighing Ups and Downs] ], [saynol], [CC falls in love with a cat], [Ancient Huangdi], [Hui Shuo Night Sky], [Book Friends 2019022722]’s 100 reward~~~

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